1 The Lord controls the mind of a king as easily as he directs the course of a stream.
2 You may think that everything you do is right, but remember that the Lord judges your motives.
3 Do what is right and fair; that pleases the Lord more than bringing him sacrifices.
4 Wicked people are controlled by their conceit and arrogance, and this is sinful.
5 Plan carefully and you will have plenty; if you act too quickly, you will never have enough.
6 The riches you get by dishonesty soon disappear, but not before they lead you into the jaws of death.
7 The wicked are doomed by their own violence; they refuse to do what is right.
8 Guilty people walk a crooked path; the innocent do what is right.
9 Better to live on the roof than share the house with a nagging wife.
10 Wicked people are always hungry for evil; they have no mercy on anyone.
11 When someone who is conceited gets his punishment, even an unthinking person learns a lesson. One who is wise will learn from what he is taught.
12 God, the righteous one, knows what goes on in the homes of the wicked, and he will bring the wicked down to ruin.
13 If you refuse to listen to the cry of the poor, your own cry for help will not be heard.
14 If someone is angry with you, a gift given secretly will calm him down.
15 When justice is done, good people are happy, but evil people are brought to despair.
16 Death is waiting for anyone who wanders away from good sense.
17 Indulging in luxuries, wine, and rich food will never make you wealthy.
18 The wicked bring on themselves the suffering they try to cause good people.
19 Better to live out in the desert than with a nagging, complaining wife.
20 Wise people live in wealth and luxury, but stupid people spend their money as fast as they get it.
21 Be kind and honest and you will live a long life; others will respect you and treat you fairly.
22 A shrewd general can take a city defended by strong men, and destroy the walls they relied on.
23 If you want to stay out of trouble, be careful what you say.
24 Show me a conceited person and I will show you someone who is arrogant, proud, and inconsiderate.
25 Lazy people who refuse to work are only killing themselves; 26 all they do is think about what they would like to have. The righteous, however, can give, and give generously.
27 The Lord hates it when wicked people offer him sacrifices, especially if they do it from evil motives.
28 The testimony of a liar is not believed, but the word of someone who thinks matters through is accepted.
29 Righteous people are sure of themselves; the wicked have to pretend as best they can.
30 Human wisdom, brilliance, insight—they are of no help if the Lord is against you.
31 You can get horses ready for battle, but it is the Lord who gives victory.
1 Tausu drî 'bädri'ba roya oso gyi golo ro ronye OPI ri nda ka kalana topi oso nda kolebe ronye.
2 Nyusuna ndi mikye ŋgase cini yabe oyena iyi orivoya ŋgye, caoko OPI kani taoye cini miro edena.
3 Tase ŋgye ago 'diri 'do oyene ayani orivoya kadopara ndra OPI ri ni ŋgapäṛi ezine ndäri drisi.
4 Taofa ndi driuŋgyi be orivoya taoye takozi'bai ro, ago 'do orivoya takozi para yi.
5 Tavoora taoti si ka 'di o'ba a'done ŋga be nyalakpa; oko taoyene karagbagba ro, ka 'di o'ba a'done lemeri'ba ro.
6 Ŋgadriamba se nyabe usuna koweogasi 'do, ka okye ndriŋwa ago abari odra royi.
7 Kyila lidri se koziro iyi ro go ka modo ànyaro tufu loto ni; tana ànya gayizo tase ŋgye oyene.
8 Liti taenji'bai ro orivoya gwa'digwa'diro, oko taoye taenjiako'bai ro orivoya ŋgye.
9 Orivoya kadopara orine drî kurusi zo roya ndrani orine zo alo ya toko se taoyena koziro 'do be drisi.
10 Lidri se koziro iyi ondoalo orivoya täbiri takozi oye robe; ànya teinye yauni ako oriazii ànyaro ri.
11 Ondro ozo taezaro te 'dise taofaekye 'do ri, 'dooko 'dise kuni ta ko 'do ni ta dori; ondro emba tavouni'ba te nda unina ta ro ndra.
12 Lu, seni taŋgye'ba yi ono, ni tase 'ba takozi'bai roya tana te, ago nda perena takozi'bai 'da riya vuru tandro ro.
13 Ndase kogatezo liyi lemeri'bai ro erine, 'dooko änina kpa ko liyi modo ndaro ta ŋgaopa rota erine.
14 Ŋgapäṛi ozo ndrwiro ka kyila i'dwe; ago ŋga miogyero ozo ndrwiro ka kyila 'desi izweni.
15 Ondro ate taŋgye oye ayani, lidri se kado iyi a'doyi dori riyä si, oko 'ba takozi'bai ro driupiro.
16 'Dise kabe ruona ni tavousu kado yasi 'do ukyi orinayite avo yibe.
17 Ndase kulube riyä ayani a'dona ati'ba ro; ndase kulube vino ndi ŋgaonya toco be unina ko a'done ŋgaamba be.
18 Takozi'bai ezarunayi vo taŋgye'bai ro ya, ago takado oyeako'bai ezarunayi vo takado oye'bai roya.
19 Orivoya kadopara orine tesi vocowa ya ndrani orine toko se taoyena koziro, ago drioviekye 'do be ri.
20 Tavouni'bai kayi ori ŋga be nyalakpa ago riyä si, oko tauniako'bai ka'doyite ŋga be kayi enjina enji.
21 Ndase ka taŋgye oye ago yauni be; orina ndi madaro ago arona nda ndi.
22 Mano se tauniekye 'do unina ndi 'bakici se lidri mbaraekye kani gagana 'do urune, ago perena tiṛi se ànya koyitabe kigye 'do ndi.
23 'Dise kole kote ociro rriti ya, nda taoti be tase nda kabe atana ya.
24 'Dise taofaekye ago mäwuekye 'do orivoya driuŋgyi'ba yi nda ka ta ndaro loyena mä̀wu si.
25 Mano se tovo ro kogazo losi oyene 'do ka andivo ndaro ufuna, 26 tana nda le iro gialo a'done ŋga be ndra, oko mano se taŋgye'ba ro ka ŋga ozo ozo, ago ka ozona dritairo.
27 Ya OPI ro orivoya osoro ŋgapäṛi se takozi'bai kabe ozona ndäri 'do lomvo, para ndrana ondro ànya keziyi ŋga na 'do te tausu undiro si owo.
28 Ama ta kote tazevoedre koweoga'ba roya, oko aletadri ata 'diaza se ka tazevo usuusu 'do ro ndi.
29 Takozi'bai kayi miomba oye; oko takado'bai niyi tase oyero ànyari ndi.
30 Tavouni, tazevouni ndi tauni lidri ro be, unina ko OPI opane.
31 Nya'dona ndi doŋgyii be nja kyila oyeza, caoko OPI kani ŋgaopeṛe ozo.