The People Who Lived in Jerusalem
1 The leaders settled in Jerusalem, and the rest of the people drew lots to choose one family out of every ten to go and live in the holy city of Jerusalem, while the rest were to live in the other cities and towns. 2 The people praised anyone else who volunteered to live in Jerusalem. 3 In the other towns and cities the people of Israel, the priests, the Levites, the Temple workers, and the descendants of Solomon's servants lived on their own property in their own towns.
The following is the list of the leading citizens of the province of Judah who lived in Jerusalem:
4 Members of the tribe of Judah:
Athaiah, the son of Uzziah and grandson of Zechariah. His other ancestors included Amariah, Shephatiah, and Mahalalel, descendants of Judah's son Perez.
5 Maaseiah, the son of Baruch and grandson of Colhozeh. His other ancestors included Hazaiah, Adaiah, Joiarib, and Zechariah, descendants of Judah's son Shelah.
6 Of the descendants of Perez, 468 outstanding soldiers lived in Jerusalem.
7 Members of the tribe of Benjamin:
Sallu, the son of Meshullam and grandson of Joed. His other ancestors included Pedaiah, Kolaiah, Maaseiah, Ithiel, and Jeshaiah.
8 Gabbai and Sallai, close relatives of Sallu.
In all, 928 Benjaminites lived in Jerusalem. 9 Joel son of Zichri was their leader, and Judah son of Hassenuah was the second ranking official in the city.
10 Priests:
Jedaiah son of Joiarib, and Jachin.
11 Seraiah, the son of Hilkiah and grandson of Meshullam. His ancestors included Zadok, Meraioth, and Ahitub, who was the High Priest. 12 In all, 822 members of this clan served in the Temple.
Adaiah, the son of Jeroham and grandson of Pelaliah. His ancestors included Amzi, Zechariah, Pashhur, and Malchijah. 13 In all, 242 members of this clan were heads of families.
Amashsai, the son of Azarel and grandson of Ahzai. His ancestors included Meshillemoth and Immer. 14 There were 128 members of this clan who were outstanding soldiers. Their leader was Zabdiel, a member of a leading family.
15 Levites:
Shemaiah, the son of Hasshub and grandson of Azrikam. His ancestors included Hashabiah and Bunni.
16 Shabbethai and Jozabad, prominent Levites in charge of the work outside the Temple.
17 Mattaniah, the son of Mica and grandson of Zabdi, a descendant of Asaph. He led the Temple choir in singing the prayer of thanksgiving.
Bakbukiah, who was Mattaniah's assistant.
Abda, the son of Shammua and grandson of Galal, a descendant of Jeduthun.
18 In all, 284 Levites lived in the holy city of Jerusalem.
19 Temple guards:
Akkub, Talmon, and their relatives, 172 in all.
20 The rest of the people of Israel and the remaining priests and Levites lived on their own property in the other cities and towns of Judah. 21 The Temple workers lived in the part of Jerusalem called Ophel and worked under the supervision of Ziha and Gishpa.
22 The supervisor of the Levites who lived in Jerusalem was Uzzi, the son of Bani and grandson of Hashabiah. His ancestors included Mattaniah and Mica, and he belonged to the clan of Asaph, the clan that was responsible for the music in the Temple services. 23 There were royal regulations stating how the clans should take turns in leading the Temple music each day.
24 Pethahiah son of Meshezabel, of the clan of Zerah and the tribe of Judah, represented the people of Israel at the Persian court.
The People in Other Towns and Cities
25 Many of the people lived in towns near their farms. Those who were of the tribe of Judah lived in Kiriath Arba, Dibon, and Jekabzeel, and in the villages near these cities. 26 They also lived in the cities of Jeshua, Moladah, Bethpelet, 27 and Hazarshual, and in Beersheba and the villages around it. 28 They lived in the city of Ziklag, in Meconah and its villages, 29 in Enrimmon, in Zorah, in Jarmuth, 30 in Zanoah, in Adullam, and in the villages near these towns. They lived in Lachish and on the farms nearby, and in Azekah and its villages. That is to say, the people of Judah lived in the territory between Beersheba in the south and Hinnom Valley in the north.
