Chaos in Jerusalem
1 Now the Lord, the Almighty Lord, is about to take away from Jerusalem and Judah everything and everyone that the people depend on. He is going to take away their food and their water, 2 their heroes and their soldiers, their judges and their prophets, their fortunetellers and their statesmen, 3 their military and civilian leaders, their politicians and everyone who uses magic to control events. 4 The Lord will let the people be governed by immature boys. 5 Everyone will take advantage of everyone else. Young people will not respect their elders, and worthless people will not respect their superiors.
6 A time will come when the members of a clan will choose one of their number and say to him, “You at least have something to wear, so be our leader in this time of trouble.”
7 But he will answer, “Not me! I can't help you. I don't have any food or clothes either. Don't make me your leader!”
8 Yes, Jerusalem is doomed! Judah is collapsing! Everything they say and do is against the Lord; they openly insult God himself. 9 Their prejudices will be held against them. They sin as openly as the people of Sodom did. They are doomed, and they have brought it on themselves.
10 The righteous will be happy, and things will go well for them. They will get to enjoy what they have worked for. 11 But evil people are doomed; what they have done to others will now be done to them.
12 Moneylenders oppress my people, and their creditors cheat them.
My people, your leaders are misleading you, so that you do not know which way to turn.
The Lord Judges His People
13 The Lord is ready to state his case; he is ready to judge his people. 14 The Lord is bringing the elders and leaders of his people to judgment. He makes this accusation: “You have plundered vineyards, and your houses are full of what you have taken from the poor. 15 You have no right to crush my people and take advantage of the poor. I, the Sovereign Lord Almighty, have spoken.”
A Warning to the Women of Jerusalem
16 The Lord said, “Look how proud the women of Jerusalem are! They walk along with their noses in the air. They are always flirting. They take dainty little steps, and the bracelets on their ankles jingle. 17 But I will punish them—I will shave their heads and leave them bald.”
18 A day is coming when the Lord will take away from the women of Jerusalem everything they are so proud of—the ornaments they wear on their ankles, on their heads, on their necks, 19 and on their wrists. He will take away their veils 20 and their hats; the magic charms they wear on their arms and at their waists; 21 the rings they wear on their fingers and in their noses; 22 all their fine robes, gowns, cloaks, and purses; 23 their revealing garments, their linen handkerchiefs, and the scarves and long veils they wear on their heads.
24 Instead of using perfumes, they will stink; instead of fine belts, they will wear coarse ropes; instead of having beautiful hair, they will be bald; instead of fine clothes, they will be dressed in rags; their beauty will be turned to shame!
25 The men of the city, yes, even the strongest men, will be killed in war. 26 The city gates will mourn and cry, and the city itself will be like a woman sitting on the ground, stripped naked.
Ŋgagburu Yerusalema ya
1 Yauono Opi, OPI Mbaraekye, ka oye lidri cini ndi ŋga cini se lidri kabe ori sina be onane zwi ni Yerusalema ndi Yuda be yasi. Nda ka oye ŋgaonya ndi gyi ànyaro be onane zwi, 2 màno mbaràekye ànyaro ndi kyila'bai ànyaro be, vureope'bai ànyaro ndi nebii ànyaro be, taäŋgu'bai ànyaro ndi 'di 'desii ànyaro be. 3 Dri'bai kyila'bai ro ndi dri'bai lidri robe, tavouni'bai ndi 'dicini se tetedri'bai kayi beni pa ta cini ro ätina iyi be. 4 Ago OPI o'bana ŋgàga giṛiŋwà 'da dri'bai ro; ago ŋgwai luruŋwa mirina lidri 'da. 5 Ago lidri ezana azi 'da, ago 'dialo ezana oriazi iro 'da. Ŋgàga ombato'diro uninayi kote ànya se 'desii ro orone, ago lidri se takaciako iyi unina ko 'dise orooro ro iyi orone.
6 Tu ana si mano alo uruna ädrupi modo ndaro se ni katidri täpi ndaro ro yasi 'do ago atana 'da ndäri ekye: “Mi orivoya dhudhu aza be osone, ka'do inye nya'do dri'ba amaro, ago tandro ono a'dona te drikaca miro zele.”
