Ashes of the Red Cow
1 The Lord commanded Moses and Aaron 2 to give the Israelites the following regulations. Bring to Moses and Aaron a red cow which has no defects and which has never been worked, 3 and they will give it to Eleazar the priest. It is to be taken outside the camp and killed in his presence. 4 Then Eleazar is to take some of its blood and with his finger sprinkle it seven times in the direction of the Tent. 5 The whole animal, including skin, meat, blood, and intestines, is to be burned in the presence of the priest. 6 Then he is to take some cedar wood, a sprig of hyssop, and a red cord and throw them into the fire. 7 After that, he is to wash his clothes and pour water over himself, and then he may enter the camp; but he remains ritually unclean until evening. 8 The one who burned the cow must also wash his clothes and pour water over himself, but he also remains unclean until evening. 9 Then someone who is ritually clean is to collect the ashes of the cow and put them in a ritually clean place outside the camp, where they are to be kept for the Israelite community to use in preparing the water for removing ritual uncleanness. This ritual is performed to remove sin. 10 The one who collected the ashes must wash his clothes, but he remains unclean until evening. This regulation is valid for all time to come, both for the Israelites and for the foreigners living among them.
Contact with a Corpse
11 Those who touch a corpse are ritually unclean for seven days. 12 They must purify themselves with the water for purification on the third day and on the seventh day, and then they will be clean. But if they do not purify themselves on both the third and the seventh day, they will not be clean. 13 Those who touch a corpse and do not purify themselves remain unclean, because the water for purification has not been thrown over them. They defile the Lord's Tent, and they will no longer be considered God's people.
14 In the case of a person who dies in a tent, anyone who is in the tent at the time of death or who enters it becomes ritually unclean for seven days. 15 Every jar and pot in the tent that has no lid on it also becomes unclean. 16 If any touch a person who has been killed or has died a natural death outdoors or if any touch a human bone or a grave, they become unclean for seven days.
17 To remove the uncleanness, some ashes from the red cow which was burned to remove sin shall be taken and put in a pot, and fresh water added. 18 In the first case, someone who is ritually clean is to take a sprig of hyssop, dip it in the water, and sprinkle the tent, everything in it, and the people who were there. In the second case, someone who is ritually clean is to sprinkle the water on those who had touched the human bone or the dead body or the grave. 19 On the third day and on the seventh the person who is ritually clean is to sprinkle the water on the unclean persons. On the seventh day he is to purify those, who, after washing their clothes and pouring water over themselves, become ritually clean at sunset.
20 Those who have become ritually unclean and do not purify themselves remain unclean, because the water for purification has not been thrown over them. They defile the Lord's Tent and will no longer be considered God's people. 21 You are to observe this rule for all time to come. The person who sprinkles the water for purification must also wash his clothes; anyone who touches the water remains ritually unclean until evening. 22 Whatever an unclean person touches is unclean, and anyone else who touches it remains unclean until evening.
Gyi 'Diwäṛi ro
1 OPI atate Musa ndi Arona be ri ekye: 2 Ono ni ota se ma OPI mata tana be owo. Nyàta lidri Yisaraele ro ri tijoroŋwa okaro teinye mämbiako 'do ezine ämiri, ago se aye losi dri ko cu alona sina 'do. 3 Nyòzo kohani Eleazara ri, ago ti 'do ugune tesi gawa kundusi ago ufune nda kandra. 4 'Dooko Eleazara ri karina azana otine driŋgwa ndaro si, ago luvune mile Mutuguṛi a'do lototi Opi ro ro yasi perena njidrieri. 5 Beṛo tijoroŋwa 'do ozane nda kandra; kyini na, iza na, kari na ndi kyeweye na be ozane; 6 'dooko kohani na 'do ri ce wiri ro urune to'bi be ndi iba okaro be, ago ànya ovone asi se tijoroŋwa kabe uje kigye ana ya. 7 'Do vosi be kohani na 'do ri boŋgo ndaro ojane ago lomvo ndaro lasane gyi si, 'dooko ndäri ogone gawa ya; ndäri a'done undiro madale tandrolero. 8 Nda se kabe tijoroŋwa oza 'do be ndäri boŋgo ndaro ojane ago lomvo ndaro lasane gyi si, ago a'done undiro madale tandrolero. 9 Ago mano se wäṛiro 'do ri torofo tijoroŋwa ro otone, o'bane tesi gawa kundusi vo wäṛiro aza ya; ago be etane lowa lidri Yisaraele ro ri enjane gyi 'diwäṛi rosi; 'diwäṛiza ni ta a'do undiro ro yasi ta takozi rota. 10 Nda se kabe torofo tijoroŋwa ro otona 'do, be ndi ndäri boŋgo ndaro ojane, 'dooko ndäri a'done undiro madale tandrolero. Ono a'done inye lidri Yisaraele ro ri, ndi 'diatra se kabe ori ànya lako be ota ro 'duro.
