Achan's Sin
1 The Lord's command to Israel not to take from Jericho anything that was to be destroyed was not obeyed. A man named Achan disobeyed that order, and so the Lord was furious with the Israelites. (Achan was the son of Carmi and grandson of Zabdi, and belonged to the clan of Zerah, a part of the tribe of Judah.)
2 Joshua sent some men from Jericho to Ai, a city east of Bethel, near Bethaven, with orders to go and explore the land. When they had done so, 3 they reported back to Joshua: “There is no need for everyone to attack Ai. Send only about two or three thousand men. Don't send the whole army up there to fight; it is not a large city.” 4 So about three thousand Israelites made the attack, but they were forced to retreat. 5 The men of Ai chased them from the city gate as far as some quarries and killed about thirty-six of them on the way down the hill. Then the Israelites lost their courage and were afraid.
6 Joshua and the leaders of Israel tore their clothes in grief, threw themselves to the ground before the Lord's Covenant Box, and lay there till evening, with dust on their heads to show their sorrow. 7 And Joshua said, “Sovereign Lord! Why did you bring us across the Jordan at all? To turn us over to the Amorites? To destroy us? Why didn't we just stay on the other side of the Jordan? 8 What can I say, O Lord, now that Israel has retreated from the enemy? 9 The Canaanites and everyone else in the country will hear about it. They will surround us and kill every one of us! And then what will you do to protect your honor?”
10 The Lord said to Joshua, “Get up! Why are you lying on the ground like this? 11 Israel has sinned! They have broken the agreement with me that I ordered them to keep. They have taken some of the things condemned to destruction. They stole them, lied about it, and put them with their own things. 12 This is why the Israelites cannot stand against their enemies. They retreat from them because they themselves have now been condemned to destruction! I will not stay with you any longer unless you destroy the things you were ordered not to take! 13 Get up! Purify the people and get them ready to come before me. Tell them to be ready tomorrow, because I, the Lord God of Israel, have this to say: ‘Israel, you have in your possession some things that I ordered you to destroy! You cannot stand against your enemies until you get rid of these things!’ 14 So tell them that in the morning they will be brought forward, tribe by tribe. The tribe that I pick out will then come forward, clan by clan. The clan that I pick out will come forward, family by family. The family that I pick out will come forward, one by one. 15 The one who is then picked out and found with the condemned goods will be burned, along with his family and everything he owns, for he has brought terrible shame on Israel and has broken my covenant.”
16 Early the next morning Joshua brought Israel forward, tribe by tribe, and the tribe of Judah was picked out. 17 He brought the tribe of Judah forward, clan by clan, and the clan of Zerah was picked out. Then he brought the clan of Zerah forward, family by family, and the family of Zabdi was picked out. 18 He then brought Zabdi's family forward, one by one, and Achan, the son of Carmi and grandson of Zabdi, was picked out. 19 Joshua said to him, “My son, tell the truth here before the Lord, the God of Israel, and confess. Tell me now what you have done. Don't try to hide it from me.”
20 “It's true,” Achan answered. “I have sinned against the Lord, Israel's God, and this is what I did. 21 Among the things we seized I saw a beautiful Babylonian cloak, about five pounds of silver, and a bar of gold weighing over one pound. I wanted them so much that I took them. You will find them buried inside my tent, with the silver at the bottom.”
22 So Joshua sent some men, who ran to the tent and found that the condemned things really were buried there, with the silver at the bottom. 23 They brought them out of the tent, took them to Joshua and all the Israelites, and laid them down in the presence of the Lord. 24 Joshua, along with all the people of Israel, seized Achan, the silver, the cloak, the bar of gold, together with Achan's sons and daughters, his cattle, donkeys, and sheep, his tent, and everything else he owned; and they took them to Trouble Valley. 25 And Joshua said, “Why have you brought such trouble on us? The Lord will now bring trouble on you!” All the people then stoned Achan to death; they also stoned and burned his family and possessions. 26 They put a huge pile of stones over him, which is there to this day. That is why that place is still called Trouble Valley.
