The Lord Judges the Nations
1 The Lord says, “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house, then, could you build for me, what kind of place for me to live in? 2 I myself created the whole universe! I am pleased with those who are humble and repentant, who fear me and obey me.
3 “The people do as they please. It's all the same to them whether they kill a bull as a sacrifice or sacrifice a human being; whether they sacrifice a lamb or break a dog's neck; whether they present a grain offering or offer pigs' blood; whether they offer incense or pray to an idol. They take pleasure in disgusting ways of worship. 4 So I will bring disaster upon them—the very things they are afraid of—because no one answered when I called or listened when I spoke. They chose to disobey me and do evil.”
5 Listen to what the Lord says, you that fear him and obey him: “Because you are faithful to me, some of your own people hate you and will have nothing to do with you. They mock you and say, ‘Let the Lord show his greatness and save you, so that we may see you rejoice.’ But they themselves will be disgraced! 6 Listen! That loud noise in the city, that sound in the Temple, is the sound of the Lord punishing his enemies!
7 “My holy city is like a woman who suddenly gives birth to a child without ever going into labor. 8 Has anyone ever seen or heard of such a thing? Has a nation ever been born in a day? Zion will not have to suffer long, before the nation is born. 9 Do not think that I will bring my people to the point of birth and not let them be born.” The Lord has spoken.
10 Rejoice with Jerusalem; be glad for her,
all you that love this city!
Rejoice with her now,
all you that have mourned for her!
11 You will enjoy her prosperity,
like a child at its mother's breast.
12 The Lord says, “I will bring you lasting prosperity; the wealth of the nations will flow to you like a river that never goes dry. You will be like a child that is nursed by its mother, carried in her arms, and treated with love. 13 I will comfort you in Jerusalem, as a mother comforts her child. 14 When you see this happen, you will be glad; it will make you strong and healthy. Then you will know that I, the Lord, help those who obey me, and I show my anger against my enemies.”
15 The Lord will come with fire. He will ride on the wings of a storm to punish those he is angry with. 16 By fire and sword he will punish all the people of the world whom he finds guilty—and many will be put to death.
17 The Lord says, “The end is near for those who purify themselves for pagan worship, who go in procession to sacred gardens, and who eat pork and mice and other disgusting foods. 18 I know their thoughts and their deeds. I am coming to gather the people of all the nations. When they come together, they will see what my power can do 19 and will know that I am the one who punishes them.
“But I will spare some of them and send them to the nations and the distant lands that have not heard of my fame or seen my greatness and power: to Spain, Libya, and Lydia, with its skilled archers, and to Tubal and Greece. Among these nations they will proclaim my greatness. 20 They will bring back all your people from the nations as a gift to me. They will bring them to my sacred hill in Jerusalem on horses, mules, and camels, and in chariots and wagons, just as Israelites bring grain offerings to the Temple in ritually clean containers. 21 I will make some of them priests and Levites.
22 “Just as the new earth and the new heavens will endure by my power, so your descendants and your name will endure. 23 On every New Moon Festival and every Sabbath people of every nation will come to worship me here in Jerusalem,” says the Lord. 24 “As they leave, they will see the dead bodies of those who have rebelled against me. The worms that eat them will never die, and the fire that burns them will never be put out. The sight of them will be disgusting to all people.”
OPI ka Vure Tu'dei ro Opena
1 OPI ka ata ekye: “Vo'buyakuru orivoya gyiti maro, ago 'bädri orivoya kotopa pà maro otoro. Zo se mìlebe obene märi ni eŋwaniya? Ago vose loliza märi ni eŋwaniya? 2 Ma'ba ŋgase cini 'bädri ya ono ni! Ta'dota ànya cini orivoya maro. Lidri se mulube ni se orivoya trwe ago ketayidrite ago se kayibe ma turi ota maro oro si kwoi.
3 “Lidri ka taoye oso tana kusi ànya be ronye. Lidri se kabe 'daŋgo olo ojo rere ànya se kabe 'diufu 'do be, Lidri se kabe timelegogo olo tori ro 'do ojo rere ànya se kabe kyembe kokye ro oŋgo 'do be. Ànya se kayibe inya ozo ŋgapäṛi ro 'do ojo rere ànya se kayi kari kizwei ro ozona ŋgapäṛi ro 'do be; ànya se kayi ŋga tägyi ŋgutruro ozana 'do ojo rere anya se kayi lui edeedero mätu 'do be. Ànya yeyi riyä te taloye undiro ànyaro iyi tana ro. 4 Ta'dota mezina rriti 'da ànya dri, ŋgase modona ànya ka'doyibe turiro ni rigye 'do, tana mäzi läzi be ànya epeyi kote ago matabe ànya eriyi kote. Ànya yeyite ŋgase koziro 'do ayani mamile ago njiyite ŋgase tana kusi ma ko 'do ayani.”
5 Nyeri ata se OPI kabe atana ono, ami se nyàbe nda oro ono: “Lidri modo amiro azaka yana osoro ami lomvo ago gayi amizo ta maro si ago kayi ata ekye: ‘Mi'ba OPI kaka'da a'do'desi ndaro, tana màndre ami robe riyä oyevoya.’ Oko ànya modo a'donayi 'da driupiro! 6 Nyeri dri! Kporo gi amba 'bakici ya ana, kporo gi ni Yekalu yasi ana, ana orivoya kporo taezaro OPI ro ro kyila'baazii ndaro ri!
