The Kings Defeated by Moses
1 The people of Israel had already conquered and occupied the land east of the Jordan, from the Arnon Valley up the Jordan Valley and as far north as Mount Hermon. They defeated two kings. 2 One was Sihon, the Amorite king who ruled at Heshbon. His kingdom included half of Gilead: from Aroer (on the edge of the Arnon Valley) and from the city in the middle of that valley, as far as the Jabbok River, the border of Ammon; 3 it included the Jordan Valley from Lake Galilee south to Beth Jeshimoth (east of the Dead Sea) and on toward the foot of Mount Pisgah.
4 They also defeated King Og of Bashan, who was one of the last of the Rephaim; he ruled at Ashtaroth and Edrei. 5 His kingdom included Mount Hermon, Salecah, and all of Bashan as far as the boundaries of Geshur and Maacah, as well as half of Gilead, as far as the territory of King Sihon of Heshbon.
6 These two kings were defeated by Moses and the people of Israel. Moses, the Lord's servant, gave their land to the tribes of Reuben and Gad and to half the tribe of Manasseh, to be their possession.
The Kings Defeated by Joshua
7 Joshua and the people of Israel defeated all the kings in the territory west of the Jordan, from Baalgad in the valley of Lebanon to Mount Halak in the south near Edom. Joshua divided this land among the tribes and gave it to them as a permanent possession. 8 This portion included the hill country, the western foothills, the Jordan Valley and its foothills, the eastern slopes, and the dry country in the south. This land had been the home of the Hittites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. 9 The people of Israel defeated the kings of the following cities: Jericho, Ai (near Bethel), 10 Jerusalem, Hebron, 11 Jarmuth, Lachish, 12 Eglon, Gezer, 13 Debir, Geder, 14 Hormah, Arad, 15 Libnah, Adullam, 16 Makkedah, Bethel, 17 Tappuah, Hepher, 18 Aphek, Lasharon, 19 Madon, Hazor, 20 Shimron Meron, Achshaph, 21 Taanach, Megiddo, 22 Kedesh, Jokneam (in Carmel), 23 Dor (on the coast), Goiim (in Galilee ), 24 and Tirzah—thirty-one kings in all.
'Bädri'bai se Musa Kopebe Ṛe
1 Kwoi ni 'bädri'bai se lidri Yisaraele ro kopebe ṛe ago kuruyi wari ànyaro 'buzele Golo Yaradene roya, eto ṛoni Vodelero Arenona roya le 'Bereŋwa Eremona roya ndi wari 'buzelesi Araba robe owo. 2 Alona ni Siona, 'bädri'ba Amora'bai ro se mirivote Esebona ya. Miri 'bädri ndaro ro eto ni Aroeri ya, sidri Vodelero Arenona roya, ndi 'bakici se kitoriya vodelero ro ya ana be sagwo le Golo Jaboka ya, kishwedri Amona be ya; se loci telesi Gilada ro kigye. 3 Kyi loci Vodelero Yaradene ro ni 'buzele Fofo Galilaya ro yasi le Beta Jesimota ya (Gyi'desi Täyiro roya) ago le ukyine 'Bereŋwa Pisega pa.
4 Ànya peyi Ogo 'bädri'ba Basana ro kpate ṛe, se ni alo aza lidri Refaima ro se ke'bebe owo, nda mirivote Asetarota ndi Edrei be ya. 5 Nda mirivo te 'Bereŋwa Eremona, Saleka, ndi wari Basana ro be yasi sagwo le kiswedri Gesura ro Maka be ya, ndi telesi Gilada robe, sagwo le wari Siona 'bädri'ba Esebona ro roya.
6 Musa ndi lidri Yisaraele robe peyi 'bädri'bai se ritu kwoi te ṛo käti ṛe. Ago Musa ruindu'ba OPI ro, ozo wari ànyaro te 'bakalai Rubena ndi Gada be ndi telesi 'bakala Manase ro robe ri.
'Bädri'bai se Yosua Kopebe Ṛe
7 Yosua ndi lidri Yisaraele robe peyi 'bädri'bai se ogone wari Yaradene ro aŋgoyasi iyi te kpeye ṛe, eto ṛoni Balegada se vodelero Lebanona roya le 'Bereŋwa Alaka ya loto Edoma lomvo. Yosua lonyi wari se ono te 'bakala Yisaraele ro ri ago ozote 'duro ànyari. 8 Vose ozobe ànyari ono loci 'bädri lutu ro, vodelero, vodelero Yaradene ro ndi vodelero lutu pasi be, vodelero aŋgoyasi ndi 'bädri se awiro ogone ŋgäriŋwadrisi be kpeye kigye. Sedri wari kwoi orivoya 'bädri Ete'bai, Amora'bai, Kanana'bai, Pereza'bai, Iva'bai, ndi Jebusa'bai be ro. Lidri Yisaraele ro peyi 'bädri'bai 'bakici kwoi ro te ṛe: 9 Yeriko, Ai (Se loto Betele lomvo ana), 10 Yerusalema, Eberona, 11 Jaremuta, Lakisa, 12 Egelona, Gezera, 13 Debira, Gedera, 14 Orema, Arada, 15 Libena, Adulama, 16 Makeda, Betele, 17 Tapua, Efera, 18 Afeka, Lasarona, 19 Madona, Azera, 20 Simerona Merona, Akesafa, 21 Tanaka, Megido, 22 Kedesa, Jokeneama (se orivoya Karemela ya), 23 Dora (se orivoya Natatadora ya), Goima (se orivoya Galilaya ya), 24 ndi Tiraza be, vo 'bädri'bai ro cini orivoya 'butenätu foalo.