1 The Lord says,
“Do you think I sent my people away
like a man who divorces his wife?
Where, then, are the papers of divorce?
Do you think I sold you into captivity
like a man who sells his children as slaves?
No, you went away captive because of your sins;
you were sent away because of your crimes.

2 “Why did my people fail to respond
when I went to them to save them?
Why did they not answer when I called?
Am I too weak to save them?
I can dry up the sea with a command
and turn rivers into a desert,
so that the fish in them die for lack of water.
3 I can make the sky turn dark,
as if it were in mourning for the dead.”
The Obedience of the Lord's Servant
4 The Sovereign Lord has taught me what to say,
so that I can strengthen the weary.
Every morning he makes me eager
to hear what he is going to teach me.
5 The Lord has given me understanding,
and I have not rebelled
or turned away from him.
6 I bared my back to those who beat me.
I did not stop them when they insulted me,
when they pulled out the hairs of my beard
and spit in my face.

7 But their insults cannot hurt me
because the Sovereign Lord gives me help.
I brace myself to endure them.
I know that I will not be disgraced,
8 for God is near,
and he will prove me innocent.
Does anyone dare bring charges against me?
Let us go to court together!
Let him bring his accusation!
9 The Sovereign Lord himself defends me—
who, then, can prove me guilty?
All my accusers will disappear;
they will vanish like moth-eaten cloth.

10 All of you that honor the Lord
and obey the words of his servant,
the path you walk may be dark indeed,
but trust in the Lord, rely on your God.
11 All of you that plot to destroy others
will be destroyed by your own plots.
The Lord himself will make this happen;
you will suffer a miserable fate.
1 OPI ka ata ekye:
“Mìkye monji endre iyi rote,
oko inye'do waraga ruonjiro gaŋwaroya?
Kode magye ami tesi yuŋgu dri a'di riya?
A'debe ami ogyene tesi tana takozi amiro 'ba ami ni;
a'debe endre amiro orane lozo tana taoye kozi amiro 'bani.

2 “Tuse mikyibe si, 'diaza a'do gwo i'do tana e'diya?
Tana e'di mäzi läzi be 'diaza epeko niya?
Inye'do ma pari mbaraako ànya onjine dritairo ya?
kode ma mbara ako ànya opane ya?
Ota maro si ma'ba gyi'desi te osene,
ago motoza goloi te siŋgwa ro
ti'bi se kigye iyi kotodrayi te ni gyiako ri.
3 Mänina ndi vokuru tozane uniro,
matakona ndi boŋgo guniya rosi.”
Taoro Ruindu'ba OPI ro ro
4 OPI Mbarapara emba ma te tase atane si,
tana mäni 'dise mbaraako 'do tombana robe.
Kyenoŋbo cini si nda ka ma teŋga
ma embane oso 'dise abe embana ronye.
5 OPI ozo tavouni te märi,
ago mogbo kote
kode manaru kote ni nda resi.
6 Maza kundu maro te ànya se kayibe ma o'bi iyi ri
ago mozo biṛi maro te ànya se,
kayibe tivu maro eŋgyena iyi ri,
mada'do ma kote ni la'da ri kayi ca to ovo mi maro ya owo.

7 Tana OPI Mbarapara kani ma opa,
ta'doro mänina ko a'done driupiro.
Mesi andivo maro te ta ànyaro iŋgyizana
ago mänite unina ko ma o'bane driupiro,
8 tana Lu orivoya lototi,
ka'do inye a'di ka'dana ma 'da taenji'ba ro ya?
Ko'ba moyi troalo vure ya!
Inye'do a'di le ni ma kicune ya?
Mi'ba nda kezi ta ŋgakicu ro ndaro!
9 OPI Mbarapara andivona kani ma gaga.
'Dooko a'di, ka'dana ma ni taenji'ba ro ya?
Ma kicu'bai cini a'donayi oso boŋgo ronye;
ludu ombena ànya cini 'da.

10 A'di ni ami lako se kabe OPI oro
ago ata cini ruindu'ba ndaro ro orona ya?
A'di ka aba ni vouni yasi ago teinye ŋgaeyi ako,
caoko ka ta oyi OPI ya, ago ka ruäti Lu dri niya?
11 Oko ami se nyàbe asi leru,
ami se nyàbe asi eyi iyi!
Nyàba ŋgaeyi asi amiro ro yasi se nyèlerube iyi
OPI andivona o'bana ta ono 'da a'done oso inye;
nyèzaruna 'da ni kandrakozi se rritiro ono ri.