Rulofo Ta Tombii rota
1 OPI Mbarapara ka'da rulofo te märi. Kigye mandre nda 'ba lowa tombi ro tegate dori inya 'bädri'ba ro olona vosi ondro inya to'di kogo keto omba te owo. 2 Rulofo maro ya ondro mandre tombii konde ŋgase cini lururo wari ya onyana te kyiti oko, matate makye: “Äye OPI Mbarapara, molo'baru miri nye'be lidri miro Yisaraele ro! Ànya unina adrine eŋwanyeya? Ànya orivoya pari giṛiŋwa ro!”
3 OPI eta yi teni tase ono oyevoya si; ago atate ekye: “Tase ono a'dona kote oso inye.”
Rulofo Ta Asi rota
4 OPI Mbarapara ka'da rulofo aza kpate märi. Mandre rulofo aza kpate ni OPI Mbarapara resi. Kigye mandre nda ka ugu ruede lidri ndaro ezane asi si. Asi je gyibebelebe se gyini zele 'do te ago eto gyini uje te. 5 'Dooko matate makye: “Molo'baru miri OPI Mbarapara, miye ta ono ko! Lidri miro Yisaraele ro unina adrine eŋwanyeya? Ànya orivoya pari giṛiŋwa ro!”
6 Ago OPI go eta yi kpate ni ta ono oyevoya ago atate ekye: “Tase ono unina kpa kote a'done.”
Ta Rulofo Ŋgaojo Iba si rota
7 OPI ka'da rulofo aza kpate märi. Kigye mandre nda te edrevoya tiṛi se abebe iba ŋgaojoro si ana lomvo, iba ŋgaojoro be drì ndaro ya. 8 Nda eji mate ekye: “Amosa, mindre e'diyi ya?”
Mazatadrite makye: “Iba ŋgaojoro yi.”
'Dooko nda atate ekye: Ma oye iba ŋgaojoro ezine lidri maro Yisaraele ro lako ago märi ànya e'bene eza akona te i'do. 9 Voi se zelevoi Yisika ro kayibe mätu kigyesi eperena 'da. Voi alokado Yisaraele ro a'dona 'da tandro ro. Ago ma'bana äfuna zelevoi 'bädri'ba Yeroboama ro 'da.
Amosa ndi Amazia be
10 Amazia kohani Betele ro zo lazo te Yeroboama 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro ri ekye: “Amosa ka taäyi milomvo lidri lako. Ata ndaro ono perena 'bädri ndi. 11 Ono ni tase nda kabe atana owo ekye: ‘Äfuna Yeroboama 'da kyila ya, ago äruna lidri Yisaraele ro 'da midiro, lozo ni 'bädri ànyaro yasi.’ ”
12 'Dooko Amazia atate Amosa ri ekye: “Nyoyi ni nosi nebi! Mimu 'bädri Yuda ro ya, miri ago mipe ta lau ayani. 13 Migo mipe ta ko alona noŋwa Betele ya. Tana ono orivoya vo mätu ro 'bädri'ba ro, ago yekalu tu'de ro.”
14 Amosa zatadrite ekye: “Ma kätina ko nebi yi, ca kpa ko ŋgwa Nebi aza ro, oko ma orivoya lekye'ba yi, ago ice kyi'du ro vona ondre'bana yi. 15 Oko OPI ru mate ni losi maro timele lekye ro yasi ago ta mate oyine taopene lidri Yisaraele ro ri. 16 Ka'do inye yauono nyeri tase OPI kabe atana ono. Nya ata märi ko taäŋgune lidri Yisaraele ro lomvo ago ko taopene zelevoi Yisika ro ri. 17 Ago ta'dota Amazia, OPI ka ata miri ekye: ‘Toko miro a'dona 'da ronyi'ba ro 'bakici ya, ago ŋgwai miro äfuna 'da kyila ya. 'Bädri miro olonyina yana 'da, ago mi modo midrana 'da 'bädri atra ya. Ago endaro äruna lidri Yisaraele ro 'da midiro ni wari modo ànyaro ro yasi.’ ”
A Vision of Locusts
1 I had a vision from the Sovereign Lord. In it I saw him create a swarm of locusts just after the king's share of the hay had been cut and the grass was starting to grow again. 2 In my vision I saw the locusts eat up every green thing in the land, and then I said, “Sovereign Lord, forgive your people! How can they survive? They are so small and weak!”
3 The Lord changed his mind and said, “What you saw will not take place.”
A Vision of Fire
4 I had another vision from the Sovereign Lord. In it I saw him preparing to punish his people with fire. The fire burned up the great ocean under the earth and started to burn up the land. 5 Then I said, “Stop, O Sovereign Lord! How can your people survive? They are so small and weak!”
6 The Lord changed his mind again and said, “This will not take place either.”
A Vision of a Plumb Line
7 I had another vision from the Lord. In it I saw him standing beside a wall that had been built with the use of a plumb line, and there was a plumb line in his hand. 8 He asked me, “Amos, what do you see?”
“A plumb line,” I answered.
Then he said, “I am using it to show that my people are like a wall that is out of line. I will not change my mind again about punishing them. 9 The places where Isaac's descendants worship will be destroyed. The holy places of Israel will be left in ruins. I will bring the dynasty of King Jeroboam to an end.”
Amos and Amaziah
10 Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, then sent a report to King Jeroboam of Israel: “Amos is plotting against you among the people. His speeches will destroy the country. 11 This is what he says: ‘Jeroboam will die in battle, and the people of Israel will be taken away from their land into exile.’”
12 Amaziah then said to Amos, “That's enough, prophet! Go on back to Judah and do your preaching there. Let them pay you for it. 13 Don't prophesy here at Bethel any more. This is the king's place of worship, the national temple.”
14 Amos answered, “I am not the kind of prophet who prophesies for pay. I am a herdsman, and I take care of fig trees. 15 But the Lord took me from my work as a shepherd and ordered me to come and prophesy to his people Israel. 16 So now listen to what the Lord says. You tell me to stop prophesying, to stop raving against the people of Israel. 17 And so, Amaziah, the Lord says to you, ‘Your wife will become a prostitute in the city, and your children will be killed in war. Your land will be divided up and given to others, and you yourself will die in a heathen country. And the people of Israel will certainly be taken away from their own land into exile.’”