Ŋgapäṛi Jalia ro
1 “Ondro mìkyi miru wari se OPI Lu amiro kabe ozona ämiri drimbi ro ana te ago nyàte ori kigye lau oko, 2 beṛo 'di cini ri rukä doŋgo drikäti jalia ro cini se kabe owa wari ya 'do urune, ago miri o'bane koṛiga ya, ago oyine sina vose alodi mätu ro se OPI Lu amiro kabe onjina nda mätuza kigye ana ya. 3 Ago miri oyine kohani se ni vo losi roya tu ana si ana re, ago nyata ndäri mikye: ‘Ondro ono mamate OPI Lu maro ya tana mecite wari se nda ko'ba tao'ba na be zutui amaro ri ozone ämäri ono ya.’
4 “'Dooko kohani na 'do uruna koṛiga gwo ni mirigyesi ago o'bana gwo vuru mile vo tori oloro OPI Lu amiro roya. 5 'Dooko nyatana ta kwoi gwo OPI Lu amiro kandra mikye: ‘Täpi maro Arama'ba aba'ba yi wayiro, se oyite ago rite le Ezipeto ya. Oti ànyaro toto fereŋwa, oko lau ànya a'doyite amba tu'de mbaraekye ro. 6 Ago Ezipeto'bai yeyi ama te siomba si, ago ezayi amate ago 'bayi ama te losi oyene iyeäṛi ro. 7 'Dooko mìliyite OPI Lu zutui amaro ri, ago OPI eri liyi amaro te, ago ndre rueza amaro, losi oye rritiekye si amaro ndi oye amaro koziro ono be te. 8 Ago nda lofo ama teni Ezipeto yasi mbara ndi aṛi ndaro be si. Nda ye rubä ndi talaro ro be te, ndi ŋgase turina ka 'di osooso ana be. 9 Nda ezi ama te le vo ono ya ago ozo wari ono te ämäri, wari se orivoya kado ago ŋgaamba be ono. 10 Ta'dota yauono mezi doŋgo drikäti se OPI kozobe märi ono teni ndäri no.’
“'Dooko mi'bana koṛiga gwo vuru OPI Lu miro kandra ago nyamätuna gwo nda kandra lau. 11 Nya'do riyä si ta ŋgase cini kado OPI Lu miro kozobe miri ndi katidri miro be 'do rota, ago mi'ba Lewe'bai ndi 'diatra ro se kabe ori ami lako iyi be kikyi kodro'beruyi mi be karama na oyevoya.
12 “Ondro nyozo telesi alo 'bute ŋga cini se kilitibe miri ndroa nina ya (se ni ndroa telesi alo 'bute ŋgaro ozoro) a'do te Lewe'bai, atrai, kenvoi, ndi ävuzii be ri, tana ànya ka'doyi robe ŋgase cini ànya kolebe onyane 'do be oko, 13 'dooko nyata OPI Lu miro ri mikye: ‘Ŋgase cini alokado ono molofote kpeye ni zo maro yasi ago mozote Lewe'bai, atrai, kenvoi, ndi ävuzii be ri, oso nyozo ota na be märi oyene ronye. Menji ota miro aza alona kote, ca mije tana kpa ko. 14 Tuse mabe liyivoya si; manya alodi aza ŋga telesi alo 'bute ro kote, ago tuse ma be undiro si; molofo azana kote ni zo maro yasi, ago mozo azana kote ŋgapäṛi ro avo ri, maro mi OPI maro te; maye ŋgase cini nyozo ota na be märi ono te. 15 Mindrevo vuru ni vo alokado miro vo'buyakuru ya ana yasi ago nyäṛu lidri miro Yisaraele ro; ago nyäṛu wari se kado ŋgaamba be nyozobe ämäri ono, oso mi'ba tana be zutui amaro ri ronye.’
Lidri OPI Modo ro
16 “Ondro ono OPI Lu amiro ka ami ota tase cini arabe kwoi orone; ka'do inye miro ànya ya cini amiro si ago lindri cini amiro si. 17 Ondro ono mini OPI te anjioko nda ni Lu amiro owo; mi'ba tao'ba te nda orone, ota cini ndaro ätine, ago tase cini nda kota ami be sina 'do orone. 18 Ondro ono OPI letadrite ämiri a'done lidri modo ndaro ro, oso nda ko'ba tana be ämiri ronye; ago nda ta ami te ota cini ndaro orone. 19 'Dooko nda o'bana ami ndi para ndrani tu'dei se cini nda ko'babe kwoi drisi, ondro ka'do nyäräṛu ago mi'ba ävuru ndaro te a'done likuliku ro, ago orooro ro, 'dooko nyà'dona ndi lidri alokado OPI Lu amiro ro, oso nda ko'ba tana be ronye.”
Harvest Offerings
1 “After you have occupied the land that the Lord your God is giving you and have settled there, 2 each of you must place in a basket the first part of each crop that you harvest and you must take it with you to the one place of worship. 3 Go to the priest in charge at that time and say to him, ‘I now acknowledge to the Lord my God that I have entered the land that he promised our ancestors to give us.’
4 “The priest will take the basket from you and place it before the altar of the Lord your God. 5 Then, in the Lord's presence you will recite these words: ‘My ancestor was a wandering Aramean, who took his family to Egypt to live. They were few in number when they went there, but they became a large and powerful nation. 6 The Egyptians treated us harshly and forced us to work as slaves. 7 Then we cried out for help to the Lord, the God of our ancestors. He heard us and saw our suffering, hardship, and misery. 8 By his great power and strength he rescued us from Egypt. He worked miracles and wonders, and caused terrifying things to happen. 9 He brought us here and gave us this rich and fertile land. 10 So now I bring to the Lord the first part of the harvest that he has given me.’
“Then set the basket down in the Lord's presence and worship there. 11 Be grateful for the good things that the Lord your God has given you and your family; and let the Levites and the foreigners who live among you join in the celebration.
12 “Every third year give the tithe—a tenth of your crops—to the Levites, the foreigners, the orphans, and the widows, so that in every community they will have all they need to eat. When you have done this, 13 say to the Lord, ‘None of the sacred tithe is left in my house; I have given it to the Levites, the foreigners, the orphans, and the widows, as you commanded me to do. I have not disobeyed or forgotten any of your commands concerning the tithe. 14 I have not eaten any of it when I was mourning; I have not taken any of it out of my house when I was ritually unclean; and I have not given any of it as an offering for the dead. I have obeyed you, O Lord; I have done everything you commanded concerning the tithe. 15 Look down from your holy place in heaven and bless your people Israel; bless also the rich and fertile land that you have given us, as you promised our ancestors.’
The Lord's Own People
16 “Today the Lord your God commands you to obey all his laws; so obey them faithfully with all your heart. 17 Today you have acknowledged the Lord as your God; you have promised to obey him, to keep all his laws, and to do all that he commands. 18 Today the Lord has accepted you as his own people, as he promised you; and he commands you to obey all his laws. 19 He will make you greater than any other nation that he has created, and you will bring praise and honor to his name. You will be his own people, as he promised.”