Jeremiah's Message to the Royal House of Judah
1-2 The Lord told me to go to the palace of the king of Judah, the descendant of David, and there tell the king, his officials, and the people of Jerusalem to listen to what the Lord had said: 3 “I, the Lord, command you to do what is just and right. Protect the person who is being cheated from the one who is cheating him. Do not mistreat or oppress aliens, orphans, or widows; and do not kill innocent people in this holy place. 4 If you really do as I have commanded, then David's descendants will continue to be kings. And they, together with their officials and their people, will continue to pass through the gates of this palace in chariots and on horses. 5 But if you do not obey my commands, then I swear to you that this palace will fall into ruins. I, the Lord, have spoken.
6 “To me, Judah's royal palace is as beautiful as the land of Gilead and as the Lebanon Mountains; but I will make it a desolate place where no one lives. 7 I am sending men to destroy it. They will all bring their axes, cut down its beautiful cedar pillars, and throw them into the fire.
8 “Afterward many foreigners will pass by and ask one another why I, the Lord, have done such a thing to this great city. 9 Then they will answer that it is because you have abandoned your covenant with me, your God, and have worshiped and served other gods.”
Jeremiah's Message concerning Joahaz
10 People of Judah, do not weep for King Josiah;
do not mourn his death.
But weep bitterly for Joahaz, his son;
they are taking him away, never to return,
never again to see the land where he was born.
11 The Lord says concerning Josiah's son Joahaz, who succeeded his father as king of Judah, “He has gone away from here, never to return. 12 He will die in the country where they have taken him, and he will never again see this land.”
Jeremiah's Message concerning Jehoiakim
13 Doomed is the one who builds his house by injustice
and enlarges it by dishonesty;
who makes his people work for nothing
and does not pay their wages.
14 Doomed is the one who says,
“I will build myself a mansion
with spacious rooms upstairs.”
So he puts windows in his house,
panels it with cedar,
and paints it red.
15 Does it make you a better king
if you build houses of cedar,
finer than those of others?
Your father enjoyed a full life.
He was always just and fair,
and he prospered in everything he did.
16 He gave the poor a fair trial,
and all went well with him.
That is what it means to know the Lord.
17 But you can only see your selfish interests;
you kill the innocent
and violently oppress your people.
The Lord has spoken.

18 So then, the Lord says about Josiah's son Jehoiakim, king of Judah,
“No one will mourn his death or say,
‘How terrible, my friend, how terrible!’
No one will weep for him or cry,
‘My lord! My king!’
19 With the funeral honors of a donkey,
he will be dragged away
and thrown outside Jerusalem's gates.”
Jeremiah's Message about the Fate of Jerusalem
20 People of Jerusalem, go to Lebanon and shout,
go to the land of Bashan and cry;
call out from the mountains of Moab,
because all your allies have been defeated.
21 The Lord spoke to you when you were prosperous,
but you refused to listen.
That is what you've done all your life;
you never would obey the Lord.
22 Your leaders will be blown away by the wind,
your allies taken as prisoners of war,
your city disgraced and put to shame
because of all the evil you have done.
23 You rest secure among the cedars brought from Lebanon;
but how pitiful you'll be when pains strike you,
pains like those of a woman in labor.
God's Judgment on Jehoiachin
24 The Lord said to King Jehoiachin, son of King Jehoiakim of Judah, “As surely as I am the living God, even if you were the signet ring on my right hand, I would pull you off 25 and give you to people you are afraid of, people who want to kill you. I will give you to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia and his soldiers. 26 I am going to force you and your mother into exile. You will go to a country where neither of you was born, and both of you will die there. 27 You will long to see this country again, but you will never return.”
28 I said, “Has King Jehoiachin become like a broken jar that is thrown away and that no one wants? Is that why he and his children have been taken into exile to a land they know nothing about?”
29 O land, land, land!
Listen to what the Lord has said:
30 “This man is condemned to lose his children,
to be a man who will never succeed.
He will have no descendants
who will rule in Judah
as David's successors.
