Micah and the Tribe of Dan
1 There was no king in Israel at that time. In those days the tribe of Dan was looking for territory to claim and settle in because they had not yet received any land of their own among the tribes of Israel. 2 So the people of Dan chose five qualified men out of all the families in the tribe and sent them from the towns of Zorah and Eshtaol with instructions to explore the land and spy on it. When they arrived in the hill country of Ephraim, they stayed at Micah's house. 3 While they were there, they recognized the accent of the young Levite, so they went up to him and asked, “What are you doing here? Who brought you here?”
4 He answered, “I have an arrangement with Micah, who pays me to serve as his priest.”
5 They said to him, “Please ask God if we are going to be successful on our trip.”
6 The priest answered, “You have nothing to worry about. The Lord is taking care of you on this trip.”
7 So the five men left and went to the town of Laish. They saw how the people there lived in security like the Sidonians. They were a peaceful, quiet people, with no argument with anyone; they had all they needed. They lived far away from the Sidonians and had no dealings with any other people. 8 When the five men returned to Zorah and Eshtaol, the people asked them what they had found out. 9 “Come on,” they replied. “Let's attack Laish. We saw the land, and it's very good. Don't stay here doing nothing; hurry! Go on in and take it over! 10 When you get there, you will find that the people don't suspect a thing. It is a big country; it has everything a person could want, and God has given it to you.”
11 So six hundred men from the tribe of Dan left Zorah and Eshtaol, ready for battle. 12 They went up and camped west of Kiriath Jearim in Judah. That is why the place is still called Camp of Dan. 13 They went on from there and came to Micah's house in the hill country of Ephraim.
14 Then the five men who had gone to spy on the country around Laish said to their companions, “Did you know that here in one of these houses there is a wooden idol covered with silver? There are also other idols and an ephod. What do you think we should do?” 15 So they went into Micah's house, where the young Levite lived, and asked the Levite how he was getting along. 16 Meanwhile the six hundred Danite soldiers, ready for battle, were standing at the gate. 17 The five spies went straight on into the house and took the wooden idol covered with silver, the other idols, and the ephod, while the priest stayed at the gate with the six hundred armed men.
18 When the men went into Micah's house and took the sacred objects, the priest asked them, “What are you doing?”
19 They told him, “Keep quiet. Don't say a word. Come with us and be our priest and adviser. Wouldn't you rather be a priest for a whole Israelite tribe than for the family of one man?” 20 This made the priest very happy, so he took the sacred objects and went along with them.
21 They turned around and started off, with their children, their livestock, and their belongings going ahead. 22 They had traveled a good distance from the house when Micah called his neighbors out for battle. They caught up with the Danites 23 and shouted at them. The Danites turned around and asked Micah, “What's the matter? Why all this mob?”
24 Micah answered, “What do you mean, ‘What's the matter?’ You take my priest and the gods that I made, and walk off? What have I got left?”
25 The Danites told him, “You had better not say anything else unless you want these men to get angry and attack you. You and your whole family would die.” 26 Then the Danites went on. Micah saw that they were too strong for him, so he turned and went back home.
27-28 After the Danites had taken the priest and the things that Micah had made, they went and attacked Laish, that town of peaceful, quiet people which was in the same valley as Bethrehob. They killed the inhabitants and burned the town. There was no one to save them, because Laish was a long way from Sidon, and they had no dealings with any other people. The Danites rebuilt the town and settled down there. 29 They changed its name from Laish to Dan, after their ancestor Dan, the son of Jacob. 30 The Danites set up the idol to be worshiped, and Jonathan, the son of Gershom and grandson of Moses, served as a priest for the Danites, and his descendants served as their priests until the people were taken away into exile. 31 Micah's idol remained there as long as the Tent where God was worshiped remained at Shiloh.
