List of Priests and Levites
1 The following is a list of the priests and Levites who returned from exile with Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel and with the High Priest Joshua:
2-7 Priests:Seraiah, Jeremiah, Ezra, Amariah, Malluch, Hattush, Shecaniah, Rehum, Meremoth, Iddo, Ginnethoi, Abijah, Mijamin, Maadiah, Bilgah, Shemaiah, Joiarib, Jedaiah, Sallu, Amok, Hilkiah, and Jedaiah.
These men were leaders among all their fellow priests in the days of Joshua.
8 Levites:
The following were in charge of the singing of hymns of thanksgiving: Jeshua, Binnui, Kadmiel, Sherebiah, Judah, and Mattaniah.
9 The following formed the choir that sang the responses: Bakbukiah, Unno, and their fellow Levites.
Descendants of the High Priest Joshua
10 Joshua was the father of Joiakim; Joiakim was the father of Eliashib; Eliashib was the father of Joiada; 11 Joiada was the father of Jonathan; and Jonathan was the father of Jaddua.
Heads of the Priestly Clans
12-21 When Joiakim was High Priest, the following priests were the heads of the priestly clans:
Priest ClanMeraiah SeraiahHananiah JeremiahMeshullam EzraJehohanan AmariahJonathan MalluchiJoseph ShebaniahAdna HarimHelkai MeraiothZechariah IddoMeshullam GinnethonZichri Abijah MiniaminPiltai MoadiahShammua BilgahJehonathan ShemaiahMattenai JoiaribUzzi JedaiahKallai SallaiEber AmokHashabiah HilkiahNethanel Jedaiah
Record of the Priestly and Levite Families
22 A record was kept of the heads of the Levite families and of the priestly families during the lifetimes of the following High Priests: Eliashib, Joiada, Jonathan, and Jaddua. This record was finished when Darius was emperor of Persia.
23 The heads of the Levite families, however, were recorded in the official records only until the time of Jonathan, the grandson of Eliashib.
Assignment of Duties in the Temple
24 Under the direction of Hashabiah, Sherebiah, Jeshua, Binnui, and Kadmiel, the Levites were organized into groups. Two groups at a time praised God responsively and gave thanks to him, in accordance with the instructions given by King David, the man of God.
25 The following Temple guards were in charge of guarding the storerooms by the gates to the Temple: Mattaniah, Bakbukiah, Obadiah, Meshullam, Talmon, and Akkub.
26 These people lived during the time of Joiakim, the son of Joshua and grandson of Jehozadak, and the time of Nehemiah the governor, and the time of Ezra, the priest who was a scholar of the Law.
Nehemiah Dedicates the City Wall
27 When the city wall of Jerusalem was dedicated, the Levites were brought in from wherever they were living, so that they could join in celebrating the dedication with songs of thanksgiving and with the music of cymbals and harps. 28 The Levite families of singers gathered from the area where they had settled around Jerusalem and from the towns around Netophah, 29 and from Bethgilgal, Geba, and Azmaveth. 30 The priests and the Levites performed ritual purification for themselves, the people, the gates, and the city wall.
31 I assembled the leaders of Judah on top of the wall and put them in charge of two large groups to march around the city, giving thanks to God.
The first group went to the right on top of the wall toward the Rubbish Gate. 32 Hoshaiah marched behind the singers, followed by half the leaders of Judah. 33-35 The following priests, blowing trumpets, marched next: Azariah, Ezra, Meshullam, Judah, Benjamin, Shemaiah, and Jeremiah. Next came Zechariah, the son of Jonathan and grandson of Shemaiah. (His ancestors also included Mattaniah, Micaiah, and Zaccur, of the clan of Asaph.) 36 He was followed by other members of his clan—Shemaiah, Azarel, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nethanel, Judah, and Hanani—all of whom carried musical instruments of the kind played by King David, the man of God. Ezra the scholar led this group in the procession. 37 At the Fountain Gate they went up the steps that led to David's City, past David's palace, and back to the wall at the Water Gate, on the east side of the city.
38 The other group of those who gave thanks went to the left along the top of the wall, and I followed with half of the people. We marched past the Tower of the Ovens to the Broad Wall, 39 and from there we went past Ephraim Gate, Jeshanah Gate, the Fish Gate, the Tower of Hananel, and the Tower of the Hundred, to the Sheep Gate. We ended our march near the gate to the Temple.
40 So both the groups that were giving thanks to God reached the Temple area.
In addition to the leaders who were with me, 41 my group included the following priests, blowing trumpets: Eliakim, Maaseiah, Miniamin, Micaiah, Elioenai, Zechariah, and Hananiah; 42 and they were followed by Maaseiah, Shemaiah, Eleazar, Uzzi, Jehohanan, Malchijah, Elam, and Ezer. The singers, led by Jezrahiah, sang at the top of their voices.
43 That day many sacrifices were offered, and the people were full of joy because God had made them very happy. The women and the children joined in the celebration, and the noise they all made could be heard for miles.
