In Praise of God the Almighty
1 Praise the Lord!

It is good to sing praise to our God;
it is pleasant and right to praise him.
2 The Lord is restoring Jerusalem;
he is bringing back the exiles.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
3 He heals the broken-hearted
and bandages their wounds.

4 He has decided the number of the stars
and calls each one by name.
5 Great and mighty is our Lord;
his wisdom cannot be measured.
6 He raises the humble,
but crushes the wicked to the ground.

7 Sing hymns of praise to the Lord;
play music on the harp to our God.
8 He spreads clouds over the sky;
he provides rain for the earth
and makes grass grow on the hills.
9 He gives animals their food
and feeds the young ravens when they call.

10 His pleasure is not in strong horses,
nor his delight in brave soldiers;
11 but he takes pleasure in those who honor him,
in those who trust in his constant love.

12 Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem!
Praise your God, O Zion!
13 He keeps your gates strong;
he blesses your people.
14 He keeps your borders safe
and satisfies you with the finest wheat.

15 He gives a command to the earth,
and what he says is quickly done.
16 He spreads snow like a blanket
and scatters frost like dust.
17 He sends hail like gravel;
no one can endure the cold he sends!
18 Then he gives a command, and the ice melts;
he sends the wind, and the water flows.

19 He gives his message to his people,
his instructions and laws to Israel.
20 He has not done this for other nations;
they do not know his laws.

Praise the Lord!
Räṛu Oye Lu Mbaraekye ri
1 Nyäräṛu OPI!
Orivoya kado loŋgo räṛu ro oŋgone Lu amaro ri;
tana si 'di tawi räṛu oyene ago nda räṛune.
2 OPI kate ogo Yerusalema obene;
nda kate ezi Yisaraele'bai se epere be 'do kalana koto.
3 Nda kate ya se lesite edena
ago kate lazà ànyaro uvuna.

4 Nda ni oti 'bi'bii ro ni
ago ozo ävuru ni ànya cini ri.
5 Opi amaro orivoya para ago mbaraekye;
tavouni ndaro äni ko ojone.
6 OPI kani 'dise driuŋgyiako eŋga,
oko kani takozi'bai logo vuru.

7 Mìŋgo loŋgo räṛu ro OPI ri;
mìŋgo loŋgo lekyembe o'bi si Lu amaro ri.
8 Nda kani 'dikolo o'ba loŋgane vokuru ya;
nda kani 'bu o'ba u'dine 'bädri ya
ago kani käyi o'ba ombane lutui drisi.
9 Nda kani ŋgaonya ozo koronyai vocowaro ri
ago korogai ombato'di ro se kabe liyi ri.

10 Mbara farasii ro tana si nda ko,
ca kyila'bai turiako ro tana si nda kpa ko;
11 oko OPI ka a'do yai'dwesi ànya se kabe nda oro,
ago ànya se kabe taoyi ŋgalu 'duro ndaro ya 'do be.
12 Nyäräṛu OPI, Äye Yerusalema!
Nyäräṛu Lu miro, Äye Zaiona!
13 Nda kani dereŋwà miro gagana kadoro;
nda kani lidri miro äṛu.
14 Nda ka taliatokpe ezi ni kishwedri miro ya
ago kani kifo kado ozo miri.

15 Nda kani ota ozo 'bädri ri,
ago tase nda kabe atana kaosa ndriwa mi naya.
16 Nda kani siya o'ba otrone oso kodo ronye
ago kani vo o'ba ofone oso durufu ronye.
17 Nda kani 'busiya ezi oso kuniŋwà ronye;
a'di edrena ni kyi'dwe se nda kabe ezina dri ya?
18 Nda kani ta ozo otro siya ro ri alane;
nda kani oli o'ba oline ago gyi dite.

19 Nda kani ata ndaro ozo lidri ndaro ri,
kani ŋgaemba ndaro ndi otai be ozo lidri Yisaraele ro ri.
20 Nda ye tase ono kote tu'dei azaka ri;
ànya niyi otai ndaro ko.

Nyäräṛu OPI!