Then the Lord was no longer furious.
Takozi Akana ro
1 Lidri Yisaraele ro fuyi ota se ozo be ànyari ta ŋgase aleko urune ni Yeriko yasi kai rota ana te. Tana Akana ŋgwa Karuni ro, kwozo Zabedi ro, käläsikala Zera ro, se ni telesi 'bakala Yuda ro ro ana, ru rukä ŋgase kai rote; ago OPI a'dote kyilaro lidri Yisaraele robe.
2 Yosua zo màno azaka teni Yeriko yasi Ai ya, se orivoya loto Betavena lomvo, 'buzele Betele roya, ago atate ànyari ekye: “Nyòyi wari ana marine.” Ago màno kai oyiyite lau ago kamariyi Ai te oko, 3 Ànya egoyite Yosua re, ago itiyi tate ndäri ekye: “Mi'ba lidri cini ko oyine Ai gotane, oko mizo mànoago toto oso kutu ritu (2,000) kode nätu (3,000) ronye. Mizo kyila'bai cini ko oyine kyila oyene lau; tana mànoago toto fere lau.” 4 Ta'dota mànoago Yisaraele ro oso kutu nätu (3,000) ronye oyiyite lau ŋga gotane, oko lidri Ai ro nja ànya te kovele. 5 Ago lidri Ai ro tufuyi ànya te 'butenätu fonjidrialo liti se kabe oyi lutu pasi ana dri, ago enja ànya te ni dereŋwa 'bakici ro kalasi le Sebarima ya 'Dooko agoago Yisaraele'bai ro kyete ago ànya a'doyite turiro.
6 'Dooko Yosua ndi dri'bai Yisaraele robe towayi boŋgo ànyaro te, ago 'deyite militi si gyini dri Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro mile, madale tandrolero, ànya lodayi durufu te ànya drisi tusu ànyaro ka'daza. 7 Ago Yosua atate ekye: “Äye OPI Mbarapara! Mi'ba lidri ono drî Golo Yaradene ro ezane etaya? Ama ozone drì Amora'bai roya ama tufune ya? Mi'ba màri ko ṛo Golo Yaradene tasi nasi etaya? 8 Äye OPI, matana 'bo gwo makye e'di, yauono Yisaraele'bai imuyi 'bote ni kyila'baazii ànyaro ri! 9 Ondro Kanana'bai ndi lidri se cini 'bädri ono robe keriyi tana bete, ànya umunayi drî amaro ndi, ago tufunayi ama cini ndi! 'Dooko miyena e'di ta liku ävuru miro rota ya?”
10 OPI atate Yosua ri ekye: “Miŋga! Nyu'du gwo gyini dri militi si vuru inye etaya? 11 Yisaraele'bai ye takozi te! Ànya fuyi tao'baro maro se mata ànya be ätine 'do te; ànya ruyi rukä ŋgase ozo tana ko urune iyi te. Ànya kuguyi te, ago gayi kowe te tana ro ago 'bayi ànya te lakazà ànyaro modona lako. 12 Ta'doro ni lidri Yisaraele ro niyi kote edrene kyila'baazii ànyaro mile wo. Ànya imuyite ni kyila'baazii ànyaro ri, tana mozo andivo ànyaro te tufune! Märi a'done ami yibe te i'do tona, e'be gialo nyèperena ŋgase ozo tana be, ko ämiri urune iyi lutu kpeye! 13 Miŋga! Nyäwäṛi lidri 'do nyata ànyari a'done nja ondo, tana ma, OPI Lu Yisaraele ro ma ni ata nonye makye: ‘Ami Yisaraele'bai, mì'ba ŋga azaka se mata ami be tufune iyi te lakazà amiro lako! Ta'dota mànina ko edrene kyila'baazii amiro mile, madale mànana ŋgana iyi lutu ni ami lakosi!’ 14 Ka'do inye nyata ànyari ondo kyenoŋbo, be ànyari efone mileya ba 'bakala ro 'bakala ro. Ago 'bakala se Opi kabe onjina ri efone mileya, ba käläsikala ro käläsikala ro. Ago käläsikala se Opi kabe onjina ri efone mileya, ba katidri ro katidri ro. Ago katidri se Opi kabe onjina efone mileya ba mano alo mano alo ro. 15 'Dooko mano se ärute ago usute lakazà se ozo tana be ko urune iyi be ozane asi si, 'di katidri ndaro ya be ndi ŋgase cini nda ka'dobe sina 'do be, tana nda fu tao'baro Opi ro te, ago ezi driupi ndra te Yisaraele dri.”
