Further Judgment on Babylonia
1 The Lord says, “I am bringing a destructive wind against Babylonia and its people. 2 I will send foreigners to destroy Babylonia like a wind that blows straw away. When that day of destruction comes, they will attack from every side and leave the land bare. 3 Don't give its soldiers time to shoot their arrows or to put on their armor. Do not spare the young men! Destroy the whole army! 4 They will be wounded and die in the streets of their cities. 5 I, the Lord God Almighty, have not abandoned Israel and Judah, even though they have sinned against me, the Holy One of Israel. 6 Run away from Babylonia! Run for your lives! Do not be killed because of Babylonia's sin. I am now taking my revenge and punishing it as it deserves. 7 Babylonia was like a gold cup in my hand, making the whole world drunk. The nations drank its wine and went out of their minds. 8 Babylonia has suddenly fallen and is destroyed! Mourn over it! Get medicine for its wounds, and maybe it can be healed. 9 Foreigners living there said, ‘We tried to help Babylonia, but it was too late. Let's leave now and go back home. God has punished Babylonia with all his might and has destroyed it completely.’”
10 The Lord says, “My people shout, ‘The Lord has shown that we are in the right. Let's go and tell the people in Jerusalem what the Lord our God has done.’”
11 The Lord has stirred up the kings of Media, because he intends to destroy Babylonia. That is how he will take revenge for the destruction of his Temple.
The attacking officers command, “Sharpen your arrows! Get your shields ready! 12 Give the signal to attack Babylon's walls. Strengthen the guard! Post the sentries! Place troops in ambush!”
The Lord has done what he said he would do to the people of Babylonia. 13 That country has many rivers and rich treasures, but its time is up, and its thread of life is cut. 14 The Lord Almighty has sworn by his own life that he will bring many men to attack Babylonia like a swarm of locusts, and they will shout with victory.
A Hymn of Praise to God
15 The Lord made the earth by his power;
by his wisdom he created the world
and stretched out the heavens.
16 At his command the waters above the sky roar;
he brings clouds from the ends of the earth.
He makes lightning flash in the rain
and sends the wind from his storeroom.
17 At the sight of this, people feel stupid and senseless;
those who make idols are disillusioned
because the gods they make are false and lifeless.
18 They are worthless and should be despised;
they will be destroyed when the Lord comes to deal with them.
19 The God of Jacob is not like them;
he is the one who made everything,
and he has chosen Israel to be his very own people.
The Lord Almighty is his name.
The Lord's Hammer
20 The Lord says,
“Babylonia, you are my hammer, my weapon of war.
I used you to crush nations and kingdoms,
21 to shatter horses and riders,
to shatter chariots and their drivers,
22 to kill men and women,
to slay old and young,
to kill boys and girls,
23 to slaughter shepherds and their flocks,
to slaughter farmers and their plow horses,
to crush rulers and high officials.”
Babylonia's Punishment
24 The Lord says, “You will see me repay Babylonia and its people for all the evil they did to Jerusalem. 25 Babylonia, you are like a mountain that destroys the whole world, but I, the Lord, am your enemy. I will take hold of you, level you to the ground, and leave you in ashes. 26 None of the stones from your ruins will ever be used again for building. You will be like a desert forever. I, the Lord, have spoken.
27 “Give the signal to attack! Blow the trumpet so that the nations can hear! Prepare the nations for war against Babylonia! Tell the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz to attack. Appoint an officer to lead the attack. Bring up the horses like a swarm of locusts. 28 Prepare the nations for war against Babylonia. Send for the kings of Media, their leaders and officials, and the armies of all the countries they control. 29 The earth trembles and shakes because the Lord is carrying out his plan to make Babylonia a desert, where no one lives. 30 The Babylonian soldiers have stopped fighting and remain in their forts. They have lost their courage and have become helpless. The city gates are broken down, and the houses are on fire. 31 Messenger after messenger runs to tell the king of Babylonia that his city has been broken into from every side. 32 The enemy have captured the river crossing and have set the fortresses on fire. The Babylonian soldiers have panicked. 33 Soon the enemy will cut them down and trample them like grain on a threshing place. I, the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, have spoken.”
