A Prayer for the Nation's Welfare
1 Lord, you have been merciful to your land;
you have made Israel prosperous again.
2 You have forgiven your people's sins
and pardoned all their wrongs.
3 You stopped being angry with them
and held back your furious rage.

4 Bring us back, O God our savior,
and stop being displeased with us!
5 Will you be angry with us forever?
Will your anger never cease?
6 Make us strong again,
and we, your people, will praise you.
7 Show us your constant love, O Lord,
and give us your saving help.

8 I am listening to what the Lord God is saying;
he promises peace to us, his own people,
if we do not go back to our foolish ways.
9 Surely he is ready to save those who honor him,
and his saving presence will remain in our land.

10 Love and faithfulness will meet;
righteousness and peace will embrace.
11 Human loyalty will reach up from the earth,
and God's righteousness will look down from heaven.
12 The Lord will make us prosperous,
and our land will produce rich harvests.
13 Righteousness will go before the Lord
and prepare the path for him.
Mätu ta A'dokado Tu'de rota
1 OPI, nya'dote ṛo yauni amba be wari miro ri;
migo mi'ba Yisaraele ni a'done to'di kandrakado be.
2 Nye'be lidri miro te ta takozii rota
ago nye'be ànya te ta takozii cini ànyaro rota.
3 A'do kyilaro miro ànya be nye'be te
ago mi'bi oŋga miro kyilaro drina te.

4 Nyologo ama kovole, Äye Lu opa'ba amaro,
ago a'do miro kyilaro ama be ono nye'be!
5 Nya'dona ndi kyilaro ama be äduako ya?
Mi'bana Kyila miro ndi orine äduako ya?
6 Mi'ba ama ko mbara ro to'di,
lidri miro, käräṛu mi ro etaya?
7 Nyaka'da ŋgalu 'duro miro ämäri, Äye OPI,
ago nyozo ŋgaopa miro ämäri.

8 Mi'ba magabi tase OPI Lu ka oyebe ugu atane erine;
nda ka ta taliatokpe ro o'ba lidri ndaro ri, taŋgye'bai ndaro ri,
ondro ka'do ànya kotadri kote taoye amaamaro ya owo.
9 Endaro nda orivoya nja ànya se kabe nda oro opane,
a'do loto ndaro ka'do robe wari amaro ya.
10 Ŋgalu ndi a'do'diri be dro'beruna 'da;
taŋgye ndi taliatokpe be omvoruna 'da.
11 A'do'diri lidri ro osana 'da kuru ni 'bädri yasi,
ago taŋgye Lu ro ondrena vo 'da vuru ni vo'buyakuru yasi.
12 OPI ozona ŋgase kadoro 'da,
ago gyini amaro lofona ŋga jalia ro 'da amba.
13 Taŋgye orina 'da OPI mile,
ago edena liti 'da ndäri.