Avo Odo
11 Nda se kabe avo 'diaza ro odona a'dona ndi undiro u'duna njidrieri; 12 ndäri andivo ndaro ojane gyi si u'du nina si ago u'du njidrieri si, nda ka'do robe wäṛiro; oko ondro nda koja andivo ndaro kote u'du nina si ago u'du njidrieri si, ndäri a'done wäṛiro i'do 'de. 13 'Dise aza kabe avo 'dise kodrabe ro odona, ago käwäṛi andivo ndaro kote, ka Mutuguṛi OPI ro o'bana a'done undiro, ago 'dina 'do anana ndi zwi ni Yisaraele yasi; tana uluvu gyi 'diwäṛiro kote nda dri, nda a'dona ndi undiro; a'do ndaro undiro 'do orina ndi 'du nda dri.
14 Ono ni ota se lidri se kabe odra zo boŋgoro ya ro owo: 'dise cini kabe eci zo boŋgoro 'do ya, ago 'dise cini ṛo orivoya zo boŋgoro 'do ya, a'dona ndi undiro u'duna njidrieri. 15 Ago lakazà se cini driuŋbo ro, se teinye ŋga dritakoro ako driigye iyi a'dona ndi undiro. 16 'Dise aza orivoya tesi cowa, oko kabe avo 'dise äfube ufu bando si ro kode 'dise kodra be odra ro, kode kowa lidri ro, kode 'budrina odona, a'dona ndi undiro u'duna njidrieri.
17 Ta a'do 'dise undiro rota torofo aza urune ni ŋgapäṛi se azabe ta takozi rota 'do yasi, ago be gyi udiudiro ondine osone driigye lakaza ya. 18 'Dooko mano se wäṛiro 'do ri to'bi urune, ago osone gyi ya, ago luvune zo boŋgoro yasi, ago lakazà cini drisi, ago 'dise orivoya lau kai drisi. Beṛo kpa ndäri luvune 'dise aza kodo kowa be, kode kodo 'dise äfube ufu 'do be, kode kodo 'dise kodrabe odra 'do be, kode kodo 'budri be 'do dri; 19 Ago 'dise wäṛiro 'do ri gyi luvune lidri undiro iyi drisi u'du nina si ago u'du njidrieri si; ago u'du njidrieri si oko ànyari ànya wäṛine. Ànyari boŋgo ànyaro ojane ago lomvo ànyaro lasane gyi si, ago tandrolero oko ànya a'dona ndi wäṛiro.
20 Oko mano se orivoya undiro ago käwäṛi andivo ndaro kote anana nda ndi zwi ni lowa lakosi: Nda enji Mutuguṛi OPI rote. Tana uluvu gyi 'diwäṛiro kote nda dri. Nda orivoya undiro. 21 Ono a'done oso inye ota ro ànyari 'duro. Nda se kabe gyi 'diwäṛiro luvuna beṛo ndäri kpa boŋgo ndaro ojane; ago nda se kabe gyi 'diwäṛiro odona a'dona ndi undiro madale tandrolero. 22 Ŋgase 'dise undiro kabe odona a'dona ndi undiro; ago 'dise aza kabe ŋgana 'do odona a'dona ndi undiro madale tandrolero.