31 The people of the tribe of Benjamin lived in Geba, Michmash, Ai, Bethel and the nearby villages, 32 Anathoth, Nob, Ananiah, 33 Hazor, Ramah, Gittaim, 34 Hadid, Zeboim, Neballat, 35 Lod, and Ono, and in Craftsmen's Valley. 36 Some groups of Levites that had lived in the territory of Judah were assigned to live with the people of Benjamin.
Lidri se Kayibe Ori Yerusalema ya
1 Dri'bai lidri ro ka ori Yerusalema ya; oko anjoko lidri ro voyi vodo te, katidri alodi onjine ni katidri 'butealo cini lakosi oyine orine Yerusalema 'bakici alokado ya, ago rukäna se ke'bebe njidriesu 'bute ro kai ri orine 'ba'desii azaka yasi. 2 Ago lidri räṛuyi 'dise cini leyitadribe orine Yerusalema ya ana te. 3 Kwoi ni dri'baii warii ro se koriyibe Yerusalema ya owo, (oko 'ba'desii Yuda ro yasi 'dicini rite ŋga ànyaro be 'ba'desii modo ànyaro ro yasi): Yisaraele'bai, Kohanii, Lewe'bai, losi oye'bai Yekalu ro ndi zelevoi ruindu'bai Solomo ro ro. 4 Kwoi ni zelevoi azaka Yuda ro ndi Benjamina robe se koriyibe Yerusalema ya owo. Gboko zelevo Yuda ro ro ni: Ataya ŋgwa Uzia ro, kwozo Zekaria ro, zutui ndaro azaka ni Amaria, Sefatia ndi Mahalalela be, se ni zelevoi Pereza ro. 5 Maseya ŋgwa Baruka ro, kwozo Koloze ro, zutui ndaro azaka ni Azaya, Adaya, Joariba, se ni zelevoi Sela ro ro.
6 Zelevoi Pereza ro se koriyibe Yerusalema ya cini orivoya kama su 'butenjidrialo fonjidriena (468) se kyila'bai mbara ro owo.
7 Gbokoi zelevei Benjamina ro ro ni: Salu ŋgwa Mesulama ro, kwozo Joeda ro, zutui ndaro azaka ni: Pedaya, Kolaya, Maseya, Itiela ndi Jesaya be. 8 Ànya vosi ni Gabai ndi Salai be oti ànyaro cini orivoya kama njidriesu 'buteritu fonjidriena (928). 9 Yoele ŋgwa Zikeri ro ni dri'ba ànyaro; ago Yuda ŋgwa Asena ro ni dri'ba ṛiri losi ro 'bakici dri.
10 Kohanii ni: Jedaya ŋgwa Joarima ro ndi Jakina be, 11 Seraya ŋgwa Ilekia ro, kwozo Mesulama ro. Zutui ndaro azaka ni: Zadoka, Meroyota, ndi Aituba be, se ni Kohani Fopara yi. 12 Azi ànyaro se induru yite Yekalu ya vona cini orivoya kama njidriena 'buteritu foritu (822) ànya ni Adaya ŋgwa Jerama ro, kwozo Pelalia ro. Zutui ndaro azaka ni: Amezi, Zekaria, Pasura ndi Malekija be. 13 Azi ànyaro se ni dri'baii katidrii ro vona cini orivoya kama ritu 'butesu foritu (242); ànya ni. Amasesai ŋgwa Azarela ro kwozo Ahezai ro. Zutui ndaro azaka ni Mesilemota ndi Imera be. 14 Azi ànyaro se kyila'bai ro vona cini orivoya kama alo 'buteritu fonjidriena (128), dri'ba ànyaro ni Zabediela, ŋgwa Agadolima ro.
