Comfort in Time of Distress
1 I cry aloud to God;
I cry aloud, and he hears me.
2 In times of trouble I pray to the Lord;
all night long I lift my hands in prayer,
but I cannot find comfort.
3 When I think of God, I sigh;
when I meditate, I feel discouraged.

4 He keeps me awake all night;
I am so worried that I cannot speak.
5 I think of days gone by
and remember years of long ago.
6 I spend the night in deep thought;
I meditate, and this is what I ask myself:
7 “Will the Lord always reject us?
Will he never again be pleased with us?
8 Has he stopped loving us?
Does his promise no longer stand?
9 Has God forgotten to be merciful?
Has anger taken the place of his compassion?”
10 Then I said, “What hurts me most is this—
that God is no longer powerful.”

11 I will remember your great deeds, Lord;
I will recall the wonders you did in the past.
12 I will think about all that you have done;
I will meditate on all your mighty acts.

13 Everything you do, O God, is holy.
No god is as great as you.
14 You are the God who works miracles;
you showed your might among the nations.
15 By your power you saved your people,
the descendants of Jacob and of Joseph.

16 When the waters saw you, O God, they were afraid,
and the depths of the sea trembled.
17 The clouds poured down rain;
thunder crashed from the sky,
and lightning flashed in all directions.
18 The crash of your thunder rolled out,
and flashes of lightning lit up the world;
the earth trembled and shook.
19 You walked through the waves;
you crossed the deep sea,
but your footprints could not be seen.
20 You led your people like a shepherd,
with Moses and Aaron in charge.
'Dii'dwe Tu Rritiro si
1 Ma driayo ṛeṛe Lu ri;
ma otre amba, nda keri ma robe.
2 Tu rriti maro rosi ma mätu oye Opi ri;
meŋga drì maro te mätu ya ŋgäkyi raa teinye okwo ako,
oko musu ta 'di i'dwero kote.
3 Ondro mate ta Lu ro usuna oko malawa gwo äfu
ondro mate tavousu oko, ma'do dori mbaraako.

4 Nda kani ma o'ba orine miuŋbo,
molo'be mi te tu ago mäni kote atane.
5 Musu ta tuse kälävube rote
ago ndroa kyeno kai tana go otote mädri.
6 Marite tavousune ya maro ya ŋgäkyi si,
musutavote, ago meji andivo maro te makye:
7 “Opi ogana ama gi'da zo äduako,
ago nda ogo a'dona gi'da kpa to'di yai'dwesi ama be ya?
8 Inye'do ŋgalu 'duro ndaro kyete ta?
Inye'do tao'ba ndaro te i'do tiṛi ya?
9 Inye'do Lu ije ta a'doro yauni be te ya?
Inye'do a'do kyila ro ana yai'dwe ndaro ro te ya?”
10 'Dooko matate makye: “Tase kufu mabe ndra ni ono,
makye Lu Mbaraekye läpi taoye kado ndaro ämäri te.”

11 Mayina taoye 'desi miro tana 'da OPI;
talaro ro miyebe kyeno kai tana otona 'da mädri.
12 Tase cini miyebe ana musuna tavona 'da,
taoye cini mbara miro ro musuna tana 'da.

13 Äye Lu, ŋgacini nyabe oyena orivoya alokado.
Lu aza i'do 'desi oso mi Lu amaro ronye.
14 Mi ni Lu se kabe talaroro oye owo;
nyaka'da mbara miro te tu'dei lako.
15 Mbara miro si mipa lidri miro,
zelevoi Yakoba ndi Yosepa be rote.

16 Ondro gyi kondre mi te oko, Äye Lu,
ànya a'dote turituri ro,
ago täṛii gyi'desi ro lä'bite.
17 'Dikoloi eda 'bu te vuru;
'buuhwe hwete ni vo'buyakuru ya;
ago lekona eyivote vocini yasi.
18 Uhwe 'buuhwe miro ro hwete aṛwiya,
ago voeyi lekona ro eyi 'bädri te;
gyini lä'bite ago kandarute.
19 Nyabate gyi'desi yasi;
mizadri täṛi gyi'desi rote,
oko pavo miro äni kote ondrene.
20 Nyelekye lidri miro te oso lekye'ba ronye,
Musa ndi Arona be si.