Egypt's Defeat at Carchemish
1 The Lord spoke to me about the nations, 2 beginning with Egypt. This is what he said about the army of King Neco of Egypt, which King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia defeated at Carchemish near the Euphrates River in the fourth year that Jehoiakim was king of Judah:
3 “The Egyptian officers shout,
‘Get your shields ready
and march into battle!
4 Harness your horses and mount them!
Fall in line and put on your helmets!
Sharpen your spears!
Put on your armor!’

5 “But what do I see?” asks the Lord.
“They are turning back in terror.
Their soldiers are beaten back;
overcome with fear, they run as fast as they can
and do not look back.
6 Those who run fast cannot get away;
the soldiers cannot escape.
In the north, by the Euphrates,
they stumble and fall.
7 Who is this that rises like the Nile,
like a river flooding its banks?
8 It is Egypt, rising like the Nile,
like a river flooding its banks.
Egypt said, ‘I will rise and cover the world;
I will destroy cities and the people who live there.
9 Command the horses to go
and the chariots to roll!
Send out the soldiers:
men from Ethiopia and Libya, carrying shields,
and skilled archers from Lydia.’”

10 This is the day of the Sovereign Lord Almighty:
today he will take revenge;
today he will punish his enemies.
His sword will eat them until it is full,
and drink their blood until it is satisfied.
Today the Almighty sacrifices his victims
in the north, by the Euphrates.
11 People of Egypt, go to Gilead
and look for medicine!
All your medicine has proved useless;
nothing can heal you.
12 Nations have heard of your shame;
everyone has heard you cry.
One soldier trips over another,
and both of them fall to the ground.
The Coming of Nebuchadnezzar
13 When King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia came to attack Egypt, the Lord spoke to me. He said,
14 “Proclaim it in the towns of Egypt,
in Migdol, Memphis, and Tahpanhes:
‘Get ready to defend yourselves;
all you have will be destroyed in war!
15 Why has your mighty god Apis fallen?
The Lord has struck him down!’
16 Your soldiers have stumbled and fallen;
each one says to the other,
‘Hurry! Let's go home to our people
and escape the enemy's sword!’

17 “Give the king of Egypt a new name—
‘Noisy Braggart Who Missed His Chance.’
18 I, the Lord Almighty, am king.
I am the living God.
As Mount Tabor towers above the mountains
and Mount Carmel stands high above the sea,
so will be the strength of the one who attacks you.
19 Get ready to be taken prisoner,
you people of Egypt!
Memphis will be made a desert,
a ruin where no one lives.
20 Egypt is like a splendid cow,
attacked by a stinging fly from the north.
21 Even her hired soldiers
are helpless as calves.
They did not stand and fight;
all of them turned and ran.
The day of their doom had arrived,
the time of their destruction.
22 Egypt runs away, hissing like a snake,
as the enemy's army approaches.
They attack her with axes,
like people cutting down trees
23 and destroying a thick forest.
Their soldiers are too many to count;
they outnumber the locusts.
24 The people of Egypt are put to shame;
they are conquered by the people of the north.
I, the Lord, have spoken.”

25 The Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says, “I am going to punish Amon, the god of Thebes, together with Egypt and its gods and kings. I am going to take the king of Egypt and all who put their trust in him, 26 and hand them over to those who want to kill them, to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia and his army. But later on, people will live in Egypt again, as they did in times past. I, the Lord, have spoken.
The Lord Will Save His People
27 “My people, do not be afraid,
people of Israel, do not be terrified.
I will rescue you from that faraway land,
from the land where you are prisoners.
You will come back home and live in peace;
you will be secure, and no one will make you afraid.
28 I will come to you and save you.
I will destroy all the nations
where I have scattered you,
but I will not destroy you.
I will not let you go unpunished;
but when I punish you, I will be fair.
I, the Lord, have spoken.”
Ope Ezipeto ro ṛe Karekemisa ya
1 OPI atate ma Yeremaya ri ta tu'dei rota, 2 ta Ezipeto rota, nda atate ta kyila'bai Neko 'Bädri'ba Ezipeto ro rota, se Nebukadenezara 'Bädri'ba Babelona ro pete ṛe Karekemisa ya loto Golo Eferata ro lomvo ndroa lisu 'dimiri Jehoiakima ŋgwa Josia ro 'bädri'ba Yuda ro rosi ekye:
3 “Dri'bai kyila'bai Ezipeto'bai ro ro kayi totre ekye:
‘Nyède ŋga ruotaro amiro nja
ago nyòyi kyila ya!
4 Nyòtoyi ŋga ri farasii amiro lomvosi ago mìtu ri driigyesi!
Mìraru ŋgyero ago mìso tagyia logo ro ämidrisi!
Nyèle si äzui amiro ro!
Ago mìso lakaza kyila ro ami lomvo!’ ”

5 Oko OPI ka taeji ekye: “Ŋgana ma ondrena inye 'do e'diyi ya?
Ànya te turi ro.
Ape kyila'bai ànyaro te ṛe;
ànya muyite ndrindri
ago zayi mi kote kovole,
turi so ànya te.
6 Oko ànya se ca umuekyero iyi niyi kote voopane;
kyila'bai niyi kote voopane.
Ogone mä'dudriro, ànya a'doyite pälipäliro,
ago lo'deyite Golo Eferata kalasi.
7 'Dina kabe oga oso Naile ronye,
oso golo kabe oga lwi kototisi ronye 'do a'di owoya?
8 Ezipeto, kani oga oso Naile ronye,
oso goloi se kabe oga lwi kototisi 'do ronye.
Ezipeto atate ekye: ‘Magana 'da ago matakona 'bädri cini 'da;
meperena 'bakicii cini 'da ago mutufuna lidri na cini se koriyibe kigyesi iyi 'da.
9 Nyòyi ri kyila ya ami Farasi'bai
ago arabia kyila ro kugu reṛi teri!
Mi'ba kyila'bai koyi teri;
lidri ni Kusa ndi Libiya be yasi, kuŋgyiyi ŋga ruotaro,
ndi lidri ŋgau'bo'bai kusu si be ni Luda yasi.’ ”