15 Lewe'bai ro ni: Semaya ŋgwa Asubu ro, kwozo Azerikama ro. Zutui ndaro azaka ni: Asabia ndi Buni be. 16 Sabetai ndi Jozabada be, dri'bai 'desiro Lewe'bai ro; losi tesisi Yekalu ro ro, 17 Matania ŋgwa Mika ro, kwozo Zabedi ro, zelevo Asafa ro. Nda kani ugu loŋgo mätu aro'boya oyero lepena, ago Bakabukia ni kundueŋga'ba Matania ro; Abeda ŋgwa Samusa ro, kwozo Galala ro, zelevo Jedutuna ro, 18 Lewe'bai se cini koriyibe 'bakici alokado Yerusalema ya vona cini orivoya kama ritu 'butenjidriena fosu (284).
19 Yekalu okwa'bai ro ni: Akuba, Talemona ndi azi ànyaro azaka se kabe dereŋwa okwa yabe, vona cini orivoya kama alo 'butenjidrieri foritu (172).
20 Ago rukä lidri Yisaraele ro ro, ago kohanii ndi Lewe'bai robe riyite 'ba'desii Yuda ro yasi, vose ànya modo ro drimbiro yasi. 21 Oko losi oye'bai Yekalu ro riyite lutu Ofela dri; ago Zia ndi Gisefa be ni dri'bai ànyaro.
22 Täkyi'ba Lewe'bai ro se koriyibe Yerusalema ya ni: Uzi ŋgwa Bani ro, kwozo Asabia ro. Zutui ndaro azaka ni: Matania, ndi Mika be, nda orivoya käläsikala Asafa ro ro, se ni käläsikala loŋgo oŋgo'bai mätu oyero Yekalu ya ro. 23 Ota a'dote ni 'bädri'ba resi loŋgo oŋgo'bai ri kama loŋgo lepero, tu cini ya rota. 24 Petaya ŋgwa Mesezabela ro, käläsikala Zera ro ro ago 'bakala Yuda ro ro, nda ni tavoata'ba 'bädri'ba ro ta lidri Yisaraele ro rota.
Lidri se 'Ba'desii ndi 'Bakicii Azaka be yasi
25 Lidri azaka Yuda ro riyite 'baŋwà se lototi ämvu ànyaro lomvosi iyi yasi, ànya riyite Kiriata Areba, Dibona ndi Jekabezela be yasi, ago vose loto ànya lomvosi iyi yasi. 26 Ànya riyi kpate 'baŋwà Jesua, Molada, Beteopeleta, 27 ndi Azaresuala be yasi, ago Beraseba ya, ndi vose lomvoigyesi iyi be yasi. 28 Ànya riyite 'bakici Zikelaga ya, Mekona ya ndi vose lomvoigyesi iyi be yasi, 29 riyite Enerimona ya, Zora ya, Jaremuta ya, 30 Zanoa ya, Adulama ya ndi 'baŋwà se 'bakici iyi lomvosi iyi be yasi. Ànya riyite Lakisa ya ndi ämvu se loto lomvoigyesi iyi be yasi, ago Azeka ya ndi 'baŋwà ànyaro be yasi. Ànya riyite etoni Beraseba ya le Vodelero Inenoma ro ya. 31 Lidri Benjamina ro riyi kpate Geba, Mikemasa, Aija, Betele ndi 'baŋwai se lomvoigyesi be yasi. 32 Anatota ya, Noba ya, Anania ya, 33 Azora ya, Rama ya, Gitaima ya, 34 Adida ya, Zaboima ya, Nebalata ya, 35 Loda ya, ago Ono ndi Vodelero lidri ŋgaede'bai robe ya. 36 Ago rukä gboko Lewe'bai ro ro se koriyibe wari Yuda roya iyi a'bate orine lidri Benjamina robe.