I, the Lord, have spoken.”
Lazo Yeremaya ro Katidri 'Bädri'ba Yuda ro ro ri
1 OPI atate ma Yeremaya ri oyine zo'desi miri ro 'bädri'ba Yuda ro, roya ago atane ndäri ekye: 2 “Nyeri ata OPI ro mi 'bädri'ba Yuda ro se zelevo Dawidi ro ono, mi, dri'bai losiro miro ago lidri miro se kabe eci dereŋwai yasi iyi. 3 Mìye tase ŋgye ago 'diri 'do ayani. Nyàgaga 'dise abe ocona 'do ni 'dise kabe nda oco 'do ri. Mìye 'di atrai, kyemvoi, kode ävuzii ko koziro kode siomba si; ca nyùtufu 'dise taenjiako iyi ko vo alokado ono ya. 4 Endaro ondro ka'do mìro ota se ono te, 'dooko zelevoi Dawidi ro uguna a'do ndi 'bädri'bai ro. Ago ànya, ndi dri'bai losi ro ànyaro yibe ndi lidri ànyaro yibe ugunayi lämu ndi rri arabia ndi farasii be si dereŋwai zo'desi miri ro ro yasi. 5 Oko ondro ka'do mìro ota maro kote, 'dooko ma ruäṛu ämiri anjioko zo'desi miri ro ono a'dona ndi tandro ro. Ma, OPI, matani.”
6 Ta zo'desi miri ro 'bädri'ba Yuda ro rota, OPI ekye: “Märi, zo'desi miri ro 'bädri'ba Yuda ro ro liŋgyi tawi oso wari Gilada ro ronye ago oso dridopi 'bereŋwai Lebanona ro ronye; oko ma'bana 'da voawi ro 'diaza ri orine kigye i'do. 7 Mazona lidri 'da perene. Vo ànya cini ro ezina koloŋwai 'da, toganayi läŋgyirii cini anyaro wiri ro ana 'da vuru, ago ovonayi ànya 'da asi ya.
8 “Kovolesi oko atrai amba lävunayi 'da 'bakici ana lomvosi ago ejinayi iyi 'da ekye: ‘Tana e'di OPI ye ŋga nonye ono gwo 'bakici 'desi ono ri nonye ni ya?’ 9 'Dooko ànya ogo ozanayi tadrina gwo ekye: ‘Tana ànya e'be tao'baro ànyaro se OPI Lu ànyaro be ono te, ago mätuyite ago induruyite lui azaka ri.’ ”
Lazo Yeremaya ro ta Joaza rota
10 Ami lidri Yuda ro,
nyiliyi ko ta 'Bädri'ba Josia se kodrate ana rota;
mi'be lu'be ko ta ndaro rota.
Oko nyiliyi amba ta Joaza,
ŋgwa ndaro se abe oye urune lozo ana rota ayani;
tana anya unina kote egone,
wari se äti nda be kigye ono ondrene.
11 OPI ka ata ta ŋgwa Josia ro Joaza, se koribe vo täpi ndaro roya 'bädri'ba Yuda ro se koyibe ni nosi ana rota ekye: “Nda ni kote egone noŋwa cu alona. 12 Nda odrana te 'bädri se ànya kuruyi nda be kamba'ba ro kigye ana ya, ago ndäri ogone wari ono ondrene te i'do alona.”
Lazo Yeremaya ro Ta Jehoiakima rota
13 Mano se kabe zo ndaro obena ta'diriako si 'do,
ago se kabe zo ya kurusi obena taŋgyeako si 'do;
se kabe oriazii ndaro o'bana losi oyene awi
ago kozo päläti ànyaro ko 'do te orivoya kandrakozi be.
14 Mano se kabe ata ekye:
“Mabena zo 'desi 'da andivo maro ri
zo ya kurusi bäräŋgälä be,” 'do orivoya kandrakozi be.
Se nda toṛo vouŋbo te zo ndaro yasi,
raa drina te ice wiri rosi
ago 'bi lomvona te okaro.
