1 A gentle answer quiets anger, but a harsh one stirs it up.
2 When wise people speak, they make knowledge attractive, but stupid people spout nonsense.
3 The Lord sees what happens everywhere; he is watching us, whether we do good or evil.
Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.
4 Kind words bring life, but cruel words crush your spirit.
5 It is foolish to ignore what your parents taught you; it is wise to accept their correction.
6 Righteous people keep their wealth, but the wicked lose theirs when hard times come.
7 Knowledge is spread by people who are wise, not by fools.
8 The Lord is pleased when good people pray, but hates the sacrifices that the wicked bring him.
9 The Lord hates the ways of evil people, but loves those who do what is right.
10 If you do what is wrong, you will be severely punished; you will die if you do not let yourself be corrected.
11 Not even the world of the dead can keep the Lord from knowing what is there; how then can we hide our thoughts from God?
12 Conceited people do not like to be corrected; they never ask for advice from those who are wiser.
13 When people are happy, they smile, but when they are sad, they look depressed.
14 Intelligent people want to learn, but stupid people are satisfied with ignorance.
15 The life of the poor is a constant struggle, but happy people always enjoy life.
16 Better to be poor and fear the Lord than to be rich and in trouble.
17 Better to eat vegetables with people you love than to eat the finest meat where there is hate.
18 Hot tempers cause arguments, but patience brings peace.
19 If you are lazy, you will meet difficulty everywhere, but if you are honest, you will have no trouble.
20 Wise children make their fathers happy. Only fools despise their mothers.
21 Stupid people are happy with their foolishness, but the wise will do what is right.
22 Get all the advice you can, and you will succeed; without it you will fail.
23 What a joy it is to find just the right word for the right occasion!
24 Wise people walk the road that leads upward to life, not the road that leads downward to death.
25 The Lord will destroy the homes of arrogant men, but he will protect a widow's property.
26 The Lord hates evil thoughts, but he is pleased with friendly words.
27 Try to make a profit dishonestly, and you get your family in trouble. Don't take bribes and you will live longer.
28 Good people think before they answer. Evil people have a quick reply, but it causes trouble.
29 When good people pray, the Lord listens, but he ignores those who are evil.
30 Smiling faces make you happy, and good news makes you feel better.
31 If you pay attention when you are corrected, you are wise.
32 If you refuse to learn, you are hurting yourself. If you accept correction, you will become wiser.
33 Reverence for the Lord is an education in itself. You must be humble before you can ever receive honors.
1 Tadrioza kala 'bolotosi 'do ka kyila i'dwe ni, oko ata ŋbarataro kalambäri si 'do ka kyila ezini.
2 Lidri se tavouni be iyi kayi ata tauni si, oko lidri tauniako'bai kayi alo ata se takaciako 'do atana ayani.
3 OPI ka tase kabe a'do vo cini yasi ondrena; nda ka taoye kozi ndi taoye kado be ondrena.
4 Ata kala 'bolotosi 'do ka 'di adriadri, oko ata kalambäri si 'do ka 'di ufuufu.
5 'Dise amama ro ga ŋgaemba täpi ndaro ro zo; oko nda se kabe ŋgaemba täpi ndaro ro uruna orivoya tauni'ba yi.
6 Takado'bai orivoya ŋgaamba be, oko rriti ka o'deo'de ŋga takozi'bai ro dri.
7 Tavouni'bai kayi tauni lari ni, oko ko ata tauniako'bai ro.
8 Ya OPI ro orivoya osoro ŋgapäṛi se takozi'bai kayibe ezina ndäri 'do lomvo, oko nda orivoya yai'dwesi mätu taŋgye'bai robe.
9 Ya OPI ro orivoya osoro liti taoyero takozi'bai ro lomvo, oko nda lu ànya se kabe taŋgye oye iyi tawi.
10 'Dise koyete tase ko ŋgye 'do ayani, ezana nda ndi kozipara; ago ndase kogatezo yi lotone odrana ndi.
11 Oso ca 'bädri avo ro ni ko OPI lagane ni tase kabe a'do lau univoya ronye; ka'do inye manoaza da'dona tavousu ndaro ni Lu ri eŋwanyeya?
12 Lidri se mäwu be iyi leyiko iyi lotoro; ànya leyi ko taejine tavoozo tavouni'bai ro rota.
13 Lidri ka'dote riyä ro, ànya kayi ugu moromoro, oko ondro ànya ka'dote tusuro, ànya kayi voondre märäyiro.
14 Lidri se tavousu kado be iyi leyi taunine, oko lidri se tauniako iyi tauniako ojo ànya ko.
15 Ori lemeri'bai ro gialo 'du ruutri si, oko lidri se riyä ro iyi ondoalo kayi njäkyi.
16 A'done lemeri'ba ro oko OPI orone ni kadopara ndra ni a'done ŋgadriamba be oko orine rriti ya drisi.
17 Agba onyane lidri se ŋgalu be iyi be ni kadopara ndra ni iza se toco 'do onyane vose yaoso orivoya kigye 'do ya drisi.
18 'Dise ka oŋga ndriŋwa kyilaro ka kalaope ezini, oko a'do yaiŋgyi si ka kyila i'dweni.
19 Lidri se tovo ro ka drio'be rriti be vo cini yasi, oko taŋgye'bai a'donayi teinye rriti ako.
20 Ŋgwa se tavouni be ka täpi ndaro o'bana a'done yai'dwesi, oko ŋgwa se amamaro ro endre ndaro ko.
21 'Dise tauniako orivoya riyä ro ta amaama anyaro rota, oko tavouni'ba ka tase ŋgye oyena ayani.
22 Teinye ŋgaemba ako ta opena 'di ndi ṛe; oko ondro tavoozo'bai ka'dote amba ta cini a'dona ndi kado.
23 Tadri kado ozane ayani orivoya riyä yi, ago ata se ŋgye iyi topene ayani tuna se atana ro iyi ya ni orivoya kado.
24 Liti tavouni'bai ro ka oyi kuru adri ya, tana nda kolodi liti se kabe oci vururo 'bädri odra ro ya 'do robe.
25 OPI perena 'bai lidri se mäwu be iyi ro 'da, oko nda gagana orivo ävuzii ro ndi.
26 Ya OPI ro orivoya osoro tavousu undiro takozi'bai ro lomvo, oko nda orivoya yai'dwesi ata taŋgye'bai ro be.
27 Ndase ka drinju'du ŋga ro usuna ta'diriako si ezina rriti ndi katidri ndaro dri, oko ndase ga ŋga miogye ro zo 'do orina ndi madaro.
28 Lidri se kado iyi kayi tavousu käti 'deyigwo tadriozane, oko lidri se koziro iyi kayi iro alo tase undiro atana ayani.
29 OPI gazo ànya se koziro iyi ro, oko nda ka mätu taŋgye'bai ro erina.
30 Mit ayi ka mi o'ba a'done riyä ro, ago lazokado kani mi o'ba a'done kadopara.
31 Ndase kabe bioga tase abe nda loto sina 'do erine, orina ndi tavouni'bai be.
32 Ndase koga ŋgaemba zo, ka andivo iro oyena koziro, oko ndase kote ta 'dilotoro ole ka a'do tavouni be ndra.
33 OPI oro ka tavouni ozoni. Käti ono beṛo mi logone vuru a'dena gwo mi orone.