7 “'Bakici alokado maro orivoya oso toko se kabe ŋgwa teinye luwuako uti 'do ronye. Dri teinye ya ndaro ri luwuako nda ti ŋgwaago rote. 8 Inye'do 'diaza ndre kode eri ta ŋga aza ro gindi oso inye ya? Inye'do tu'de aza liti gindi u'du alodi siya? Zaiona unina ko ruezane madaro teinye a'do ako tu'de ro. 9 Inye'do mezina lidri maro gyi le tu utina roya oko ma'bana ànya gwo orine utiako ya?” OPI atani inye. “Mase ma ànya o'bani utine ono masena utivo ndi ya?” Lu amiro atani inye. 10 Mìye riyä Yerusalema be; nyà'do yai'dwesi ta anyaro ta,
ami se cini nyùlu 'bakici ono be ono!
Yauono mìye riyä ri anya be,
ami se cini nyìliyibe ta anyaro ta ono!
11 Nyä̀njäkyina 'da ago ŋga ojona ami 'da,
oso ŋgwa giṛiŋwa kabe njäkyi ba endre anyaro rosi ronye,
ago nyà'dona 'da yai'dwe si ŋgadriamba anyaro njäkyivoya.
12 OPI ka ata ekye: “Mezina ŋgadriamba 'da ämiri oso golo ronye; ŋgaamba se tu'dei ro ono idina 'da ämiri oso golo se oseako 'do ronye. Nyà'dona 'da oso ŋgwa giṛiŋwa se endre kabe ecana, kabe uŋgyina kufu anyaro ya, ago kabe leyena miṛi anyaro dri 'do ronye. 13 Mi'dwena ami 'da Yerusalema ya, oso endre kabe ŋgwa anyaro i'dwena ronye. 14 Mìndrena tase ono 'da ago, nyà'dona 'da yai'dwesi; tana o'bana ami 'da a'done jiŋgyiriro. 'Dooko mìnina 'da anjioko ma, OPI, orivoya tro ruindu'bai maro be, ago ma kyila maro ka'dana kyila'baazii maro ri.”
15 OPI ikyina 'da asi be, ago arabia kyilaro ndaro oso oli gbiriṛibe ronye, ànya se nda ka'dobe kyilaro sina iyi ezane asi si. 16 Nda ezana lidri 'da asi si ago tufuna lidri cini se nda kusube taenji be iyi 'da bando si, ago utufuna ambana 'da.
17 OPI ka ata ekye: “Tu ädu ànya se kayibe andivo ànyaro wäṛina mätu taomaako'bai rota iyi a'dona 'da troalo, se ànya kayi ruoro ämvui alokado yasi, ago se kayibe iza kizwei ro ndi labanjoko robe onyana ndi ŋgaonya undiro azaka be iyi be. 18 Mäni tausu ànyaro ndi taoye ànyaro be tana te. Ma oye ikyine kala lidri tu'dei cini ro ro otone. Ondro ànya kikyiyite kpeye voaloya oko, ànya ondrenayi a'do 'desi maro 'da, 19 ago ma'bana taka'daro 'da anya lomvo.
“Caoko anjioko ànyaro se kopavo iyi mazona 'da tu'dei azaka lakosi, Sepaina ya, Libiya ya, ago Luda, se lidri na orivoya tauni kusu robe, ago Tubala ndi Girisi be ya; ago wari se lozo se keriyi liku maro tana ko ago kondreyi a'do 'desi maro be kodri iyi yasi. Ànya openayi 'desi maro tana 'da tu'dei kai lakosi. 20 Ànya logonayi lidri 'bädriazi amiro ro 'da kovole ni tu'dei lakosi ŋgapäṛi ro märi. Ànya ezinayi ànya 'da lutu alokado maro ya Yerusalema ya, farasii, doŋgiii ŋgauŋgyiro, ndi gamelei be si, ago arabia kyila ro ndi arabia ŋgauŋgyiro be si, kpa oso Yisaraele'bai kayibe ŋgapäṛi inya ro ezina Yekalu ya ŋga ŋgauŋgyiro wäṛiro si 'do ronye. 21 Ma'bana rukä ànyaro 'da kohanii ro ago Lewe'bai ro.
22 “Oso 'bädri to'di ndi vo'buyakuru to'di se ma oyebe o'bane orine ronye, zelevoi amiro ndi ävuru amiro be orina kpa oso inye. 23 Tu cini Karama Imba To'di rosi ago Sabata cini si, lidri tu'de cini ro ikyinayi 'da ma mätune.” OPI kani ata inye. 24 “Oso ànya kayi drigi ori ono ronye, ànya ondrenayi avoi ànya se kogboyibe mabe kwoi ro 'da. Kyiri se ka oyebe ànya onyane iyi uninayi ko odrane alona, ago asi se ka oyebe ànya ujene 'do änina ko izwene cu alona. Beti ànyaro landrena 'da ŋgakozi ro lidri cini ri.”