10 Ono ni tu OPI Lu Mbarapara ro;
tu votaro logoro;
votaro logoro kyila'baazii ndaro ri.
Bando ndaro onyana ànya 'da yana ogana gi oga,
ago umvuna kari ànyaro 'da madale ojona anya gwo.
Tana OPI Lu se Mbaraekye ono kate tori ndaro olona
mä'dudrisi, Golo Eferata kala.
11 Ami lidri Ezipeto ro, nyoyi Gilada ya
kyere uṛine ämiri!
Tana kyere cini amiro te losiako;
ni kote ami edene.
12 Tu'dei cini eriyi ta driupi amiro rote;
'Bädri cini eri ta liyi amiro rote.
Kyila'ba alo tu ṛo azi drisi,
ndi ànya riti 'deyi ṛo vuru gyini dri.
Ikyi Nebukadenezara ro
13 OPI atate märi ta ikyi Nebukadenezara 'Bädri'ba Babelona ro ro Ezipeto gotane ta ekye:
14 “Nyayo ta 'ba'desii Ezipeto ro,
Migedola, Memefisa, ndi Tafanesa be yasi mikye:
‘Nyà'do nja andivo amiro gagane;
tana 'dise cini amiro iyi utufuna 'da kyila ya!
15 Tana e'di lu amiro Apisa ko'debe o'dene niya?
tana OPI 'bi nda ni aŋbo vuru!’
16 Kyila'bai amiro a'doyite pälipäliro ago 'deyite;
'dialo ka ata azi ri ekye:
‘Mä̀mu ri ndrindri! Mì'de màgo lidri amaro re, wari amaro ya màpavo robe ni bando kyila'baazii ro ri!’

17 “Nyozo ävuru to'di 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro ri;
mizi nda ‘Driuŋgyi'ba se Totre'ba ro Se
E'be Kandrakado Ndaro te.’
18 Ma, 'bädri'ba ma ni OPI Mbaraekye owo,
Ma ni Lu lidriidriro owo.
Oso ma be ni Lu lindriindriro yi ono ronye, nda se kabe ikyi ana a'dona 'da
oso driku'du'du 'Bereŋwa Tabora ro kofobe ndrani 'bereŋwa azi drisi,
ago oso 'Bereŋwa Karemela kogwabe ndrani gyi'desi drisi 'do ronye.
19 Nyède ami nja urune kamba'bai ro,
ami lidri Ezipeto ro!
A'bana Memefisa 'da a'done vocowa ro,
tandro ro se 'diaza unina ko orine kigye.
20 Ezipeto orivoya oso ti se liŋgyiekye,
goti se ni mä'dudrisi kogotabe 'do ronye.
21 Ca kyila'bai anyaro se agyebe päläti si iyi
orivoya mbaraako oso tijoroŋwai oshweekye ronye.
Vo ànya cini ro zayikundute ago muyite;
ànya edreyi kote kyila oyene;
Tana tu kandrakozi ànyaro ro esate,
tu ànya tufuro.
22 Ezipeto kate kporo oye oso ini kabe udi 'do ronye,
tana kyila'baazi kayite ishwe lototi owo.
Ànya gotayi anya te koloŋwai si,
oso lidri se kayibe ice oga vuru,
23 ago kayibe kokye pere 'do ronye.
Lidri ànyaro orivoya amba äni ko otine;
kyila'bai ànyaro otina lävu ndrani tombi ri.
Äni kote otine.
24 A'bana lidri Ezipeto ro 'da driupiro;
lidri se ni mä'dudrisi ana openayi ànya 'da ṛe.
Ma, OPI, matani.”

25 OPI Mbaraekye, Lu Yisaraele ro ekye: “Ma oye Amona, lu Tebesa ro, ezane tro Ezipeto ago lui anyaro ndi 'bädri'bai anyaro yibe. Ma oye 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro ezane ndi ànya se cini koyiyi ta be nda ya iyi be. 26 Mozona ànya 'da lidri se koleyibe ànya tufune kai rigye, Nebukadenezara 'Bädri'ba Babelona ro ndi kyila'bai ndaro be rigye. Oko kovolesi, lidri ogo orina 'da kpa to'di Ezipeto ya, oso koriyibe tu kyeno ana si ana ronye. Ma, OPI, matani.”
OPI Opana Lidri ndaro 'da
27 “Ami lidri maro zelevo Yakoba ro, nyà'do ko turiro,
ami lidri Yisaraele ro, nyuturi ko.
Tana mapana ami 'da leni wari lozo ro yasi,
ago ŋgwai amiro ni wari se ami be kamba'bai ro kigye ana yasi.
Nyègona 'da kovole 'bäru ago mìrina 'da tokpero;
nyà'dona 'da mbararo, ago 'diaza unina ko ami o'bane turiro.
28 Nyà'do ko turiro ami lidri maro zelevoi Yakoba ro
tana ma orivoya tro ami be.
Mutufuna tu'dei cini se
mepere ami be loakoigyesi iyi 'da,
oko mänina ko ami tufune.
Mezana ami 'da toto fere;
ago mänina ko ami e'bene teinye eza akona.
Ma, OPI, matani.”