Providing for Worship in the Temple
44 At that time men were put in charge of the storerooms where contributions for the Temple were kept, including the tithes and the first grain and fruit that ripened each year. These men were responsible for collecting from the farms near the various cities the contributions for the priests and the Levites which the Law required. All the people of Judah were pleased with the priests and the Levites, 45 because they performed the ceremonies of purification and the other rituals that God had commanded. The Temple musicians and the Temple guards also performed their duties in accordance with the regulations made by King David and his son Solomon. 46 From the time of King David and the musician Asaph long ago, the musicians have led songs of praise and thanksgiving to God. 47 In the time of Zerubbabel and also in the time of Nehemiah, all the people of Israel gave daily gifts for the support of the Temple musicians and the Temple guards. The people gave a sacred offering to the Levites, and the Levites gave the required portion to the priests.
Ora Kohanii ndi Lewe'bai be ro
1 Kwoi ni orivoya kohanii ndi Lewe'bai se kegoyibe Zerubabela ŋgwa Salatiela ro ndi Jesua yibe owo; ànya ro ni: Seraya, Yeremaya, Ezera, 2 Amaria, Maluka, Atusa, 3 Sekania, Rehuma, Meremota, 4 Ido, Ginetoi, Abija, 5 Mijamina, Madai, Bilega, 6 Semaya, Joarima, Jedaya, 7 Salu, Amoka, Ilekia ndi Jedaya be. Lidri kwoi ni dri'bai kohanii cini azi ànyaro lako tu Jesua rosi owo.
8 Ago Lewe'bai ro ni: Jesua, Binui, Kademiela, Serebia, Yuda ndi Matania ndi azi anyaro be; dri'bai loŋgo mätu aro'boya oyero ro owo. 9 Ago Bakabukia ndi Unino azi anyaro yi edreyite miäwuäwu ro ànya yibe vo ruindu roya.
Zelevoi Jesua Kohani Fopara ro
10 Jesua ni täpi Joakima ro, Joakima ni täpi Eliasiba ro, Eliasiba ni täpi Yoyada ro; 11 Yoyada ni täpi Jonatana ro ago Jonatana ni täpi Jadua ro.
Dri'bai Käläsikalai Kohanii ro ro
12 Tu Joakima ro si, kohanii kwoi ni dri'bai käläsikalai Kohanii ro ro: Käläsikala Seraya ro ro ni: Meraya, Yeremaya ro ro ni: Anania; 13 Ezera ro ro ni: Mesulama, Amaria ro ro ni: Jonana, 14 Maluki ro ro ni: Jonatana, Sebania ro ro ni: Yosepa, 15 Arima ro ro ni: Adena, Mereyota ro ro ni: Elekia, 16 Ido ro ro ni: Zekaria, Ginetona ro ro ni: Mesulama, 17 Abija ro ro ni: Zikeri, Miniamina ndi Moadia robe ni: Piletai, 18 Bilega ro ro ni: Samua, Semaya ro ro ni: Jonatana; 19 Joariba ro ro ni: Matenai, Jedaya ro ro ni: Uzi, 20 Salai ro ro ni: Kalai, Amoka ro ro ni: Ebera, 21 Ilekia ro ro ni: Asabia, Jedaya ro ro ni: Netaniela.
Ora Katidrii Kohanii ndi Lewe'bai be ro
22 Ara ävuru dri'bai katidrii Lewe'bai ro ro ndi dri'bai katidrii kohani robe te tu Eliasiba, Yoyada, Joanana ndi Jadua be rosi, arate tu miri oriro Dariyasi 'bädri'ba Peresia'ba ro rosi.
23 Oko dri'bai katidrii Lewe'bai ro ro egyite Buku Ambâ roya, mada le tu Joanana kwozo Eliasiba ro rosi.
Ora Kama Losi Oyero Yekalu ya ro
24 Dri'bai Lewe'bai ro ni Asabai, Serebia, Jesua ŋgwa Kademiela ro ndi azii ànya robe se edreyite miäwuäwu ro räṛu ndi aro'boya be oyene drina oza oza ro, oso 'Bädri'ba Dawidi mano Lu ro kemba tana be ronye. 25 Matania, Bakabukia, Obadaya, Mesulama, talemona ndi Akuba be ni orivoya käläsii okwa'bai vo ŋgaodro ro se dereŋwai lomvo ro. 26 Lidri kwoi riyite tu Joakima ŋgwa Jesua ro kwozo Jozadaka ro rosi ago tu wari'ba Nemaya ro ndi kohani Ezera egyi'ba Ota ro rosi.
Nemaya ka Tiṛi 'Bakici ro Äṛu
27 Ondro ate tiṛi Yerusalema ro äṛu oko, ezi Lewe'bai teni vo cini se ànya koriyibe kigyesi yasi, Yerusalema ya karama tiṛi äṛuro oyene riyä si, aro'boya oyesi loŋgo si, araca usi si, lekyembe o'bi be ndi kudi yibe si. 28 Katidrii Lewe'bai ro loŋgo oŋgo'bai ro otoyikalate voaloya gbikyi ni Yerusalema lomvosi ago ni 'baŋwà se gbikyi Netofa'bai ro lomvosi yasi. 29 Kpa ni Betegilegala, Geba ndi Azemaveta be yasi tana loŋgo oŋgo'bai beyi 'baŋwà tero iyi ri gbikyi Yerusalema lomvosi. 30 Ago kohanii ndi Lewe'bai be wäṛiyi andivo ànyaro te ndi lidri, dereŋwà ndi tiṛi 'bakici robe.
