1 Homes are made by the wisdom of women, but are destroyed by foolishness.
2 Be honest and you show that you have reverence for the Lord; be dishonest and you show that you do not.
3 Proud fools talk too much; the words of the wise protect them.
4 Without any oxen to pull the plow your barn will be empty, but with them it will be full of grain.
5 A reliable witness always tells the truth, but an unreliable one tells nothing but lies.
6 Conceited people can never become wise, but intelligent people learn easily.
7 Stay away from foolish people; they have nothing to teach you.
8 Why is a clever person wise? Because he knows what to do. Why is a stupid person foolish? Because he only thinks he knows.
9 Foolish people don't care if they sin, but good people want to be forgiven.
10 Your joy is your own; your bitterness is your own. No one can share them with you.
11 A good person's house will still be standing after an evildoer's house has been destroyed.
12 What you think is the right road may lead to death.
13 Laughter may hide sadness. When happiness is gone, sorrow is always there.
14 Bad people will get what they deserve. Good people will be rewarded for their deeds.
15 A fool will believe anything; smart people watch their step.
16 Sensible people are careful to stay out of trouble, but stupid people are careless and act too quickly.
17 People with a hot temper do foolish things; wiser people remain calm.
18 Ignorant people get what their foolishness deserves, but the clever are rewarded with knowledge.
19 Evil people will have to bow down to the righteous and humbly beg their favor.
20 No one likes the poor, not even their neighbors, but the rich have many friends.
21 If you want to be happy, be kind to the poor; it is a sin to despise anyone.
22 You will earn the trust and respect of others if you work for good; if you work for evil, you are making a mistake.
23 Work and you will earn a living; if you sit around talking you will be poor.
24 Wise people are rewarded with wealth, but fools are known by their foolishness.
25 A witness saves lives when he tells the truth; when he tells lies, he betrays people.
26 Reverence for the Lord gives confidence and security to a man and his family.
27 Do you want to avoid death? Reverence for the Lord is a fountain of life.
28 A king's greatness depends on how many people he rules; without them he is nothing.
29 If you stay calm, you are wise, but if you have a hot temper, you only show how stupid you are.
30 Peace of mind makes the body healthy, but jealousy is like a cancer.
31 If you oppress poor people, you insult the God who made them; but kindness shown to the poor is an act of worship.
32 Wicked people bring about their own downfall by their evil deeds, but good people are protected by their integrity.
33 Wisdom is in every thought of intelligent people; fools know nothing about wisdom.
34 Righteousness makes a nation great; sin is a disgrace to any nation.
35 Kings are pleased with competent officials, but they punish those who fail them.
1 Tavouni 'ditoko ro kani 'ba ede, oko amaama anyaro kani enjina.
2 Ndase ka ori 'diri ori anjioko ka OPI oro, oko ndase ka ori undiro ori, nda ro OPI ko.
3 'Dise amamaro ata ndaro ka nda o'ba ruezane, oko ata mano se tavouni'ba ro ro kani nda gaga.
4 Nya'dote teinye 'daŋgo ämvu osoro ako kyiro miro yana a'dona ndi gbäṛäkätä awi, oko ondro nya'dote sina kyiro miro a'dona ndi twi inya be.
5 Tazevoedre'ba se 'diri 'do ga kowe ko ko, oko tazevoedre'ba se koziro 'do ka iro alo kowe oga ayani.
6 Lidri se mäwu be iyi uninayi ko cu a'done tavouni be alona, oko lidri se tavouni be iyi kayi tauni rritiako.
7 Mina mi ni tauniako'bai resi; tana ànya orivoya ta aza ako mi embaza.
8 'Dise tauniekye ko'debe a'done tavouni be tana nda ni tase oyero ndi, oko amaama tauniako'ba ro ni ŋgaodo.
