1 There will be no way for them to escape from this time of trouble.
The Future King
The land of the tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali was once disgraced, but the future will bring honor to this region, from the Mediterranean eastward to the land on the other side of the Jordan, and even to Galilee itself, where the foreigners live.

2 The people who walked in darkness
have seen a great light.
They lived in a land of shadows,
but now light is shining on them.
3 You have given them great joy, Lord;
you have made them happy.
They rejoice in what you have done,
as people rejoice when they harvest grain
or when they divide captured wealth.
4 For you have broken the yoke that burdened them
and the rod that beat their shoulders.
You have defeated the nation
that oppressed and exploited your people,
just as you defeated the army of Midian long ago.
5 The boots of the invading army
and all their bloodstained clothing
will be destroyed by fire.
6 A child is born to us!
A son is given to us!
And he will be our ruler.
He will be called, “Wonderful Counselor,”
“Mighty God,” “Eternal Father,”
“Prince of Peace.”
7 His royal power will continue to grow;
his kingdom will always be at peace.
He will rule as King David's successor,
basing his power on right and justice,
from now until the end of time.
The Lord Almighty is determined to do all this.
The Lord Will Punish Israel
8 The Lord has pronounced judgment on the kingdom of Israel, on the descendants of Jacob. 9 All the people of Israel, everyone who lives in the city of Samaria, will know that he has done this. Now they are proud and arrogant. They say, 10 “The brick buildings have fallen down, but we will replace them with stone buildings. The beams of sycamore wood have been cut down, but we will replace them with the finest cedar.”
11 The Lord has stirred up their enemies to attack them. 12 Syria on the east and Philistia on the west have opened their mouths to devour Israel. Yet even so the Lord's anger is not ended; his hand is still stretched out to punish.
13 The people of Israel have not repented; even though the Lord Almighty has punished them, they have not returned to him. 14 In a single day the Lord will punish Israel's leaders and its people; he will cut them off, head and tail. 15 The old and honorable men are the head—and the tail is the prophets whose teachings are lies! 16 Those who lead these people have misled them and totally confused them. 17 And so the Lord will not let any of the young men escape, and he will not show pity on any of the widows and orphans, because all the people are godless and wicked and everything they say is evil. Yet even so the Lord's anger will not be ended, but his hand will still be stretched out to punish.
18 The wickedness of the people burns like a fire that destroys thorn bushes and thistles. It burns like a forest fire that sends up columns of smoke. 19 Because the Lord Almighty is angry, his punishment burns like a fire throughout the land and destroys the people, and it is each of us for ourselves. 20 Everywhere in the country people snatch and eat any bit of food they can find, but their hunger is never satisfied. They even eat their own children! 21 The people of Manasseh and the people of Ephraim attack each other, and together they attack Judah. Yet even so the Lord's anger is not ended; his hand is still stretched out to punish.
1 Rriti ogo a'dona i'do ànya se kabe rueza ri.
'Bädri'ba Tu Mileya ro
Aro wari 'bakalai Zebuluna ro ndi Nafatali robe kote, oko tuse mileya ana ezina taoro 'da wari ono ri, ni Gyi'desi Mediteraneana yasi le wari se ogone Golo Yaradene kundu ana yasi, ago kpa le Galilaya ya, vose atrai kayibe ori kigye ana ya.
2 Lidri se kabayibe vouni yasi ana
ndreyi ŋgaeyi 'desi te.
Ànya se riyite wari lindri uniro ya ana,
yauono ŋgaeyi kate voeyi ànya dri.
3 OPI, nyiliti tu'de ono te;
mi'ba ànya te a'done yai'dwesi.
Ànya te riyä ro tase miyebe ono ta,
oso riyä tu jalia rosi ronye
kode oso lidri kolonyiyi ŋgadriamba se otopabe iyi te oko kayibe riyä na oyena 'do ronye.
4 Tana nyotoŋgo juṛu se keteri ànya be
ago dofo se kabe depere ànyaro o'bina iyi te.
Mipe tu'de se kabe
lidri miro ezana te,
oso mipe kyila'bai Midiana ro be ṛe tu kyeno ana si ana ronye.