7 Ndana ozana tadri 'da tu ana si ekye: “Märi ami opane i'do! Ma ŋgaonya ca boŋgo ako zo maro ya. Mì'ba ma ko dri'ba ro lidri dri.”
8 Owo, tana Yerusalema lapate ago Yuda 'dete! Tana tase cini ànya kayibe atana ago kayibe oyena te orivoya koziro OPI ri; ànya kayi Lu andivo lo'da teṛo ŋbelero. 9 Taoye ànyaro edrena tazevo gini ànya lomvo; Ànya kayi takozi oye ṛote ŋbelero oso lidri Sodomo ro koyeyibe ronye; ànya da'doyi kote. Ànya te kandrakozi be! Tana ànya eziyi rriti te andivo ànyaro dri.
10 Nyata taŋgye'bai ri ŋga cini a'dona ndi kadoro ànyari. Ànya njäkyina 'da doŋgo taoye ànya ro rosi. 11 Oko takozi'bai te kandrakozi be ta a'dona ndi koziro ànyari, ŋgase ànya koyebe azii ri iyi ago ayena 'da ayani ànyari.
12 Ombato'di ka teni lidri maro eza ago 'ditoko ka teni ànya miri.
Ami lidri maro, dri'bai amiro kayi ami lepe koziro, ago kayi liti se urune amiri wirina.
OPI ka Vure Lidri ndaro ro Opena
13 OPI orivoya nja vure ndaro tana itine, nda orivoya nja vure lidri ndaro ro opene. 14 OPI kate 'desii ndi dri'bai lidri ndaro robe ezina vure ya. Nda ka ànya kicu nonye ekye: “Nyòtopa ämvui kono rote, ago zo amiro gate twi ŋgase mìrube ni ati'bai rigyesi iyi si. 15 A'di ozo ta ni ämiri lidri maro ezane ago mi ati'bai ro ŋgoṛine gyini si ya? Ma, OPI Mbarapara Mbaraekye matani inye.”
Miomba Ozo Ndiriŋwa Yerusalema ro ri
16 OPI atate ekye: “Ndiriŋwa Yerusalema ro orivoya driuŋgyi be! Ànya kayi aba kembe eŋga eŋga ro. Ànya a'doyi alo yereŋwà voondrevoya. Ànya abayi alo lele, ago araca pà ànyaro ro ye alo ciṛiciṛi. 17 Oko mezana ànya 'da, mävuna drî ànyaro 'da ago me'bena ànya 'da drî täkuṛä ro.”
18 Tu ana si OPI onana ŋgase cini ndiriŋwa Yerusalema ro kayibe driuŋgyi sina iyi 'da, araca pa ro ŋga drî ro ndi ŋga kyembero ànyaro robe, 19 ndi se kundu ànyaro yasi iyi be. Nda onana boŋgo ànyaro ovoro drî ya 20 ndi tagyia ànyaro be 'da; ŋga tetedri ro se ànya kayibe o'bana kufu ànyaro yasi ago kundu ànyaro yasi iyi ndi sänduku ŋga ŋgutruro robe; 21 mäŋgusi drì ro ndi iŋgyi konvo robe; 22 boŋgo cini runduṛuro liŋgyiekye ànyaro, boŋgo ovoro, boŋgo 'desi koloŋbo, boŋgo se vo drî ro ako, ndi gbolo parata ro ànyaro yibe; 23 boŋgo räŋgäräŋgä ro, fota drî ro, boŋgo oparo drî ya ndi boŋgo mi tako ro ànyaro yibe.
24 Vo ido tägyi ŋgutruro roya ànyaro ogo a'dona ro tägyi kozi be, ànya ogo embena te iba ekpe ayani vo kyini kunduro roya; vo drikyiri liŋgyiekye ànyaro roya, ànya ogo a'dona ṛo drî täkuṛä ro; ànya ogo osona te boŋgo nyakaca ayani, vo boŋgo liŋgyiekye ànyaro roya; liŋgyi ànyaro tozaruna 'da driupi ro!
25 Mànoago amiro, ca mànoago se mbaraekye iyi utufuna 'da kyila ya. 26 Dereŋwa 'bakici ro liyina ago o'bena ruṛu 'da, ago 'bakici modo a'dona 'da oso toko se äru ŋga cini na be ago koribe gyini dri 'do ronye.