God the Supreme Ruler
1 The Lord is king! Earth, be glad!
Rejoice, you islands of the seas!
2 Clouds and darkness surround him;
he rules with righteousness and justice.
3 Fire goes in front of him
and burns up his enemies around him.
4 His lightning lights up the world;
the earth sees it and trembles.
5 The hills melt like wax before the Lord,
before the Lord of all the earth.
6 The heavens proclaim his righteousness,
and all the nations see his glory.

7 Everyone who worships idols is put to shame;
all the gods bow down before the Lord.
8 The people of Zion are glad,
and the cities of Judah rejoice
because of your judgments, O Lord.
9 Lord Almighty, you are ruler of all the earth;
you are much greater than all the gods.

10 The Lord loves those who hate evil;
he protects the lives of his people;
he rescues them from the power of the wicked.
11 Light shines on the righteous,
and gladness on the good.
12 All you that are righteous be glad
because of what the Lord has done!
Remember what the holy God has done,
and give thanks to him.
Lu 'Dimiri'ba Para
1 OPI orivoya 'bädri'ba yi! Mì'ba 'bädri koye riyä;
Mi'ba roŋgai gyi'desi ro ka'do yai'dwesi!
2 'Dikoloi ndi vouni gbiṛikyiri be orivoya ŋgulu nda lomvosi;
miri 'bädri'ba ndaro ro änjute taŋgye ndi ta'diri be dri.
3 Asi ka oyi mile ndaro ya
ago ka kyila'baazii ndaro oza gbikyi nda lomvosi.
4 Sionyi 'bu ndaro ro kani 'bädri eyi;
'bädri ka ondrena ago kälä'bi.
5 Lutui alate oso epekyiri ronye OPI kandra,
OPI 'bädri cini ro kandra.
6 Vokurui kayi taŋgye ndaro tana ayona,
ago tu'dei cini ndreyi 'desi ndaro te.
7 'Dicini se kabe ŋgaedeedero mätu a'bate driupiro,
ànya se kayibe driuŋgyi lui ededero si;
lui cini kayi ändi vuru OPI kandra!
8 Lidri Zaiona ro ka ta ono eri ago ànya orivoya yai'dwesi,
ago 'bakicii Yuda ro kayi riyä oye
tana ta vureope miro rota, Äye Lu.
9 OPI mi orivoya miri'ba 'bädri cini ro;
mi orivoya ṛo para ndrani lui cini ri.

10 OPI ka ànya se yana osoro taundiro lomvo luna;
nda kani ori lidri ndaro ro gaga;
nda ka ànya opa ni mbara takozi'bai ro risi.
11 Ŋgaeyi ka voeyi taŋgye'bai dri,
ago ka riyä ezi takado'bai ri.
12 Ami se cini taŋgye'bai nyà'do riyä ro
tase OPI koyebe ta!
ago nyozo aro'boya nda se alokado ono ri.