A Message for King Ahaz
1 When King Ahaz, the son of Jotham and grandson of Uzziah, ruled Judah, war broke out. Rezin, king of Syria, and Pekah son of Remaliah, king of Israel, attacked Jerusalem, but were unable to capture it.
2 When word reached the king of Judah that the armies of Syria were already in the territory of Israel, he and all his people were so terrified that they trembled like trees shaking in the wind.
3 The Lord said to Isaiah, “Take your son Shear Jashub, and go to meet King Ahaz. You will find him on the road where the cloth makers work, at the end of the ditch that brings water from the upper pool. 4 Tell him to keep alert, to stay calm, and not to be frightened or disturbed. The anger of King Rezin and his Syrians and of King Pekah is no more dangerous than the smoke from two smoldering sticks of wood. 5 Syria, together with Israel and its king, has made a plot. 6 They intend to invade Judah, terrify the people into joining their side, and then put Tabeel's son on the throne.
7 “But I, the Lord, declare that this will never happen. 8 Why? Because Syria is no stronger than Damascus, its capital city, and Damascus is no stronger than King Rezin. As for Israel, within sixty-five years it will be too shattered to survive as a nation. 9 Israel is no stronger than Samaria, its capital city, and Samaria is no stronger than King Pekah.
“If your faith is not enduring, you will not endure.”
The Sign of Immanuel
10 The Lord sent another message to Ahaz: 11 “Ask the Lord your God to give you a sign. It can be from deep in the world of the dead or from high up in heaven.”
12 Ahaz answered, “I will not ask for a sign. I refuse to put the Lord to the test.”
13 To that Isaiah replied, “Listen, now, descendants of King David. It's bad enough for you to wear out the patience of people—do you have to wear out God's patience too? 14 Well then, the Lord himself will give you a sign: a young woman who is pregnant will have a son and will name him ‘Immanuel.’ 15 By the time he is old enough to make his own decisions, people will be drinking milk and eating honey. 16 Even before that time comes, the lands of those two kings who terrify you will be deserted.
17 “The Lord is going to bring on you, on your people, and on the whole royal family, days of trouble worse than any that have come since the kingdom of Israel separated from Judah—he is going to bring the king of Assyria.
18 “When that time comes, the Lord will whistle as a signal for the Egyptians to come like flies from the farthest branches of the Nile, and for the Assyrians to come from their land like bees. 19 They will swarm in the rugged valleys and in the caves in the rocks, and they will cover every thorn bush and every pasture.
20 “When that time comes, the Lord will hire a barber from across the Euphrates—the emperor of Assyria!—and he will shave off your beards and the hair on your heads and your bodies.
21 “When that time comes, even if a farmer has been able to save only one young cow and two goats, 22 they will give so much milk that he will have all he needs. Yes, the few survivors left in the land will have milk and honey to eat.
23 “When that time comes, the fine vineyards, each with a thousand vines and each worth a thousand pieces of silver, will be overgrown with thorn bushes and briers. 24 People will go hunting there with bows and arrows. Yes, the whole country will be full of briers and thorn bushes. 25 All the hills where crops were once planted will be so overgrown with thorns that no one will go there. It will be a place where cattle and sheep graze.”
Lazo 'Bädri'ba Ahaza ri
1 Tu 'Bädri'ba Ahaza, ŋgwa Yotama ro kwozo Uzia ro, se mirivote Yuda ya ana rosi oko kyila 'dete. Rezina, 'bädri'ba Siria ro, ago Peka ŋgwa Remalia ro, 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro gotayi Yerusalema te, caoko a'doyite mbaraako urune.
2 Ago ondro iti tana te 'bädri'ba Yuda ro ri ekye kyila'bai Siria ro dro'berute Yisaraele'bai ro be oko, Ahaza ndi lidri ndaro yibe a'doyite turiro ago ànya lä'biyite oso oli kabe ice kanda 'do ronye.
3 OPI atate Yesaya ri ekye: “Miru ŋgwa miro Seraya Jasuba ago nyòyi drî 'bädri'ba Ahaza ro utu. Nyusuna nda 'da ädu gyi se kabe idi ni cece kurulesi yasi ana ya liti 'desi dri vose lidri kabe boŋgo oja kigye ana ya. 4 Nyata ndäri a'done miomba be, a'done trwe, ago ko a'done turiro kode ya kyebekyebe beni kyila 'Bädri'ba Rezina ndi Siria'bai ro ndi 'Bädri'ba Peka robe ri. Kyila ànyaro a'do kote kozipara ndrani kätu se kabe ofo ni tiza si ritu se sina kodrate 'do yasi drisi. 5 Siria, tro Yisaraele ndi 'bädri'ba na be äyiyi takozi te milomvo. 6 Ànya leyi oyine Yuda gotane, lidri gbegbene ago urune ànyari, 'dooko ŋgwa Tabela ro o'bane giti dri 'bädri'ba ro.
