True Worship
1 The Almighty God, the Lord, speaks;
he calls to the whole earth from east to west.
2 God shines from Zion,
the city perfect in its beauty.

3 Our God is coming, but not in silence;
a raging fire is in front of him,
a furious storm around him.
4 He calls heaven and earth as witnesses
to see him judge his people.
5 He says, “Gather my faithful people to me,
those who made a covenant with me by offering a sacrifice.”
6 The heavens proclaim that God is righteous,
that he himself is judge.

7 “Listen, my people, and I will speak;
I will testify against you, Israel.
I am God, your God.
8 I do not reprimand you because of your sacrifices
and the burnt offerings you always bring me.
9 And yet I do not need bulls from your farms
or goats from your flocks;
10 all the animals in the forest are mine
and the cattle on thousands of hills.
11 All the wild birds are mine
and all living things in the fields.

12 “If I were hungry, I would not ask you for food,
for the world and everything in it is mine.
13 Do I eat the flesh of bulls
or drink the blood of goats?
14 Let the giving of thanks be your sacrifice to God,
and give the Almighty all that you promised.
15 Call to me when trouble comes;
I will save you,
and you will praise me.”

16 But God says to the wicked,
“Why should you recite my commandments?
Why should you talk about my covenant?
17 You refuse to let me correct you;
you reject my commands.
18 You become the friend of every thief you see,
and you associate with adulterers.

19 “You are always ready to speak evil;
you never hesitate to tell lies.
20 You are ready to accuse your own relatives
and to find fault with them.
21 You have done all this, and I have said nothing,
so you thought that I am like you.
But now I reprimand you
and make the matter plain to you.

22 “Listen to this, you that ignore me,
or I will destroy you,
and there will be no one to save you.
23 Giving thanks is the sacrifice that honors me,
and I will surely save all who obey me.”
Mätu Ŋgye
1 OPI Lu Mbaraekye, kani ata;
nda ka 'bädri cini uzi ni 'buzelesi le aŋgoyasi.
2 Ŋgaeyi Lu ro ka voeyi ni Zaiona yasi,
'bakici se liŋgyiekye kado ya.

3 Lu amaro kate eziikyi; nda a'do ko titiitiro;
asi ŋgalesi ro orivoya nda mile,
oligbiriṛi be orivoya gbikyi nda lomvosi.

4 Nda ka vo'buyakuru ndi 'bädri be uzi tavoedre'bai
ro vure lidri ndaro ro opevoya.
5 Nda ka ata ekye: “Nyòtokala lidri 'diri maro ro mare,
ànya se ko'bayi tao'baro be mabe
tori olo si kwoi.”
6 Vo'buyakurui kayi taayo ekye Lu orivoya taŋgye'ba yi,
tana nda andivo orivoya vureope'ba yi.

7 “Nyèri dri, lidri maro, matana 'da;
medrena tazevo 'da ami lomvo, Yisaraele.
Ma orivoya Lu yi, Lu amiro owo.
8 Mokozi ami ko ta tori oloro amiro rota;
ago ko ta ŋgapäṛi oza ro nyàbe ezina ondoalo märi rota.
9 Male 'daŋgoi ko ni kägyi amiro yasi
ca kode tegoi ni gboko koronyai'ba ro amiro ro yasi;
10 tana koronyai vocowa ro vonai cini orivoya maro
ndi tii se kuturo kabe lutu lutuŋwai drisi be.
11 Mäni arii cini vocowa ro te,
ago ŋga cini lidriidriro lowo ya orivoya maro.

12 “Ondro ma'dote täbiri ro, mänina ko tana itine miri,
tana 'bädri ndi ŋga se cini kigye be orivoya maro.
13 Inye'do ma iza 'daŋgoi ro onya
kode kari indrii ro umvu ya?
14 Milo tori aro'boya oye ro Lu ri,
ago nyozo ŋgase mi'ba tana be ozone Lu Fopara ndra ri 'do.
15 Mizi ma tu rriti ro si; mapana mi 'da,
ago nyäräṛuna ma 'da.”

16 Oko Lu ka ata taenji'bai ri ekye:
“Nyà otai maro uzina etaya?
Nyà tao'baro maro tana atana etaya?
17 Mìga ŋgaemba maro zo
ago nyà kundu oza ata maro ri.
18 Nyà'dote bereazi kugu se nyàbe ondrena ro,
ago nyà rudro'be ronyi'bai be.

19 “Nya gialo taundi ata;
ago kala miro ka alo kowe ogo.
20 Nya takozi ata ädrupi modo miro ro lomvo
ago nya nda kicu.
21 Miye ta cini ono te, ma'dote titiitiro,
nyusu miro be mikye ma orivoya oso mi ronye.
Oko yauono ma dri miro ota
ago medre tana te ni miri wo.

22 “Nyùsu ta ono, ami se mini ma Lu ko ono,
ukyi mutufu ami 'da,
ago 'diaza a'dona i'do ami opane.
23 Ndase kabe aro'boya oye märi,
ka tori ma ororo olo ago ma Lu mapana ànya se kabe ma oro ndi.”