5 Muruku kyila'bai se kikyiyibe kyila be ro
ndi boŋgo cini ànyaro se kari kenjibe iyi be
azana 'da asi si.
6 Äti ŋgwa aza te ämäri!
Ozo ŋgwaago aza te ämäri!
Nda a'dona 'da miri'ba lidri ro.
Äzina nda 'da, “Tavoata'ba Talaro ro,”
“Lu Mbaraekye,” “Täpi Äduako,”
“'Bädri'ba Taliatokpe ro.”
7 Mbara 'bädri'ba ndaro ro ndi taliatokpe be uguna ruafo 'da äduako;
Nda mirina 'di ni vo 'Bädri'ba Dawidi roya,
ätina zevo mbara ndaro ro 'da ta'diri ndi taŋgye be dri,
etoni yau madale tu äduro si.
OPI Mbaraekye orivoya nja tase cini kwoi oyene.
OPI Ezana Yisaraele 'da
8 OPI ayota vure rote 'bädri Yisaraele ro lomvo, zelevoi Yakoba ro lomvo. 9 Lidri cini unina ndi, ago lidri Yisaraele ro, ndi 'dise kabe ori 'bakici Samaria roya, se kayibe ata driuŋgyi si ago mäwu si ekye: 10 “Zo se abebe tu'bu si iyi lo'dete vuru, oko màgo màbena 'da kuni kado si. Aga loroi ice kyi'du tore ro rote vuru, oko màgo mà'bana ice wiri ro 'da vona yasi.”
11 OPI eŋga ya kyila'baazii ànyaro rote ànya lomvo
ago 'ba kyila'baazii ànyaro te ànya gotane.
12 'Buzelesi ni Siria'bai ago aŋgoyasi ni Filisitia'bai se piyi kala ànyaro te Yisaraele lotene. Ta'do ka'do ca inye, kyila OPI ro kye dri ko; nda eŋga drì ndaro dri ndi 'du 'di ezaza.
13 Lidri Yisaraele ro etayidri kote ndase keza ànya be ana re; ca ànya egoyi kote OPI Mbaraekye re. 14 OPI täṛina drî ndi tavi Yisaraele ro be 'da, ago ofona gwoṛi itu ro ndi okyi robe 'da tu alodi si. 15 Anjioko lidri se odeodero ago oroororo iyi ni drî yi, ago tavi ni nebii se kayibe ŋgaemba kowe si iyi owo! 16 Tana ànya ni se kayibe lidri kwoi lepena vujene owo; ago 'bayi se ànya kayibe lepena te wiriwiriro. 17 Tana ta'doro OPI unina ko a'done riyäsi agoànji be, ago nda unina ko a'done yauni be ävuzii ndi kyemvoi be ri, tana lidri cini orivoya luako ago koziro ago tase cini ànya kayibe atana orivoya undiro. Ta cini 'do ta kyila OPI ro unina ko okyene, oko eŋgana drì ndaro dri ndi 'du kuru 'di ezaza.
18 Takozi lidri ro ka uje asi ronye, asi se kabe kukyi coko ndi ŋgäṛiŋgofo be ujena 'do ronye. Ka uje oso asi se vocowa ya äṛubäni kätu na ro kabe oŋga lekuru 'do ronye. 19 Kyila OPI Mbaraekye rosi wari ka oye ujene ago lidri a'dona ndi oso tiza ronye ujene ago 'diaza unina ko ädrupi iro opane. 20 Lidri ivuna ŋgaonya 'da drigo yasi onyane caoko täbiri orina gyi 'du anya ufu. Ànya onyana ŋgaonya ndi ni gaṛi yasi; caoko ojona anya ko. 'Dooko ànya onyana te ŋgàga modo ànyaro ro ayani! 21 Lidri Manase ro ndi lidri Eperaima robe kayi iyi gota, ago ànya riti kayi Yuda gota. Ta'do ka'do ca inye oko kyila OPI ro kyedri ko, nda eŋga drì ndaro dri ndi 'du kuru 'di ezaza.