34 The king of Babylonia cut Jerusalem up
and ate it.
He emptied the city like a jar;
like a monster he swallowed it.
He took what he wanted
and threw the rest away.
35 Let the people of Zion say,
“May Babylonia be held responsible
for the violence done to us!”
Let the people of Jerusalem say,
“May Babylonia be held responsible
for what we have suffered!”
The Lord Will Help Israel
36 And so the Lord said to the people of Jerusalem, “I will take up your cause and will make your enemies pay for what they did to you. I will dry up the source of Babylonia's water and make its rivers go dry. 37 That country will become a pile of ruins where wild animals live. It will be a horrible sight; no one will live there, and all who see it will be terrified. 38 The Babylonians all roar like lions and growl like lion cubs. 39 Are they greedy? I will prepare them a feast and make them drunk and happy. They will go to sleep and never wake up. 40 I will take them to be slaughtered, like lambs, goats, and rams. I, the Lord, have spoken.”
Babylon's Fate
41 The Lord says about Babylon: “The city that the whole world praised has been captured! What a horrifying sight Babylon has become to the nations! 42 The sea has rolled over Babylon and covered it with roaring waves. 43 The towns have become a horrifying sight and are like a waterless desert, where no one lives or even travels. 44 I will punish Bel, the god of Babylonia, and make him give up his stolen goods; the nations will not worship him any more.
“Babylon's walls have fallen. 45 People of Israel, run away from there! Run for your life from my fierce anger. 46 Do not lose courage or be afraid because of the rumors you hear. Every year a different rumor spreads—rumors of violence in the land and of one king fighting another. 47 And so the time is coming when I will deal with Babylonia's idols. The whole country will be put to shame, and all its people will be killed. 48 Everything on earth and in the sky will shout for joy when Babylonia falls to the people who come from the north to destroy it. 49 Babylonia caused the death of people all over the world, and now Babylonia will fall because it caused the death of so many Israelites. I, the Lord, have spoken.”
God's Message to the Israelites in Babylonia
50 The Lord says to his people in Babylonia: “You have escaped death! Now go! Don't wait! Though you are far from home, think about me, your Lord, and remember Jerusalem. 51 You say, ‘We've been disgraced and made ashamed; we feel completely helpless because foreigners have taken over the holy places in the Temple.’ 52 So then, I say that the time is coming when I will deal with Babylon's idols, and the wounded will groan throughout the country. 53 Even if Babylon could climb to the sky and build a strong fortress there, I would still send people to destroy it. I, the Lord, have spoken.”
Further Destruction on Babylon
54 The Lord says,
“Listen to the sound of crying in Babylon,
of mourning for the destruction in the land.
55 I am destroying Babylon
and putting it to silence.
The armies rush in like roaring waves
and attack with noisy shouts.
56 They have come to destroy Babylon;
its soldiers are captured,
and their bows are broken.
I am a God who punishes evil,
and I will treat Babylon as it deserves.
57 I will make its rulers drunk—
men of wisdom, leaders, and soldiers.
They will go to sleep and never wake up.
I, the king, have spoken;
I am the Lord Almighty.
58 The walls of mighty Babylon will be thrown to the ground,
and its towering gates burned down.
The work of the nations is all for nothing;
their efforts go up in flames.
I, the Lord Almighty, have spoken.”
