A Prayer in Sickness
1 Happy are those who are concerned for the poor;
the Lord will help them when they are in trouble.
2 The Lord will protect them and preserve their lives;
he will make them happy in the land;
he will not abandon them to the power of their enemies.
3 The Lord will help them when they are sick
and will restore them to health.

4 I said, “I have sinned against you, Lord;
be merciful to me and heal me.”
5 My enemies say cruel things about me.
They want me to die and be forgotten.
6 Those who come to see me are not sincere;
they gather bad news about me
and then go out and tell it everywhere.
7 All who hate me whisper to each other about me,
they imagine the worst about me.
8 They say, “He is fatally ill;
he will never leave his bed again.”
9 Even my best friend, the one I trusted most,
the one who shared my food,
has turned against me.

10 Be merciful to me, Lord, and restore my health,
and I will pay my enemies back.
11 They will not triumph over me,
and I will know that you are pleased with me.
12 You will help me, because I do what is right;
you will keep me in your presence forever.

13 Praise the Lord, the God of Israel!
Praise him now and forever!

Amen! Amen!
Mätu Mano Adravoro ro
1 Anya se kabe ta 'dimäyuro ro otina ni kado!
OPI opana ànya 'da ondro rriti ko'de te anya dri owo.
2 OPI gagana anya 'da ago opana adri anyaro 'da;
nda o'bana ànya 'da yai'dwesi wari ya;
nda ozona anya ko drì kyila'baazii anyaro roya.
3 OPI opana anya 'da ondro anya ka'dote adravoro
ago edena anya 'da jiŋgyiri.

4 Matate makye: “Nya'do yauni be märi OPI,
nyede ma tana maye takozi te milomvo.”
5 Kyila'baazii maro kayi ata siomba si ta maro ta ekye;
“Anya odrana ituya ago ta anyaro ujena itu ya?”
6 'Dise kikyite ma ondre ka tase ko ŋgye atana,
nda ka kala lazo kozi ro otona ta maro ta,
ago ondro nda kofote tesi oko nda iti tana te vo cini yasi.
7 Vona se cini yanayi kabe oso malomvo
kayi ta waya azi ri ta maro ta,
ànya kayi tase koziro usuna ayani ta maro ta.
8 Ànya kayi ata ekye: “Adravo rritiro 'dete anya dri;
nda oŋgana ko tona ni gitipara drisi.”
9 Ca bereazi para maro, se mayi ta be nda ya,
se kabe ŋgoanya mabe,
zarute kyila'baazi ro märi.

10 Nya'do yauni be märi OPI, ago migo nyede ma jiŋgyiri,
tana mologo vo taro robe kyila'baazii maro ri.
11 Mäni ndi anjioko mi orivoya yai'dwesi mabe,
ta'dota kyila'baazii maro unina ko ma opene ṛe.
12 Mipana ma 'da, tana ma tase ŋgye oyena;
ago mi'ba ma mikandra äduako.

13 Nyäräṛu OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro!
Nyäräṛu nda yau ago äduako.
Amen! Amen.