God the Supreme King
1 The Lord is king,
and the people tremble.
He sits on his throne above the winged creatures,
and the earth shakes.
2 The Lord is mighty in Zion;
he is supreme over all the nations.
3 Everyone will praise his great and majestic name.
Holy is he!

4 Mighty king, you love what is right;
you have established justice in Israel;
you have brought righteousness and fairness.
5 Praise the Lord our God;
worship before his throne!
Holy is he!

6 Moses and Aaron were his priests,
and Samuel was one who prayed to him;
they called to the Lord, and he answered them.
7 He spoke to them from the pillar of cloud;
they obeyed the laws and commands that he gave them.

8 O Lord, our God, you answered your people;
you showed them that you are a God who forgives,
even though you punished them for their sins.
9 Praise the Lord our God,
and worship at his sacred hill!
The Lord our God is holy.
Lu ni 'Bädri'ba Para yi
1 OPI orivoya 'bädri'ba yi;
ago lidri kälä'bi.
Nda ka ori kuru giti ndaro kufu malaikai robe dri,
ago 'bädri ka rukanda.
2 OPI orivoya mbaraekye Zaiona ya;
nda orivoya para tu'dei cini dri.
3 'Dicini käräru 'desi ndaro ndi ävuru orooro ndaro be.
Nda orivoya alokado!

4 'Bädri'ba Mbaraekye nyulu tase orivoya kado ayani;
mi'bate tase ŋgye ayani ŋgyiri.
Nyezi taŋgye ndi ta'diri be te Yisaraele ya.
5 Nyäräṛu OPI, Lu amaro;
nyämätu giti ndaro kandra!
Nda orivoya alokado.

6 Musa ndi Arona be orivoya azaka kohanii ndaro ro,
ago Samuele kpa ni alo aza se ye mätu be ndäri owo;
ànya ayoyi drite OPI ri, ago nda zatadri ànyaro te.
7 Nda atate ànyari ni 'dikolo cariro yasi;
ànya royi otà ndaro te ndi tase nda kozobe ànyari be.

8 Äye OPI, Lu amaro, miza mätu lidri miro ro tadrina te;
nyaka'da ta te ànyari anjioko mi orivoya Lu se kabe 'die'be takozi ta owo,
oko nya ànya eza ta takozii ànyaro rota.
9 Nyäräṛu OPI Lu amaro,
ago nyämätu lutu alokado ndaro pa.
OPI Lu amaro orivoya alokado.