Jeremiah's Message Is Sent to Babylonia
59 King Zedekiah's personal attendant was Seraiah, the son of Neriah and grandson of Mahseiah. In the fourth year that Zedekiah was king of Judah, Seraiah was going to Babylonia with him, and I gave him some instructions. 60 I wrote in a book an account of all the destruction that would come on Babylonia, as well as all these other things about Babylonia. 61 I told Seraiah, “When you get to Babylon, be sure to read aloud to the people everything that is written here. 62 Then pray, ‘Lord, you have said that you would destroy this place, so that there would be no living creatures in it, neither people nor animals, and it would be like a desert forever.’ 63 Seraiah, when you finish reading this book to the people, then tie it to a rock and throw it into the Euphrates River 64 and say, ‘This is what will happen to Babylonia—it will sink and never rise again because of the destruction that the Lord is going to bring on it.’”
The words of Jeremiah end here.
Vure Azaka Babelona'bai lomvo
1 OPI ka ata ekye: “Ma oye oli ŋgapere ro ezine Babelona ndi lidri na be dri. 2 Ma oye atrai ezine Babelona kandane ago ànya perenayi anya 'da; ondro ànya kogotayi anya te lamadri cini yasi owo. 3 Nyòzo saa ko kyila'bai anyaro ri ätui ànyaro u'boza ago mì'ba ànya kosoyi ŋga kyilaro ànyaro ko. Nye'be agoànji ko! Nyutufu kyila'bai ṛo kpeye! 4 Utufuna ànya 'da wari Babelona roya ago todranayi 'da litiŋwai na drisi. 5 Ma, OPI Lu Mbaraekye, meje ta Yisaraele ndi Yuda ro be kote, ànya koyeyi takozi gica ma se Alokado Yisaraele ro ono ri ono owo. 6 Mìmu ni Babelona yasi! Mi'ba 'dialo kopa adri iro! Mi'ba äfu ami ko ta takozi Babelona'bai rota. Tana ono ni tase märi votaro logoza Babelona'bai ri oso sibe oyene ànyari ronye. 7 Babelona orivoya oso kofo läguläguro ro ronye drì ma OPI roya, se ka 'bädri cini o'ba iyi ufune wa si. Tu'dei mvuyi vino teni kigyesi, ta'dota 'ba drî ànyaro te amama ro. 8 Babelona 'dete ndriŋwa ago eperete! Mì'be kuku driigye! Nyèzi kyere laza anyaro ya, kode azaya edena anya 'da. 9 Atrai se koriyibe lau kai atayite ekye: Mòjote aba Babelona opane, caoko mä̀ni kote opane. Mì'de mè'be anya ago màgo kovole 'bäru. Tana taezaro Babelona ro te amba ago te ndra.”
10 OPI ka ata ekye: “Ami lidri maro mìtre, ‘OPI ka'date anjioko ama orivoya taŋgye be. Mì'de mòyi mìti tase OPI Lu amaro koyebe ono tana Zaiona ya.’ ”
11 OPI eŋga ya 'bädri'ba Media ro rote, tana nda le ṛo Babelona perene. Ono ni votaro logona Yekalu ndaro perero owo.
Nda ekye: “Nyèle si ätui ro! Mì'ba ŋga ruotaro a'done nja! 12 Nyèŋga bere tiṛii Babelona ro lomvosi. Nyòtomba vookwa'bai! Mìra kyila'bai! Nyède lidri ŋga gotane ru dämbi dämbi ro.”
Tana OPI ra ago ye tase nda kata tana be oyene lidri Babelona ro ri ono te. 13 Ami lidri Babelona ro se nyà ori goloi kalasi ago ŋgadriamba be, caoko tu amiro kyete, ago tu amiro oriro lidriidriro kyete. 14 OPI Mbaraekye äṛu andivo ndaro te ekye yezina lidri 'da amba Babelona gotane oso lowa tombi ro ronye, ago ànya totrenayi 'da ŋgaopeṛe si.
Loŋgo Lu Räṛu ro
15 OPI 'ba 'bädri te mbara ndaro si;
nda 'ba 'bädri te tavouni ndaro si
ago tauni ndaro si, nda lara vo'buyakuru te aree.
16 Ondro nda katate oko gyi vokuru kundusi ro ka tuhwe;
nda ka 'dikoloi ezina ni ädu 'bädri ro yasi.