15 Inye'do mimabe mi 'bädri'ba yi
tana mi'ba zo be ice wiri rosi 'do roya?
Täpi miro ri ori riyäsi ndi,
ago ye ta'diri ndi taŋgye be ndi.
Ta'doro ta cini a'do ndi kadoro nda be.
16 Nda pe vure ati'bai ndi lemeri'bai be rote kadoro,
ago ta cini a'dote kadoro ndäri.
Anjioko 'doni takaci OPI ororo owo.
17 Oko nya miro toto alo voondre ago yao'ba ŋga usune ta'diriakosi;
taenjiako'bai tufune,
ago lidri miro ezane siomba si.
OPI atani inye.
18 Tana ta'doro, OPI ka ata ta Jehoiakima 'bädri'ba Yuda ro ŋgwa Josia ro rota ekye:
“'Diaza unina ko ruṛu o'bene ta odra ndaro rota
kode atane ekye: ‘Äye ädrupi maro.’ Kode ‘Äye endreŋwa.’
'Diaza unina ko liyine kode kukuo'bene nda ta ekye:
‘Äye opi maro! Äye 'bädri'ba maro!’
19 Asena nda 'da oso farasi ronye,
esena nda 'da ago avona nda 'da
le dereŋwai Yerusalema ro kundusi.”
Lazo Yeremaya ro ta Kandrakozi Yerusalema ro rota
20 Ami lidri Yerusalema ro, nyoyi totrene Lebanona ya
nyoyi liyine wari Basana roya
mizi läzi ni 'bereŋwai Abarima ro yasi,
tana utufu beraazii cini amiro te kpeye.
21 Tuse nyà'dobe kado ana si OPI atate ämiri,
oko migatezo tana erine,
'doni tase nyà'dobe oyevonaya ṛo ni ombato'di amiro si owo;
miro OPI kote cu alona.
22 Oli onjana dri'bai amiro 'da lozo,
äruna beraazii amiro 'da kamba'bai ro,
'dooko nyà'dona 'da driupi ro ago wiriwiri ro ta tase cini mìyebe koziro ono rota.
23 Ami lidri Lebanona ro nyòloli tokpero ice wiri ro yasi;
nyèlerina 'da ondro lomvoluwu kuru ami te owo,
lomvoluwu se orivoya oso ŋgwa uti 'ditoko ro ronye 'do.
Vure Lu ro Jehoiakina lomvo
24 OPI atate 'Bädri'ba Jehoiakina, ŋgwa Jehoiakima 'Bädri'ba Yuda ro ro ri ekye: “Endaro oso ma be Lu lidriidriro yi ono ronye, ondro ka'do nya'do gica oso mäŋgusi taka'daro ronye drigwo maro ya oko, matrina mi 'da vuru, 25 ago mozona mi 'da lidri se koleyibe mi ufune iyi ri, lidri se nyùturibe iyi. Mozona mi 'da Nebukadenezara 'Bädri'ba Babelona ro ndi kyila'bai ndaro be rigye. 26 Ma oye mi onjane ndi endre miro be midiro. Nyòyina 'da 'bädri se äti ami ko kigye ana ya, ago mìdrana 'da lau. 27 Mìṛina vo 'da egone 'bädri ono ya kpa to'dina, caoko ämiri egone te i'do alona.”
28 Matate makye: “Inye'do 'Bädri'ba Jehoiakina a'dote oso lakaza se kilifute se 'diaza lekote 'do ronye ya? Tana e'di a'debe nda ndi ŋgàga ndaro be urune midiro wari se ànya kuniyi ko ana ya ni ya?”
29 Äye wari, wari, wari!
Nyeri tase OPI katabe ono!
30 OPI kani ata nonye ekye: “Mano gi ono ape vure ndaro ṛote ŋgàga ndaro ri todrane,
ṛoko takado aza ri a'done manona 'do ri.
Nda a'dona 'da zelevoi ako Yuda mirine vo Dawidi roya.”