1 In the seventh month of that year, Ishmael, the son of Nethaniah and grandson of Elishama, a member of the royal family and one of the king's chief officers, went to Mizpah with ten men to see Governor Gedaliah. While they were all eating a meal together, 2 Ishmael and the ten men with him pulled out their swords and killed Gedaliah. 3 Ishmael also killed all the Israelites who were with Gedaliah at Mizpah and the Babylonian soldiers who happened to be there.
4 The next day, before anyone knew about Gedaliah's murder, 5 eighty men arrived from Shechem, Shiloh, and Samaria. They had shaved off their beards, torn their clothes, and gashed themselves. They were taking grain and incense to offer in the Temple. 6 So Ishmael went out from Mizpah to meet them, weeping as he went. When he came to them, he said, “Please come in to see Gedaliah.” 7 As soon as they were inside the city, Ishmael and his men killed them and threw their bodies in a well.
8 But there were ten men in the group who said to Ishmael, “Please don't kill us! We have wheat, barley, olive oil, and honey hidden in the fields.” So he spared them. 9 The well into which Ishmael threw the bodies of the men he had killed was the large one that King Asa had dug when he was being attacked by King Baasha of Israel. Ishmael filled the well with the bodies. 10 Then he made prisoners of the king's daughters and all the rest of the people in Mizpah, whom Nebuzaradan the commanding officer had placed under the care of Gedaliah. Ishmael took them prisoner and started off in the direction of the territory of Ammon.
11 Johanan and all the army leaders with him heard of the crime that Ishmael had committed. 12 So they went after him with their men and overtook him near the large pool at Gibeon. 13 When Ishmael's prisoners saw Johanan and the leaders of the forces with him, they were glad, 14 and turned and ran to them. 15 But Ishmael and eight of his men got away from Johanan and escaped to the land of Ammon.
16 Then Johanan and the leaders of the forces with him took charge of the people whom Ishmael had taken away as prisoners from Mizpah after murdering Gedaliah—soldiers, women, children, and eunuchs. 17-18 They were afraid of the Babylonians because Ishmael had murdered Gedaliah, whom the king of Babylonia had made governor of the land. So they set out for Egypt, in order to get away from the Babylonians. On the way they stopped at Chimham near Bethlehem.
1 Imba njidrieri ndroa ana rosi oko, Isamaele, ŋgwa Natania ro kwozo Elisama ro, se ni alo aza gboko 'di katidri 'bädri'ba ro ro ago 'desi otaozo'bai kyila'bai 'bädri'ba ro ro ana, oyiyite lidri 'butealo azaka yibe Gedalaya ondrene Mizepa ya. Ondro ànya kayite ŋgaonya voaloya oko, 2 Isamaele ndi lidri se 'butealo nda be kai be eŋgyeyi bandoi ànyaro te ago fuyi Gedalaya se 'bädri'ba Babelona ro ko'babe wari'ba ro wari ya ana te. 3 Ago Isamaele tufu Yisaraele'bai se cini Gedalaya be Mizepa ya kai kpate ndi kyila'bai Babelona'bai ro se lau kai be.
4 Kyenonosi, dri ṛo teinye 'diaza ufu Gedalaya ro tana uniako oko, 5 lidri 'butenjidriena esayite ni Sekeme, Silo, ndi Samaria be yasi. Ànya vuyi tiṛi'bi ànyaro te, towayi boŋgo ànyaro te, ago toloyi lomvo ànyaro te. Ànya eziyi inya ndi ŋga ŋgutruro be te ozone ŋgapäṛi ro Yekalu ya. 6 Ta'dota Isamaele fote ni Mizepa yasi drî ànyaro utune, ugu liyi be oyivoya. Ondro nda kosate ànyare oko, nda atate ekye: “Rägu nyèci tedri Gedalaya ŋgwa Aikama ro ondrene.” 7 Dori ondro ànya kociyite 'bakici ya oko Isamaele ndi lidri se ndaro ana be fuyi ànya te ago voyi avo ànyaro te koro aza ya.
8 Oko lidri azaka orivoya 'butealo ni gboko se ana lakosi se atayite Isamaele ri ekye: “Rägu mifu ama ko! Ama orivoya kaaza, kyifo, ido ice ido ro ro, ndi epe be be mada'dote lowo ya.” Ta'dota nda e'be ànya te ufuako. 9 Koro se Isamaele kovo avo lidri se nda kutufube kai robe kigye ana orivoya 'desi para se 'Bädri'ba Asa ku'dibe yi gagaro tuse Basa 'Bädri'ba Yisaraele ro kogota nda be ana si. Isamaele lovo avo te twi koro se ana ya. 10 'Dooko Isamaele ru lidri se Mizepa ya kayi te kamba'bai ro ndi ndiriŋwa 'bädri'ba ro ago lidri cini se Mizepa ya, se Nebuzaradana otaozo'ba kyila'bai ro ke'bebe Gedalaya ri vona ondrene kai. Isamaele ru ànya te kamba'bai ro ago eto oyite ogone wari Amona ro driro.
11 Joanana ndi dri'bai cini kyila'bai ro se nda be ana eriyi takozi se Isamaele koyebe ana tana te. 12 Ta'dota ànya soyite Isamaele vo lidri ànyaro yibe ago tayivo ndaro te lototi cece 'desi se Gibeona ya ana lomvo. 13 Ondro kamba'bai Isamaele ro kondreyi Joanana ndi dri'bai kyila'bai ro se nda be ana te oko, ànya a'doyite yai'dwesi. 14 Ta'dota lidri se cini Isamaele kurube kamba'bai ro ni Mizapa yasi iyi ezayidrite ago imuyite Joanana re. 15 Caoko Isamaele ndi lidri njidriena ndaro azaka be muyite payivote ni Joanana ri ago muyite le wari Amona roya.
16 'Dooko Joanana ndi dri'bai kyila'bai ro se nda be kai be ruyi lidri se Isamaele kurube kamba'bai ro ni Mizepa yasi ufu Gedalaya ro vosi ana te, kyila'bai, 'ditoko, ŋgàga, ndi 'dise rotii ro iyi yibe ago logo ànya te ni Gibeona yasi. 17 Ànya kyi riyi drite Geruta Kimama ya loto Beteleme lomvo mio'babe oyine Ezipeto ya, 18 ruopane ni Babelona'bai ri. Tana ànya orivoya turiro tana Isamaele fu Gedalaya se 'bädri'ba Babelona ro 'ba be ànya dri ana te.