Nda kani 'bu o'ba sionyine
ago ka oli ezi ni vo ŋgaodro ro ndaro yasi.
17 Lidri a'dote tauniako ago driako;
ànya se kayibe lui edeedero edena iyi te orivoya driupiro
tana lui se ànya kedeyibe iyi orivoya ŋga awi yi ago adriako.
18 Ànya orivoya takadoako ago mawone mawo;
eperena ànya 'da ondro ate ànya eza owo.
19 Lu Yakoba ro ko orivoya oso ànya ronye;
tana nda ni se ko'ba ŋga cini be owo.
Ago Yisaraele ni lidri se koyi be owo.
Ävuru ndaro ni OPI Mbaraekye.
Kyidi OPI ro
20 OPI ka ata ekye:
“Babelona, mi orivoya kyidi maro, ago ŋga kyila oyero maro.
Ma tu'dei ronyo mi si ndi 'bädri se cini abe mirina 'bädri'bai si 'do be.
21 Ma farasii ndi lämu'bana sina yibe toŋgona jinyijinyi mi si.
Ago mi si ma arabia kyila ro ndi opi'bana yibe toŋgona jinyijinyi.
22 Ma manoàgo ndi 'ditoko be tufuna jinyijinyi mi si,
ago mi si ma 'diodeodero ndi 'diombato'diro be tolona jinyijinyi.
Ma agoànji ndi ndiriŋwa be tufuna jinyijinyi mi si.
23 Ma lekye'bai ndi gboko koronyai ànyaro robe tolona jinyijinyi misi,
ago mi si ma ämvuoso'bai ndi 'daŋgoi ànyaro be tufuna.
Ma 'dimiri'bai ndi dri'bai 'desiro losi robe ronyona mi si.”
Taezaro Babelona'bai ro
24 OPI ka ata ekye: “Mologona votaro 'da Babelona ndi lidri na be ri ami milesi ta tase cini koziro ànya koyeyibe Yerusalema ya ono rota. 25 Ma orivoya kyilaro mibe, mi Babelona 'bereŋwai tufu'ba, mise nyabe 'bädri cini tufu ono. Märuna mi 'da, meterina mi 'da ni kärägu yasi, ago me'bena mi 'da torofo ro. 26 Kuniŋwà maro aza urune ogone zo obene sina te i'do, ca urune kotopa zo ro obene sina te i'do tona. Nya'dona 'da tandro ro äduako. Ma, OPI, matani.
27 “Nyèŋga bere ŋgagota ro 'bädri ya! Mìvo cekuṛe tu'dei ri robe! Nyède tu'dei nja kyila oyene Babelona be! Nyèzi 'bädrii cini Ararata, Mini, ndi Asekenaza be ŋga gotane. Nyàka'da dri'ba kyila'bai ro aza ŋga gotane. Nyèzi farasii ṛo amba oso lowa tombii ro ronye. 28 Nyède tu'dei nja kyila oyene Babelona be. Mìzo lazo 'bädri'bai Media ro, dri'bai ndi kundueŋga'bai ànyaro be, ndi kyila'bai 'bädri se cini drikaca ànyaro zele robe ri. 29 Gyini ka lä'bi ago ka rukanda tana OPI kate tase nda korabe ta Babelona rota a'done tandro ro 'do oyena, se 'diaza unina kote orine kigye. 30 Kyila'bai Babelona'bai ro yeyi kyila kote ago kayite ori tiṛi mbaraekye ànyaro yasi. Ànya te mbara ako ago a'doyite oso 'ditoko ronye. Otoŋgo dereŋwai 'bakici rote, ago aso asi te zoi drisi. 31 Lazo'bai kayite umu azivo azivo taitine 'bädri'ba Babelona ro ri ekye äru 'bakici ndaro te lamadri cini yasi. 32 Kyila'baazii ruyi ozavo se golo drisi ana te ago soyi asi te vose mbaraekye iyi drisi. Kyila'bai Babelona'bai ro te turiro. 33 Lidri Babelona ro oso inya kaladri ro ronye. Kyila'baazi ka oye ànya tolone ndri yauro ago ànya lotone oso abe inya oto kaladri ya ronye. Ma, OPI Mbaraekye, Lu Yisaraele ro, matani.”
