1 This book is the account of what was said by Jeremiah son of Hilkiah, one of the priests of the town of Anathoth in the territory of Benjamin. 2 The Lord spoke to Jeremiah in the thirteenth year that Josiah son of Amon was king of Judah, 3 and he spoke to him again when Josiah's son Jehoiakim was king. After that, the Lord spoke to him many times, until the eleventh year of the reign of Zedekiah son of Josiah. In the fifth month of that year the people of Jerusalem were taken into exile.
The Call of Jeremiah
4 The Lord said to me, 5 “I chose you before I gave you life, and before you were born I selected you to be a prophet to the nations.”
6 I answered, “Sovereign Lord, I don't know how to speak; I am too young.”
7 But the Lord said to me, “Do not say that you are too young, but go to the people I send you to, and tell them everything I command you to say. 8 Do not be afraid of them, for I will be with you to protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken!”
9 Then the Lord reached out, touched my lips, and said to me, “Listen, I am giving you the words you must speak. 10 Today I give you authority over nations and kingdoms to uproot and to pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.”
Two Visions
11 The Lord asked me, “Jeremiah, what do you see?”
I answered, “A branch of an almond tree.”
12 “You are right,” the Lord said, “and I am watching to see that my words come true.”
13 Then the Lord spoke to me again. “What else do you see?” he asked.
I answered, “I see a pot boiling in the north, and it is about to tip over this way.”
14 He said to me, “Destruction will boil over from the north on all who live in this land, 15 because I am calling all the nations in the north to come. Their kings will set up their thrones at the gates of Jerusalem and around its walls and also around the other cities of Judah. 16 I will punish my people because they have sinned; they have abandoned me, have offered sacrifices to other gods, and have made idols and worshiped them. 17 Get ready, Jeremiah; go and tell them everything I command you to say. Do not be afraid of them now, or I will make you even more afraid when you are with them. 18-19 Listen, Jeremiah! Everyone in this land—the kings of Judah, the officials, the priests, and the people—will be against you. But today I am giving you the strength to resist them; you will be like a fortified city, an iron pillar, and a bronze wall. They will not defeat you, for I will be with you to protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken.”
1 Buku ono egyi tase atabe Yeremaya, ŋgwa Ilekia ro, alo aza kohanii se koriyibe Anatota ya wari Benjamina roya ro. 2 OPI atate Yeremaya ri ndroa 'butealo fonätu tu 'dimiriro Josia ŋgwa Amona ro, 'bädri'ba Yuda ro rosi, 3 ago OPI atate ndäri kpa to'di tuse ŋgwa Josia ro, Jehoiakima ni 'bädri'ba Yuda ro ana si. Ono vosi, OPI atate ndäri perena amba, madale ndroa 'butealo foalo ori Zedekia ŋgwa Josia ro, 'bädri'ba ro Yuda ya ana si. Imba linji ndroa ana rosi oko äru lidri Yerusalema ro te midiro.
Uzi Yeremaya ro
4 OPI atate märi ekye: 5 “Manji mite ṛoni ya endre roya teinye märi adri ozoako miri, ago ṛo teinye dri mi utiako mäṛu ni teṛo, ago maka'da mi te a'done nebi ro tu'dei ri.”
6 'Dooko mazatadrite makye: “OPI Mbarapara, mäni ta ata ko, tana ma orivoya pari agoanjiŋwa ro.”
7 Oko OPI atate märi ekye: “Nyata ko mikye, ‘Ma orivoya pari agoanjiŋwa ro,’ oko nyoyi 'di se cini mabe mi ozo ànyare ana re ago nyiti tase cini mata mi be atane ono. 8 Nya'do ko turiro ni ànyari, tana ma'dona ndi tro mibe mi gagane. Ma, OPI matani.”
9 'Dooko OPI ozo drì ndaro te, do kala maro te; ago atate märi ekye: “Nyeri, mozo ata maro te miri atane. 10 Tu ono si ono ma'ba mi te drikaca be tu'dei dri ago 'bädri se abe mirina 'bädri'bai si iyi dri, eŋgyene ndrwi ago perene vuru, toŋgone ago perene riya, obene ago kyi'dine.”
Rulofoi Ritu
11 OPI eji ma te ekye: “Yeremaya, mindre e'diyi ya?” Mazatadrite makye: “Mandre gwoṛi ce likwo ro ro.”
12 'Dooko OPI atate märi ekye: “Mindrete orivoya ŋgye, ago ma ugu ondrena male ondrene anjioko ata maro ka oye a'done taŋgyero.”
13 'Dooko OPI atate märi pere ṛiri si ekye: “Mindre azana e'diya?”
Mazatadrite makye: “Mandre lakaza aza gyi usiusiro be, eza kalana noŋwa ni mä'dudrisi.”
14 Ndi OPI atate märi ekye: “Ŋgapere ikyina 'da ni mä'dudrisi lidri se cini kabe ori wari ono ya dri, 15 tana ma tu'dei se cini mä'dudrisi iyi uzi ikyine. 'Bädri'bai ànyaro oranayi gyiti ànyaro 'da dereŋwai Yerusalema ro kalasi ago gbikyi tiṛii anyaro lomvosi ago kpa gbikyi 'bakicii cini Yuda ro lomvosi. 16 Mezana lidri maro 'da ta takozi se ànya koyeyibe ma e'besi 'do rota, ànya loyi tori te lui azaka ri, ago mätuyi lui edeedero ànya te. 17 Nya'do nja Yeremaya; nyoyi ago nyiti tase cini mata mi be tana atane kwoi ànyari, nya'do ko turiro ni ànyari, ukyi ma'ba mi kpa 'da turiro ndra ànya kandra. 18 Nyeri dri, Yeremaya! Ondro ono ma mbara ozo miri nya'dona 'da oso 'bakici mbaraekye ronye, läŋgyiri logo ro ronye, ago tiṛi atala ro ronye. Edrene 'dicini se orivoya wari ono ya, 'bädri'bai Yuda ro, dri'bai losi ro, kohanii ndi lidri cini be mile. 19 Ànya oyena kyila 'da mibe, oko ànya uninayi ko mi opene ṛe tana ma'dona ndi tro mibe mi gagane. Ma OPI, matani.”