God's Complete Knowledge and Care
1 Lord, you have examined me and you know me.
2 You know everything I do;
from far away you understand all my thoughts.
3 You see me, whether I am working or resting;
you know all my actions.
4 Even before I speak,
you already know what I will say.
5 You are all around me on every side;
you protect me with your power.
6 Your knowledge of me is too deep;
it is beyond my understanding.

7 Where could I go to escape from you?
Where could I get away from your presence?
8 If I went up to heaven, you would be there;
if I lay down in the world of the dead, you would be there.
9 If I flew away beyond the east
or lived in the farthest place in the west,
10 you would be there to lead me,
you would be there to help me.
11 I could ask the darkness to hide me
or the light around me to turn into night,
12 but even darkness is not dark for you,
and the night is as bright as the day.
Darkness and light are the same to you.

13 You created every part of me;
you put me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you because you are to be feared;
all you do is strange and wonderful.
I know it with all my heart.
15 When my bones were being formed,
carefully put together in my mother's womb,
when I was growing there in secret,
you knew that I was there—
16 you saw me before I was born.
The days allotted to me
had all been recorded in your book,
before any of them ever began.
17 O God, how difficult I find your thoughts;
how many of them there are!
18 If I counted them, they would be more than the grains of sand.
When I awake, I am still with you.

19 O God, how I wish you would kill the wicked!
How I wish violent people would leave me alone!
20 They say wicked things about you;
they speak evil things against your name.
21 O Lord, how I hate those who hate you!
How I despise those who rebel against you!
22 I hate them with a total hatred;
I regard them as my enemies.

23 Examine me, O God, and know my mind;
test me, and discover my thoughts.
24 Find out if there is any evil in me
and guide me in the everlasting way.
Tauni Amba Lu ro ndi Taoti be
1 OPI, nyena ma te ago mini ma te.
2 Mini ŋgacini se mabe oyena te;
nyani tavousu maro unina ṛo ni pere lozo si.
3 Nya ma ondreni, abavoya ago lolivoya;
ago nyani taoye cini maro unina.
4 Ca teinye dri märi ata ako,
mini tase ma oyebe atane ṛote nja OPI.
5 Mi orivoya ŋgulu malomvosi;
nyani ma gaga mbara miro si.
6 Ta miro ma uniro mu'du nonye ono orivoya gyuru märi;
ndrani tauni maro drisi.
7 Moyina eŋwaro ni mirisi ya?
mämuna eŋwaro lozo ni mirisi ya?
8 Ondro ka'do moyi ca le vo'buyakuru ya mi kpa orivoya lau;
ondro ka'do mu'du ca le vuru 'bädri avo roya, mi kpa orivoya lau.
9 Ondro ka'do mämu ca le kitu ituvoya 'buzele
ago mari ca le ädu gyi'desi roya aŋgoya,
10 ca lau nyelepena ma ndi,
ago mipana ma ndi.
11 Ondro ka'do mata ca makye: “Ŋgätini kada'do ma,
ago ŋgaeyi ŋgulu malomvosi kotozaru vouni ro,”
12 caoko vouni ko vouni yi miri,
ago ŋgäkyi orivoya voeyieyiro miri oso kitu ronye.
Vouni orivoya oso ŋgaeyi ronye miri.

13 Mi'ba ŋga lomvo ro maro ṛoni kyiti;
mi'ba ma ṛoni kpakyialo ya endre roya.
14 Märäṛu mi tana mi'ba ma te talaroro ro ago liŋgyiekye;
losi cini miro orivoya liŋgyiekye.
Mini ma teṛo kadoro.
15 Ada'do kowa maro kote ni miri,
tana mabe ugu omba ndrwiro ya endre roya
ulunjute kpakyialo taoti si lau.
16 Mindre mate teinye ma utiako.
U'du se atibe märi
vona cini egyite buku miro ya,
ṛo teinye dri aza ànyaro ri etoako.
17 Äye Lu, tavousu miro orivoya rritiro märi unine;
ànya orivoya amba!
18 Ondro aba mati ànya gwo, ànya a'dona ndrani siŋgwa drisi.
Mabe mi upi ma gi orivoya 'du mibe.

19 Äye Lu, aba male miri takozi'bai tufune!
minja siomba'bai ni maresi.
20 Ànya kayi takozi ata ta miro ta;
ànya kayi takozi ata ävuru miro ya.
21 Äye OPI, ya maro ka oso ànya se yana kabe oso milomvo lomvo!
Malezo ànya se kayibe ogbo mibe ro.
22 Ya maro orivoya osoro ndra ànya lomvo;
ma ànya ondre oso kyila'baazii maro ronye.

23 Nyena ma, Äye Lu, ago mini tausu ya maro ro;
nyojo ma ago mini tausu ya maro ro.
24 Mindre, ondro ka'do tausu undiro aza ka'dote ma ya,
nyewe tesi ago nyelepe ma liti äduako ya.