Maika ndi 'Bakala Dana robe
1 Tu gi kai si 'bädri'ba aza i'do Yisaraele ya. Ago tu gi kai si 'bakala Dana ro kadri ugu vouṛi orizana kigye; tana 'dooko ànya usuyi vo dri ko andivo ànyaro ri 'bakalai Yisaraele ro lako. 2 Ta'dota lidri Dana ro njiyi lidri tauni'bai azaka te nji ni katidri cini 'bakala 'do ro yasi ago zoyi ànya teni 'ba'desii Zora ndi Esetaola be yasi oyine wari ana marine ago täkyine. Ondro ànya kesayite 'bädri lutu ro Eperaima roya oko, ànya kyi riyite 'ba Maika roya. 3 Ondro ànya dri gba dri orivoya lau oko, ànya niyi drî Lewe'ba se agoanji ro ana rote, ta'doro ànya oyiyite ndare ago ejiyi nda te ekye: “A'di ezi mi ni noŋwa ya?” Nya e'di oye noŋwa ya?
4 Ago nda zatadri ànyaro te ekye: “Màra tavote Maika be, se 'ba ma te kohani ro ndäri päläti dri.” 5 Ago ànya atayite ndäri ekye: “Mòlo'baru miri, nyeji Lu ta amaro ta kode ikyi gi mìkyibe ono tana a'dona gindi kadoro ya.”
6 Ago kohani ana zatadrite ekye: “Nyòyi liatokpe ro. Aba amiro ono ya OPI kani vo amiro ondrena.”
7 'Dooko lidri se nji kai oyiyite ago sayite 'ba'desi Laisa ya. Ànya ndreyi lidri se kabe ori lau kai te ànya kayi ori dritai ro, oso Sidona'bai ronye, ànya orivoya liatokpero ago trwe teinye kalaope ako iyivoya; ànya teinye lemeri ŋga aza ro ako. Ànya riyite lozo di ni Sidona'bai resi ago ànya teinye ta aza ako lidri aza be. 8 Ondro lidri se nji kai kegoyite Zora ndi Esetaola be ya oko, lidri azi ànyaro ejiyi ànya te tase ànya koyi kondrebe lau ana tana ro. 9 Ànya logoyitate ekye: “Mìŋga teri. Nyìkyi mòyi ri Laisa gotane. Tana màndre wari ana te, ago orivoya vo kadopara yi. Mìri ko losiako noŋwa; nyèleye ko! Mìci teri kigye ago mìru ri. 10 Ondro mìsate lau, nyusuna lidri lau ana teinye mio'ba ako ta ŋga aza rota. 'Bädri ana orivoya bäräŋgälä, ŋgase cini lidri kolebe 'bädri ya orivoya lau, ago Lu ozo ṛote ämiri.”
11 Ta'dota lidri kama njidrialo (600) ni 'bakala Dana ro yasi se nja kyila oyene foyite ni Zora ndi Esetaola be yasi. 12 Ànya oyiyite ago otoyi gawa te Kiriyata Jarima se Yuda ya ana ya. 'Do ni tase a'debe vose ana uzine 'du Mahanedana le tu ono si ono owo. 13 Ago ànya lävuyite ni nasi le zo Maika roya 'bädri lutu ro Eperaima roya.
14 'Dooko lidri se nji se koyiyibe 'bädri Laisa ro marine kai atayite azi ànyaro ri ekye: “Inye'do mìni gindi lu awi se ändru lomvona mo'di si orivoya alo aza zo kwoi roya ya? Ago lu awi azaka kpa orivoya noŋwa ndi boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa kätätidri robe. Nyùsu amiro be màyena eŋwanye ya?” 15 Ta'dota ànya ciyite zo Maika roya, vose Lewe'ba se agoanji ro ana koribe kigye ana ya, ago ejiyi Lewe'ba ana te ta a'do ndaro rota. 16 'Dooko kyila'bai se kama njidrialo (600) ni Dana yasi, nja kyila oyene kai orivoya edrevoya dereŋwa kala. 17 'Dooko kamari'bai se nji se koyibe wari marine kai, ciyite zo ya ago ruyi lu awi se ce ro se ändru lomvona be mo'di si ana, ago lu awi azaka ndi boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa kätätidri robe te, 'dooko kohani dri edrevoya dereŋwa kala kyila'bai se kama njidrialo (600) kai yibe.
