Job's Complaint to God
1 Finally Job broke the silence and cursed the day on which he had been born.
2-3 O God, put a curse on the day I was born;
put a curse on the night when I was conceived!
4 Turn that day into darkness, God.
Never again remember that day;
never again let light shine on it.
5 Make it a day of gloom and thick darkness;
cover it with clouds, and blot out the sun.
6 Blot that night out of the year,
and never let it be counted again;
7 make it a barren, joyless night.
8 Tell the sorcerers to curse that day,
those who know how to control Leviathan.
9 Keep the morning star from shining;
give that night no hope of dawn.
10 Curse that night for letting me be born,
for exposing me to trouble and grief.

11 I wish I had died in my mother's womb
or died the moment I was born.
12 Why did my mother hold me on her knees?
Why did she feed me at her breast?
13 If I had died then, I would be at rest now,
14 sleeping like the kings and rulers
who rebuilt ancient palaces.
15 Then I would be sleeping like princes
who filled their houses with gold and silver,
16 or sleeping like a stillborn child.
17 In the grave wicked people stop their evil,
and tired workers find rest at last.
18 Even prisoners enjoy peace,
free from shouts and harsh commands.
19 Everyone is there, the famous and the unknown,
and slaves at last are free.

20 Why let people go on living in misery?
Why give light to those in grief
21 They wait for death, but it never comes;
they prefer a grave to any treasure.
22 They are not happy till they are dead and buried;
23 God keeps their future hidden
and hems them in on every side.
24 Instead of eating, I mourn,
and I can never stop groaning.
25 Everything I fear and dread comes true.
26 I have no peace, no rest,
and my troubles never end.
Driovi Eyobo ro: Takado oriro e'diya?
1 Äduro oko Eyobo pi kala ndaro te ago tri tuse äti nda be kigye ana te. 2 Ago Eyobo atate ekye:
3 Mi'ba atri tuse äti mabe sina 'do; ago ŋgäkyi se akwo mabe sina 'do!
4 Nyotoza tu gi ana ka'do ŋgätini ro.
Lu migo miyi tu ana tana ko alona;
mi'ba ŋgaeyi keyivo ko anya dri alona.
5 Mi'ba ka'do tu vouni ro ago tu ŋgätini gbiṛikyiriro ro;
mi'ba 'dikolo katako mi na
ago ŋgätini gbiṛikyiri katako mi ŋgaeyi na ro.
6 Mi'ba ŋgäkyi ana ka'do gbiṛikyiri!
Nyana anya ni ndroa yasi.
Mi'ba ago ati ko u'du imba roya alona;
7 mi'ba ŋgäkyi ana ka'do kondo ro,
ago aye riyä ko kigye alona.
8 Nyata tetedri'bai ri tu ana otrine,
ànya se kayi ni äkpurukui leyena iyi.
9 Mi'ba 'bi'bi anyaro voiwiro keyivo ko;
mi'ba anya ŋgaeyi kotene oko efokote,
'buzevo ŋgäkyi ana ro kosi ko.
10 Mitri ŋgäkyi ana tana 'ba ma te utine,
ago da'do rriti kote ni ma milesi.

11 Aba madrana ṛo ya endre maro roya
kode aba äti mabe dori madrana ṛo odra.
12 Endre maro 'degwo ma uŋgyine miṛi anyaro dri etaya?
Anya 'ba ma gi ba anyaro ondrone etaya?
13 Aba madra gwo aba yauono ma te titiiti ro,
aba ono mu'du amaro te tiṛi ago ma te loli,
14 oso 'bädri'ba ndi 'dimiri'bai se kogo
kobeyi zo'desii miriro se kyeno ana be kai ronye.
15 'Dooko aba mu'duna ndi oso opii
se logo läguläguro be ago kodroyi mo'di be twi zoi ànyaro ya kai ronye,
16 kode oso ŋgwa se äti ro ṛi 'do ronye,
se ndre ŋgaeyi ko 'do ronye.
17 'Budri ya lidri takozi'bai e'beyi takozi oye te,
ago 'dise kokwote lolite.
18 Lau kamba'bai usuyi taliatokpe te,
ànya eriyi totre 'desii losi ro ro kote.
19 'Dise likulikuro ndi 'dise äniko be orivoya lau,
ago iyeäṛi te orivoya dritairo ni 'desi anyaro ri.

20 Nya lidri o'ba ugu orine rueza si etaya?
Ago nya ŋgaeyi ozo lidri ri tusu ya etaya?
21 Ànya kayi odra kwote, caoko esa kote,
ànya kayi uṛina ndrani ŋgadriamba ri.
22 Ànya a'doyi te yai'dwesi ago riyä ro ondro ànya kodra te owo.
23 Tana e'di Lu ozo ŋgaeyi gwo ànya se nda da'do liti na be kwoi ri
ago 'be aga te ànya lomvosi gbikyi niya?
24 Liyi maro go tozarute ŋgaonya ro märi,
ago leri maro mäni kote drina otane alona.
25 Ŋgase cini muturibe ono esate mädri
ago ŋgase cini turina kabe ma oso ono 'dete mädri.
26 Ma te taliatokpe ako, ca loli ako,
musu loli kote toto alo rriti ayani.