31 'Dooko mambikala dri'bai lidri Yuda ro rote kuru tiṛi dri, ago manji gboko ritu 'desiro te abane gbikyi, ugu aro'boya oyebe.
Gboko alo aza oyite drigwo yaro tiṛi drisi Dereŋwa Kaŋwa ro driro. 32 Osabia sote ànya kundu ndi kpäkyi dri'bai Yuda ro ro esoyi gwo.
33 'Dooko Azaria, Ezera, Mesulama, 34 Yuda, Benjamina, Semaya ndi Yeremaya be esoyi gwo. 35 'Dooko kohanii azaka cekuṛe be: Zekaria ŋgwa Jonatana ro kwozo Semaya ro. Zutui ndaro azaka ni: Matania, Mikaya ndi Zakura be, käläsikala Asafa ro. 36 'Didiri Zakaria ro se kesobe nda vo ni: Semaya, Azerela, Milalai, Gilalai, Mai, Netaniela, Yuda ndi Anani be, tro lakazà loŋgo oŋgoro se Dawidi mano Lu ro kedebe ana be robe. Ezera egyi'ba 'dete mile ànyaro ya, 37 Ànya tuyite kuru ro Dereŋwa Gyi legwalegwaro ro yasi kotopa se uturo 'Bakici Dawidi roya ana yasi, lävuyite zo'desi miriro Dawidi ro yasi, ago egoyite tiṛi lomvo Dereŋwa Gyi ro 'buzelesi yasi.
38 Gboko äziri oyite gaṛi yasi tiṛi drisi, ago masote ànya vo telesi lidri robe, mòyite zowiṛa Vo ŋgala'diro yasi le Tiṛi Bäräŋgälä ya. 39 Ago ni nasi mòyi mälävu Dereŋwa Eperaima ro, Dereŋwa Uku ro, Dereŋwa Ti'bi ro, Tiṛiwiṛa Ananela ro, ndi zowiṛa Kama Alo robe te le Dereŋwa Timele roya. Mànde aba amaro te le Dereŋwa Vookwa'bai ro lomvo.
40 Ta'dota gboko riti se aro'boya oyero Lu ri ndi se loŋgo oŋgoro iyi be edreyite Yekalu ya, ndi mabe tro kpäkyi dri'bai se mabe iyi be. 41 'Dooko kohanii Eliakima, Maseya, Elionai, Zekaria ndi Anania be cekuṛe be, 42 ago se kesobe ànya vo ni: Maseya, Semaya, Eleazara, Uzi, Joanana, Malekija, Elama ndi Ezera be. Loŋgo oŋgo'bai ŋgoyi loŋgo te, Jezeraya ni dri'ba ànyaro. 43 Ago tu gi ana si ànya loyi tori tiṛiṛiro te; ago a'doyite riyä amba si tana Lu 'ba ànya te riyä oyene yai'dwe amba si. 'Ditoko ndi ŋgàga giṛiŋwà be yeyi riyä kpate, ago kporo riyä ro Yerusalema ya erite le lozo si.
Ŋgaozo ta Mätu ro Yekalu ya rota
44 Tu gi ana si aka'da lidri te a'done dri'bai ro zo ŋgaodroro dri, vose abe ŋgapäṛi Yekalu ro, doŋgodri kätii ndi ŋgapäṛi telesi alo 'bute ro o'ba kigye 'do. Lidri kwoi ni ŋgapäṛi kotone ni ämvu se loto 'bakicii lomvosi yasi, kohanii ndi Lewe'bai be ri oso Ota kolebe ronye. Lidri Yudai ro a'doyite riyä si ta ruindu ro kohanii ro ndi Lewe'bai robe rota. 45 Ànya yeyi losi ruindu ro Lu ànyaro rote ndi losi 'diwäṛi robe oso loŋgo oŋgo'bai ndi dereŋwa okwa'bai koyeyibe ronye oso 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ndi ŋgwa ndaro Solomo be kota be ronye. 46 Ṛoni kyeno tu 'Bädri'ba Dawidi rosi, ago ṛo kyeno tu Asafa rosi, dri'ba loŋgo oŋgoro ro orivoya ndi loŋgoi aro'boya oyero Lu ri be. 47 Ago tu Zerubabela ndi Nemaya be roya, lidri cini Yisaraele ro ozoyi ŋga te ondoro loŋgo oŋgo'bai ndi dereŋwa okwa'bai be ätiza, lidri ozo ŋgapäṛi alokado te Lewe'bai ri, ago Lewe'bai ozoyi ŋgase ozone kohanii ri 'do te.