9 Lidri se amamaro iyi koyeyi takozi ca tiyi tana kote, oko lidri se kado iyi leyi iyi e'bene e'be ta takozi rota.
10 Mano alo ni tusu ya modo ndaro roni ago 'diaza ni ko riyä na la'done nda be.
11 Eperena zo takozi'ba ro 'da, oko zo taŋgye'ba ro edrena iro gi 'du ŋgyiri.
12 Liti aza landrena ndi ŋgye lidri ri, oko anjioko ni liti odra royi.
13 Lägu ugu da'dona a'do tusu ro ndi, oko ondro riyä kokyete, ondoalo tusu te orivoya.
14 Lidri kozi usuna päläti 'da a'do taoye ànyaro ro voro, oko ozona päläti 'da lidri se kado iyi ri taoye kado ànyaro ta.
15 'Dise amamaro ka taoma ta cini ya; oko 'dise tavouni be ka abavo anyaro enana ena.
16 Mano se tavouni be orivoya taoti be ago ka yi ona ni rriti yasi, oko mano se tauniako orivoya taotiako ago ka taoye karagbagbaro.
17 Mano se kabe oŋga ndriŋwa kyilaro ko taoye amaama si; oko mano se tavouni be ka ori trwe.
18 Mano se tauniako usu iro a'do amaama ro ayani, oko ozo tavouni te 'dise tauniekye ri.
19 Lidri se koziro iyi ändina 'da lidri se kadoro iyi ri, takozi'bai lo'baruna 'da taŋgye'bai ri ta yauni rota.
20 'Diaza se ca oriazi ro le mano se ati'ba ro 'do ko, oko mano se ŋgadriamba be orivoya bereazii be amba.
21 Orivoya takozi yi oriazi miro mawo ne; oko nda se yauni be ati'bai ri orivoya riyä be.
22 Ànya se kayibe taundiro orana 'do wiriyite, oko ànya se kabe takado ora iyi ayina ta ndi ànya ya ago arona ndi.
23 Miye losi te mbarasi mirina ndi kadoro; oko ondro ka'do miri gwo vuru toto alo atane ayani nya'dona ndi lemeri'ba ro.
24 Päläti tauni'bai ro ni tavouni ànyaro, oko ŋgapäṛi tauniako'ba ro ni a'do amama ro 'do.
25 Tazevoedre'ba ŋgye kani adri opa ondro nda kititate taŋgye si owo, oko nda se ka taiti kowe si ka drì lidri ro ozona ufune.
26 OPI oro ka 'di o'ba orine londroro, ago agagana katidri ndaro ndi.
27 OPI oro ni gyi legwalegwa adri royi; opana 'di ndi ni rriti odra ro yasi.
28 A'do lowa amba lidri rosi 'desi 'bädri'ba ro 'degwo a'done, oko teinye lidri ako 'desi ndaro i'do.
29 Ndase ka ori trwe, anjioko nda orivoya tavouni'ba yi, oko ndase ka oŋga ndriŋwa kyilaro, ka yi ka'da tauniako'ba ro.
30 Tausu drî ro ka'dote orivoya tokpero ka lomvo o'ba jiŋgyiri ro, oko mawi ka kowe o'ba oŋwane.
31 Ndase kabe ati'bai ezana 'do, ka Lu se ko'ba ànya be 'do o'dana, oko ndase yauni be lemeri'bai ri 'do ka Lu oro.
32 Lidri se koziro iyi kayi odra ezi andivo ànyaro dri taoye undiro modo ànyaro rosi, oko taoye kado ka lidri se kadoro iyi gagana ni.
33 Tavouni orivoya tausu cini mano se tauni be 'do roya, oko tauniako'ba ni ta aza ko cu ta tavouni rota.
34 Taoye kado ka tu'de aza o'ba ni a'done 'desiro; oko takozi ka driupi ezini tu'de aza dri.
35 'Bädri'ba orivoya yai'dwesi dri'ba losi ro se kabe losi oye tavouni si 'do be, oko nda orivoya kyila ro dri'ba losi ro se kabe driupi ezi 'do be.