18 Ondro lidri se kai kociyite zo Maika roya ago kuruyi lu se ändru lomvona mo'di si, boŋgo gajuṛuŋwa kätätidriro ndi lui awi azaka kai be te oko, kohani se ana eji ànya te ekye: “Nyà 'do e'di oye ya?”
19 Ànya atayite ndäri ekye: “Nya'do titiro. Nyata ta aza ko. Nyikyi mòyi ami yibe nya'do ro kohani ro ago tavoata'ba ro ämäri. Eŋwani ni kado miri a'done kohani ro 'bakala cini Yisaraele ro ri kode toto katidri alodi riya?” 20 Ago ata ana i'dwe ya kohani ana ro tawi, ta'doro nda ru ŋgase cini alokado kai te, ago oyite sina lidri Dana robe.
21 Ànya etoyi oyite, ago ànya 'beyidri ŋgàga giṛiŋwà ro, koronyai'ba ro, ndi lakazà ànyaro be rote käti ànya mile. 22 Ondro ànya koyiyite ga lozo ni 'ba Maika ro lomvosi oko, Maika zi oriazii ndaro te ukyine kyila oyene. Ànya kyi tayivo lidri Dana ro rote. 23 Ànya treyite lidri Dana ro dri, 'dooko lidri Dana ro ezayi mi te ago ejiyi Maika te ekye: “E'diyi ya? Nyikyi gwo lowa be amba etaya?”
24 Maika zatadrite ekye: “Nyùsu ta e'diro ya? Ta e'di a'doni ya? Miru kohani maro ndi lui se medebe te ago nyoyite sina! Inye'do nye'be e'diyi märi ya? Minina eŋgwanye ma ejine mikye: ‘Ta e'di a'doni ya?’ ”
25 Ago lidri Dana ro atayite ndäri ekye: “Nyototre ko ama vo iga ukyi lidri ono a'do 'da kyilaro mibe. Se 'dooko mi ndi katidri miro be mìdrana ndi.” 26 'Dooko lidri Dana ro uguyi oyite, ago ondro Maika kondrete mbara ànyaro te ndrani nda drisi oko, nda tadrite oyite kovole 'ba ndaro ya.
27 Ondro lidri Dana ro kuruyi kohani ndi ŋgase cini Maika kedebe ana be te oko, ànya oyiyi gotayi Laisa se, lidri na ka ori trwe ago liatokpero ana te. Ànya tufuyi 'dise cini koribe kigye ana te ago zayi 'ba'desi ana te asi si. 28 'Diaza a'do te i'do ànya opane, tana Laisa orivoya lozo ni Sidona resi, ago ànya teinye lidri aza ako se driuruazi ànyaro. 'Ba'desi ana orivoya vodelero ya loto Beterehoba lomvo. Lidri Dana ro go beyi 'ba'desi ana te ago riyite lau. 29 Ago go ziyi ävuru 'ba'desi Laisa rote Dana, ävuru zutu ànyaro Dana, ŋgwa Yakoba ro dri. 30 Lidri Dana ro edreyi lu awi se ana te lau mätune, ago Jonatana ŋgwa Geresoma ro, kwozo Musa ro, indurute kohani ro 'bakala Dana ro ri, ago zelevoi ndaro induruyite kohanii ro ànyari madale äru lidri gwo midiro. 31 Ànya edreyi lu awi se Maika kedebe 'do te 'du lau oso Mutuguṛi OPI ro koribe 'du Silo ya ronye.