16 'Dooko Yosua ŋga ṛo kyenoŋboci ago Yosua lofo lidri Yisaraele ro te mileya, ba 'bakala ro 'bakala ro, ago anji 'bakala Yuda ro te. 17 Nda lofo 'bakala Yuda ro te mileya, ba käläsikala ro käläsikala ro, ago anji käläsikala Zera rote. 'Dooko nda lofo käläsikala Zera ro te mileya, ba katidri ro katidri ro, ago anji katidri Zabedi rote. 18 'Dooko nda lofo 'di katidri Zabedi roya te ba alo alo, ago äru Akana ŋgwa Karemi ro, kwozo Zabedi rote. 19 'Dooko Yosua atate Akana ri ekye: “Ŋgwa maro, nyiti taŋgye ayani OPI Lu Yisaraele ro mile, ago nyeṛo ta miro ndäri. Ka'do inye nyiti tase miyebe ono tana märi. Nyada'do tana ko ni märi.”
20 Ago Akana zatadrite ekye: “Ndi endaro maye takozi te OPI Lu Yisaraele ro lomvo, ago tase mayebe ni no. 21 Mandre boŋgo rendelero liŋgyiekye Babelonia rote ni ŋgase mä̀rube kai lako ago mo'di läŋgyina oso Sekele kama ritu (200) ronye ago logo cari logo läguläguro aza läŋgyina orivoya Sekele 'butenji. Mulu ànya tawi, ta'doro märu ànya te. Nyusuna ànya mase te zo boŋgoro maro ya, mo'di be se orivoya vurusi.”
22 Ta'dota Yosua zo lidri azaka te, se muyite zo boŋgoro ya, ago endaro usuyi ŋgase ozo tana be ko urune kai asete gyini ya lau tro mo'di be se orivoya vurusi. 23 Ànya lofoyite ni zo boŋgoro yasi, ago eziyite Yosua ndi lidri cini Yisaraele robe re, ago ànya 'bayite vuru OPI kandra. 24 'Dooko Yosua ndi lidri Yisaraele robe, ruyi Akana ŋgwa Zera rote ndi, mo'di, boŋgo rendelero ndi logo cari logo läguläguro robe te, ŋgwàagoro Akana ro ndi ndiriŋwa robe, tii, doŋgyii, timele ndi zo boŋgoro ndaro yibe te, ndi ŋgase cini nda be sina ana be; ago ànya eziyite le Vodelero Akera roya. 25 Ago Yosua atate ekye: “Mi'debe rriti nonye ono ezine ämädri tana e'di ya? Yauono OPI ka oyete rriti ezine midri!” 'Dooko lidri cini Yisaraele ro voyi Akana te kuni si ṛi ago ànya voyi ago zayi 'di katidri ndaro ya kpate ndi ŋgase cini nda ka'dobe sina kai be asi si. 26 Ànya droyi kuni te 'desi donjo nda dri, se dri gi orivoya lau le tu ono si ono, kyila OPI ro kyete. Ta'doro ni a'degwo vo ana ävuruna uzine Vodele ro, Akoro ro.