An Evening Prayer
1 I call to you, Lord; help me now!
Listen to me when I call to you.
2 Receive my prayer as incense,
my uplifted hands as an evening sacrifice.

3 Lord, place a guard at my mouth,
a sentry at the door of my lips.
4 Keep me from wanting to do wrong
and from joining evil people in their wickedness.
May I never take part in their feasts.

5 Good people may punish me and rebuke me in kindness,
but I will never accept honor from evil people,
because I am always praying against their evil deeds.
6 When their rulers are thrown down from rocky cliffs,
the people will admit that my words were true.
7 Like wood that is split and chopped into bits,
so their bones are scattered at the edge of the grave.

8 But I keep trusting in you, my Sovereign Lord.
I seek your protection;
don't let me die!
9 Protect me from the traps they have set for me,
from the snares of those evildoers.
10 May the wicked fall into their own traps
while I go by unharmed.
Mätu Tandrole ro
1 Ma mi uzi, OPI, nyikyi ndrindri ma opane!
Nyeri ma ondro ma te mi uzi owo.
2 Mi'ba mätu maro ka'do oso ŋga ŋgutruro ronye mikandra,
ago drieŋga maro kuru ka'do oso toriolo tandrole ro ronye.

3 Mi'ba vookwa'ba ma kala Äye OPI,
nyagaga ata kala maro ro.
4 Mi'ba ya maro ko takozi aza olene
ago ni ugu takozi oyevoya lidri se kabe takozi oye be.
Mi'ba ma ko karamai ànyaro lu awi ri onyane ànya yibe.
5 Mi'ba mano se kado kuluku ma yauni si,
oko mi'ba ido takozi'bai ro kodo drî maro ko,
tana ondoalo ma ugu mätu oye taoye undiro ànyaro lomvo.
6 Ondro miri'bai ànyaro olovote vuru kärägu yasi oko,
lidri unina ndi anjioko ata OPI ro orivoya endaro.
7 Oso ice se utufu yana te ago apate ronye,
kowa ànyaro eperete kpa oso inye 'budri kala si,

8 Oko ma voondre ŋgaopa miro ta OPI, Lu maro.
Ma ŋgagaga miro uṛi,
nye'be ma ko gaga ako.
9 Nyagaga ma ni abarii se ànya ko'be be märi ri;
ni abarii ànya se takozi'bai kai ro risi.
10 Mi'ba takozi'bai ko'deyi abari andivo ànyaro ro yasi
mapavo robe londroro.