7 “Oko ma, OPI Lu ma atani nonye, makye ta ono unina ko ikyine ago unina ko cu a'done oso inye; 8 tana Siria mbara ko ndrani Damaseka, 'bakici 'desi anyaro ri, ago Damaseka mbara ko ndrani 'Bädri'ba Rezina ri. Ndroa 'butenjidrialo fonji(65) ya oko Yisaraele pereruna 'da pari, ni kote a'done tu'de ro. 9 Tana Yisaraele mbara ko ndrani Samaria, 'bakici 'desi anyaro ri, ago Samaria mbara ko ndrani 'Bädri'ba Peka ri.
“Ondro ka'do taoma amiro ka'do kote yaiŋgyi be, mìnina kote yaiŋgyine.”
Taka'daro Ta Imanuele rota
10 OPI go zo lazo aza kpate Ahaza ri ekye: 11 “Nyeji taka'daro ni OPI Lu miro rigyesi. Mi'ba ka'do ni gyuru 'bädri avo ro yasi kode ni lekuru vo'buyakuru yasi.”
12 Ahaza zatadrite ekye: “Märi taejine ta taka'daro ta i'do, male ko ta OPI ro ojone.”
13 Yesaya logo ta 'do drina te ekye: “Ka'do inye, nyèri dri, ami zelevoi 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ro. Orivoya kozipara ämiri yaiŋgyi lidri ro enjine, inye'do mile kpate yaiŋgyi Lu maro ro enjine ya? 14 Ta'dota, OPI andivona ozona taka'daro 'da ämiri: ŋguti aza a'dona 'da ŋgwa be, utina ŋgwaagoro 'da ago uzina ävuruna 'da Imanuele. 15 Tuse nda kombate 'desi ago kuni takozi ndi takado be te oko, lidri umvuna leyi 'da ago ombena epe 'da. 16 Ago ca dri ṛo ndäri takozi ndi takado be uniako oko, warii 'bädri'bai ritu se kayibe ami o'ba turiro kwoi ro pereruna 'da.
17 “OPI ka oye tu rriti ro ezine ämidri, lidri amiro dri, ago katidri cini 'bädri'ba amiro ro dri kozipara ndrani se ka'dobe dri teinye miri Yisaraele ro ri ruokyeako ni miri Yuda ro yasi ana ri, nda ka oye 'bädri'ba Asaria ro ezine.
18 “Tu ana si OPI hwihwina 'da Ezipeto'bai ri ikyiza oso kumu ronye ni gologwoṛi Naile ro yasi, ago Asaria'bai ri ikyiza ni wari ànyaro yasi oso kumuepe ronye. 19 Ànya ikyina oṛinakala 'da vodelei se kuniŋwà amba be iyi yasi ago kugyii luutui ro yasi, ago ànya orinayi 'da vocoko cini se kukyi be iyi yasi ndi lowo luru cini be.
20 “Tu ana si, Opi ezina driuvu'ba aza 'da ni Eferata tasi nasi, anjioko 'bädri'ba Asaria ro! Ago nda uvuna drikyiri amiro, 'bi lomvo cini amiro robe ndi tivo amiro be kpa 'da.
21 “Tu ana si manoaza a'dona ca toto ti 'boroŋwa alodi ago indri be ritu, 22 ànya ozonayi leyi ndi amba anyari umvune ronye. Ago 'dise ke'bebe fereŋwa wari ya iyi a'donayi 'da leyi be umvune ago epe be ombene.
23 “Tuse ana si ämvu cini konoro, se pa kono robe kigyesi kutu alo iyi, ago se lagyena be tonyo mo'di ro kutu alo iyi, kukyi coko ndi ŋgäṛiŋgofo be isina 'da kigyesi. 24 Lidri ukyina 'da äṛigo oyene kigye kusu ndi ätu be si tana ŋgäṛiŋgofo ndi kukyi coko be isina 'da twi 'bädri ana yasi kpeye. 25 Ago lutui se cini ŋgaluru kabe omba driigyesi iyi kukyi ovona 'da kpeye driigyesi si 'diaza unina ko ocine kigye. A'dona 'da vo ŋgaonya ro ti ndi timele be ro.”