Confidence in the Lord
1 I trust in the Lord for safety.
How foolish of you to say to me,
“Fly away like a bird to the mountains,
2 because the wicked have drawn their bows and aimed their arrows
to shoot from the shadows at good people.
3 There is nothing a good person can do
when everything falls apart.”

4 The Lord is in his holy temple;
he has his throne in heaven.
He watches people everywhere
and knows what they are doing.
5 He examines the good and the wicked alike;
the lawless he hates with all his heart.

6 He sends down flaming coals and burning sulfur on the wicked;
he punishes them with scorching winds.
7 The Lord is righteous and loves good deeds;
those who do them will live in his presence.
Taoyi OPI ya
1 Mayi ta OPI ya ŋgaopa ta.
Nyatana eŋwanye märi mikye:
“Miŋga oso ari ronye 'bereŋwa dri,
2 tana 'di kozi ewe kusu ànyaro te ago ga ätui ànyaro te ni votini yasi kidro ya
lidri kado u'boza.
3 Ondro ka'do epere ota bete
taŋgye'bai oyena e'di ya?”

4 OPI orivoya Yekalu alokado ndaro ya;
giti OPI ro vo'buyakuru ya.
Nda ka lidri ondre
ago ka tase ànya ka ugu oyena ondre.
5 OPI ka takado'bai ndi kozi'bai be enana ojoojoro;
ya ndaro oso tawi otaufu'bai lomvo.

6 Nda kani asikyele eda vuru ndi asinyendero be lidri kozi dri;
nda ka ànya eza oli se ka ugu ŋga ewiewi si.
7 OPI orivoya taŋgye'ba yi ago lu taoye kado ayani;
ànya se kayibe takado oye ondrena nda ndi.