34 'Bädri'ba Babelona ro Nebukadenezara ru Yerusalema te,
ago perete.
Nda 'ba ya 'bakici rote a'done awi oso kuru ya awi ronye;
nda tee te oso igyi'daŋgo kabe ŋga otee ronye.
Nda ru ŋgase kado kado maro iyi ta
ago lovo anjokona te cowa.
35 Mi'ba lidri Zaiona ro katayi ekye:
“Ka'do inye Babelona kätämbi
tana ye siomba te märi ndi lidri maro be!”
Mi'ba lidri Yerusalema ro katayi ekye:
“Ka'do inye kari maro kogo lidri Babelona ro dri!”
OPI Opana Yisaraele 'da
36 Ta'doro OPI atate lidri Yerusalema ro ri ekye: “Matina ta amiro 'da ago mologona votaro se ayebe amiri 'do 'da. Ma'bana idivo gyi Babelona ro ro 'da osene ago ma'bana goloi anyaro osena 'da gbe. 37 Babelona a'dona 'da turu'du ro tandro ro ago orivo ihwii ro ro. Landrena 'da koziro ago 'diaza unina ko orine lau, ago lidri a'dona 'da turituriro tana ro. 38 Babelona'bai cini kayite tuhwe oso ibii ronye ago kayite ozwo oso ŋgwai ibi ro ronye. 39 Ondro ànya ka'dote orivoya yagäru be, mayena karama aza 'da ànyari ago ma'bana ànya 'da wa umvune ndra ago a'done riyä si. Ànya u'dunayi 'da tiṛiro ago uninayi ko cu miupine alona. 40 Muguna ànya 'da tolone, oso timelegogoi, tegoi, ndi timeleraŋgai be ronye. Ma, OPI, matani.”
Kandrakozi Babelona ro
41 OPI atate ta Babelona rota ekye: “'Bakici se 'bädri cini kabe räṛuna ono ärute! Ondre Babelona ro te koziro tu'dei ri! 42 Gyi'desi ga drî Babelonia rote lwi ago gbulä ärru na ro tako drî na te kpurukuṛu. 43 'Bakici nai landrete koziro ago a'dote oso vose rriro siŋgwa ro teinye gyiako 'do ronye, se 'diaza ri kote kigye ca lidri aba kpa ko kigyesi. 44 Mezana Bela, lu Babelona ro 'da, ago ma'bana nda 'da ŋgase nda kurube iyi ewene; tu'dei unina kote nda mätune tona.
“Tiṛii Babelona ro lo'dete. 45 Ami lidri maro Yisaraele ro, mimu ri ni Babelona yasi! Mipa adri amiro robe ni kyila kozipara ma OPI ro ono ri. 46 Mì'ba agoago amiro kokye ko ago nyà'do ko turiro ta tase nyàbe erina ŋganaŋgana ro wari ya ono rota. Ndroa cini ya ta ŋganaŋgana to ka rulari, ta ŋganaŋgana siomba ro wari ya ago 'bädri'ba alo ka kyila oye 'bädri'ba azi be. 47 Tana ta'doro tu ka oye esane se mezana lui edeedero Babelona ro 'da. A'bana 'bädri ana 'da kpeye driupiro, ago utufuna lidri na cini 'da. 48 Ŋga cini se orivoya gyini dri ndi se vokuru ya be totrenayi 'da riyä si o'de Babelona rota lidri ka oye ukyine ni mä'dudrisi anya perene. 49 Beṛo Babelona ri o'dene, tana anya tufu lidri Yisaraele rote, ago tana Babelona tufu lidri 'bädri cini rote. Ma, OPI, matani.”
