The Sacredness of Blood
1 The Lord commanded Moses 2 to give Aaron and his sons and all the people of Israel the following regulations. 3-4 Any Israelites who kill a cow or a sheep or a goat as an offering to the Lord anywhere except at the entrance of the Tent of the Lord's presence have broken the Law. They have shed blood and shall no longer be considered God's people. 5 The meaning of this command is that the people of Israel shall now bring to the Lord the animals which they used to kill in the open country. They shall now bring them to the priest at the entrance of the Tent and kill them as fellowship offerings. 6 The priest shall throw the blood against the sides of the altar at the entrance of the Tent and burn the fat to produce an odor that is pleasing to the Lord. 7 The people of Israel must no longer be unfaithful to the Lord by killing their animals in the fields as sacrifices to the goat demons. The people of Israel must keep this regulation for all time to come.
8 Any Israelites or any foreigners living in the community who offer a burnt offering or any other sacrifice 9 as an offering to the Lord anywhere except at the entrance of the Tent shall no longer be considered God's people.
10 If any Israelites or any foreigners living in the community eat meat with blood still in it, the Lord will turn against them and no longer consider them his people. 11 The life of every living thing is in the blood, and that is why the Lord has commanded that all blood be poured out on the altar to take away the people's sins. Blood, which is life, takes away sins. 12 That is why the Lord has told the people of Israel that neither they nor any foreigner living among them shall eat any meat with blood still in it.
13 If any Israelites or any foreigners living in the community catch an animal or a bird which is ritually clean, they must pour its blood out on the ground and cover it with dirt. 14 The life of every living thing is in the blood, and that is why the Lord has told the people of Israel that they shall not eat any meat with blood still in it and that anyone who does so will no longer be considered one of his people.
15 Any people, Israelites or foreigners, who eat meat from an animal that has died a natural death or has been killed by wild animals must wash their clothes, take a bath, and wait until evening before they are ritually clean. 16 If they do not, they must suffer the consequences.
A'do Alokado Kari ro
1 OPI atate Musa ri 2 atane Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be, ndi lidri cini Yisaraele robe ri ekye, ono ni tase Opi kata be owo. 3 Ekye ondro Yisaraele'ba aza kufu ti, timele kode indri te gawa ya kode gawa kundusi, 4 ago kezi kote ecivo Mutuguṛi a'do lototi OPI ro roya ŋgapäṛi ro Opi ri mile mutuguṛi roya, anjioko ndate taenjibe nda 'ba kari te orone ago ndäri a'done alo aza lidri Lu ro te i'do. 5 Takaci ota ono ro anjioko te lidri Yisaraele ro ri koronya se ànya kayibe ufuna vo awi ya 'do ezine OPI ri. Ànyari ezine kohani re ecivo Mutuguṛi roya ago olone ŋgapäṛi rumora ro ro. 6 Kohani ri kari na luvune lamadri cini vo tori oloro ro yasi, ecivo Mutuguṛi roya, ago vo ombiombi na ozane tägyi ŋgutru ro OPI ri. 7 Beṛo kote lidri Yisaraele ro ri tori olone demona ri se ànya soyibe voigye do. Lidri Yisaraele ro ri ota ono ätine le kovole'bai ànyaro ya.
8 Nyata ànyari mikye, Yisaraele'ba aza kode 'diatra se kabe ori ànya lako 'do kolo ŋgapäṛi ozaro kode tori aza te OPI ri 9 kolo kote ecivo Mutuguṛi roya, ndäri a'done alo aza lidri Lu ro te i'do.
10 Ondro ka'do Yisaraele'ba aza kode 'diatra se kabe ori ànya lako 'do konya iza se karibe 'do te, OPI a'dona ndi kyilaro nda be, ago ndäri a'done alo aza lidri ndaro ro te i'do. 11 Tana adri ŋga cini lidriidriro iyi ro orivoya kari ya; 'doni tase OPI ko'debe ota ozone ekye kari cini odane vo tori oloro dri takozi lidri cini ro onaza owo. Kari, se ni adri yi ono, ka takozi cini onani. 12 Tase OPI ko'debe atane lidri Yisaraele ro ri ekye ca ànya kode 'diatra se kabe ori ànya lako konya iza se kari be 'do ko alona ni wo.
13 Ondro ka'do Yisaraele'ba aza kode 'diatra se kabe ori ànya lako ku'bo koronya aza kode ari aza se onyaro 'do te beṛo ndäri kari na etine vuru gyini dri ago drina ukune gyini si. 14 Tana adri ŋgase cini lidriidriro ro orivoya kari ya; tase OPI ko'debe atane lidri Yisaraele ro ri ekye ko ànyari iza se kari be onyane tana adri ŋgase cini lidriidri ro orivoya kari ya ago 'dise konyate unina kote a'done alo aza lidri ndaro ni wo.
15 'Dise aza, Yisaraele'ba yi, kode 'diatra yi, konya iza koronya se kabe odraodra ta iro ronye kode kaa si ni 'do rote, beṛo ndäri boŋgo ndaro ojane, lasane ago orine undiro madale tandrolero o'dena gwo a'done wäṛiro. 16 Oko ondro ka'do nda koja kote ago kalasa kote, nda uŋgyina taezaro ndi.