A King Thanks God for Victory
1 Praise the Lord, my protector!
He trains me for battle
and prepares me for war.
2 He is my protector and defender,
my shelter and savior,
in whom I trust for safety.
He subdues the nations under me.

3 Lord, what are mortals, that you notice them;
mere mortals, that you pay attention to us?
4 We are like a puff of wind;
our days are like a passing shadow.

5 O Lord, tear the sky open and come down;
touch the mountains, and they will pour out smoke.
6 Send flashes of lightning and scatter your enemies;
shoot your arrows and send them running.
7 Reach down from above,
pull me out of the deep water, and rescue me;
save me from the power of foreigners,
8 who never tell the truth
and lie even under oath.

9 I will sing you a new song, O God;
I will play the harp and sing to you.
10 You give victory to kings
and rescue your servant David.
11 Save me from my cruel enemies;
rescue me from the power of foreigners,
who never tell the truth
and lie even under oath.

12 May our sons in their youth
be like plants that grow up strong.
May our daughters be like stately columns
which adorn the corners of a palace.
13 May our barns be filled
with crops of every kind.
May the sheep in our fields
bear young by the tens of thousands.
14 May our cattle reproduce plentifully
without miscarriage or loss.
May there be no cries of distress in our streets.

15 Happy is the nation of whom this is true;
happy are the people whose God is the Lord!
'Bädri'ba ka Aro'boya Oye Lu ri ta Ŋgaopeṛe rota
1 Nyäräṛu OPI gaga'ba maro,
nda ka ma emba ni ta kyila rota
ago kani ma ede ta kyilaoye rota.
2 Nda orivoya gaga'ba maro ago voondre'ba maro,
mbaravo maro ago opa'ba maro,
gaga'ba maro ago ma ruopa ndra.
Nda kani tu'dei apebeṛe ezina ma zele.

3 OPI, lidri e'di yi miri ta ndaro otine;
ago miri ta ndaro usune ya?
4 Lidri orivoya oso lawa ronye;
u'dui ndaro laba orivoya
oso lindri kabe ugu lävu 'do ronye.
5 Äye OPI, miwa vokuru uŋbo, ago nyikyi vuru;
mido 'bereŋwai, ànya kolofoyi kätu robe.
6 Nyezo leko sionyi 'bu ro ro kepere kyila'baazii miro robe;
mi'bo ätu miro ago mi'ba ànya kuguyi umu.
7 Nyefo vuru ni kurusi,
nyewe ago mipa ma ni gyi ociekye yasi,
mipa ma ni mbara atrai ro yasi,
8 se itiyi taŋgye ko
ago kayi kowe oga ruäṛu si.

9 Maŋgona loŋgo to'di 'da miri, Äye Lu;
ma'bina kudi iba si 'da miri.
10 Mise nya mbara ozo ni 'bädri'bai ri
ago mipa Dawidi ruindu'ba miro te.
11 Mipa ma ni kyila'baazii maro siomba be risi;
mipa ma ni mbara atrai ro yasi,
se itiyi taŋgye ko
ago kayi koweoga ruäṛu si.

12 Mi'ba ŋgwàagoro amaro agoànji ànyaro si
kadoyi oso ŋgakyi'dikyi'dii se konde omba te ronye,
ago ndiriŋwa amaro ka'do
oso läŋgyiri se itirabe cukui zo'desi roya ronye.
13 Mi'ba kyiroi amaro ogane twi,
ŋga owaowaro dritoto rosi.
Mi'ba timele amaro lowo amaro yasi
utine kutu ro ago kutu 'bute ro.
14 Mi'ba tii amaro kilitiyi lowaro
teinye rriti utiro ako kode uje ako.
Mi'ba liyi rriti ro ka'do i'do
litiŋwà amaro yasi.

15 Tu'dei se äṛuna be nonye ni kado
lidri se Lu nayi ni OPI orivoya ni kado!