Lazo Lu ro Yisaraele'bai se Babelona ya Kayi ri
50 OPI ka ata lidri ndaro se Babelona ya ana ri ekye: “Ami se mìpavote ni odra yasi 'do nyòyi teri! Nyòkote ŋga aza ko! Nyà'do ca lozo ni 'bäru oko, nyùsu ta ma, OPI amiro ro, ago mìyita Yerusalema ro. 51 Nyà ata mikye: ‘A'ba ama te driupiro tana a'da ama te; aro ama kote atrai ruyi vo alokado se Yekalu ya ono teni.’ 52 Ta'doro ma ata makye tu kate esa märi lui edeedero Babelona ro ezaza, ago 'dise ä'bobe iyi lerinayi 'da gbikyi wari ana yasi. 53 Aba ondro ka'do Babelona kutu gica le vokuru ya ago kobe tiṛi mbaraekye gica lau, mazona lidri gi du anya perene. Ma, OPI, matani.”
Pere Babelona ro Ndra Mileya ro
54 OPI ka ata ekye:
“Nyeri kporo liyi ro Babelona ya,
kporo amba ŋga pere ro wari Babelona roya.
55 Ma OPI ma Babelona pere,
ago ma totre amba ndaro 'do o'bana odrine titiro.
Kyila'bai kayi vooŋgo kigye oso gbulä ärru gyi ro ro ronye
ago kayi gotana kporo totre amba rosi.
56 Ànya ikyiyite Babelona perene;
äru kyila'bai anyaro te,
ago otoŋgo kusui ànyaro te jinyijinyi.
Ma Lu se kabe takozi eza eza ono owo,
ago endaro mezana Babelona 'da.
57 Ma'bana 'dimiri'bai anyaro ndi tavouni'bai anyaro be 'da iyi ufune ŋgaumvu si,
tro wari'bai, otaozo'bai ndi kyila'bai anyaro be.
Ànya u'dunayi 'da äduako ago ànyari miupine i'do alona.
Ma, 'bädri'ba, se ävuruna,
OPI Mbaraekye ono matani.
58 Eperena tiṛii 'desi Babelona ro 'da bili gyini drisi,
ago azana se dereŋwà na 'desi ro iyi 'da asi si.
Losi tu'dei ro cini orivoya takaci ako;
losi se ànya koyiyibe jete cini asi lele ya.
Ma, OPI Mbaraekye, matani.”
Azo lazo Yeremaya rote Babelona'bai ri
59 Ma Yeremaya mozo ŋgaemba ono te Seraya, ŋgwa Neraya ro kwozo Maseya ro ri. Ndroa lisu 'dimiri ori Zedekia 'bädri'ba Yuda ro rosi oko, Seraya yi ŋgayite oyine 'bädri'ba be Babelona ya. Seraya ni voondre'ba ŋgaonya ago u'duvo 'bädri'ba ro ro. 60 Megyi ta cini koziro se kabe oye ikyine Babelona dri ana tana te buku aza ya, ndi tase cini azaka se ka oyebe a'done Babelona ri kwoi be. 61 Matate Seraya ri makye: “Ondro misate Babelona ya oko, beṛo miri tase cini egyibe noŋwa ono uzine ṛeṛe lidri ri. 62 'Dooko nyämätu, mikye: ‘OPI, nyatate mikye ya oye vo ono perene, ukyi ŋga aza ori 'da kigye, ca lidri ca koronya aza, ago a'dona 'da tandro ro äduako.’ 63 Seraya, ondro minde buku ono uzina te lidri ri oko, 'dooko nyembe kuni aza lomvo ago mivo Golo Eferata ya, 64 ago nyata mikye: ‘Babelona tisina 'da gyi zele ago ogo eŋgane te i'do alona, ni taezaro se OPI ka oyebe ezine drigye ono ri.’ ”
Ata Yeremaya ro kyete noŋwa.