The Lord Will Punish the Earth
1 The Lord is going to devastate the earth and leave it desolate. He will twist the earth's surface and scatter its people. 2 Everyone will meet the same fate—the priests and the people, slaves and masters, buyers and sellers, lenders and borrowers, rich and poor. 3 The earth will lie shattered and ruined. The Lord has spoken and it will be done.
4 The earth dries up and withers; the whole world grows weak; both earth and sky decay. 5 The people have defiled the earth by breaking God's laws and by violating the covenant he made to last forever. 6 So God has pronounced a curse on the earth. Its people are paying for what they have done. Fewer and fewer remain alive. 7 The grapevines wither, and wine is becoming scarce. Everyone who was once happy is now sad, 8 and the joyful music of their harps and drums has ceased. 9 There is no more happy singing over wine; no one enjoys its taste any more. 10 In the city everything is in chaos, and people lock themselves in their houses for safety. 11 People shout in the streets because there is no more wine. Happiness is gone forever; it has been banished from the land. 12 The city is in ruins, and its gates have been broken down. 13 This is what will happen in every nation all over the world. It will be like the end of harvest, when the olives have been beaten off every tree and the last grapes picked from the vines.
14 Those who survive will sing for joy. Those in the West will tell how great the Lord is, 15 and those in the East will praise him. The people who live along the sea will praise the Lord, the God of Israel. 16 From the most distant parts of the world we will hear songs in praise of Israel, the righteous nation.
But there is no hope for me! I am wasting away! Traitors continue to betray, and their treachery grows worse and worse. 17 Listen to me, everyone! There are terrors, pits, and traps waiting for you. 18 Anyone who tries to escape from the terror will fall in a pit, and anyone who escapes from the pit will be caught in a trap. Torrents of rain will pour from the sky, and earth's foundations will shake. 19 The earth will crack and shatter and split open. 20 The earth itself will stagger like a drunk, sway like a hut in a storm. The world is weighed down by its sins; it will collapse and never rise again.
21 A time is coming when the Lord will punish the powers above and the rulers of the earth. 22 God will crowd kings together like prisoners in a pit. He will shut them in prison until the time of their punishment comes. 23 The moon will grow dark, and the sun will no longer shine, for the Lord Almighty will be king. He will rule in Jerusalem on Mount Zion, and the leaders of the people will see his glory.
OPI Ezana 'Bädri 'da
1 OPI ka oye 'bädri enjine ago e'bena 'da tandro ro. Nda mocina dri gyini ro 'da ago perena lidri na 'da iṛeiṛe. 2 'Dicini o'bena drî 'da kandrakozi gi alona ono be, kohanii ndi lidri be, iyeäṛi ndi 'desi ndaro be, ruendu'ba ndi 'desi ndaro be, ŋgaogye'ba ndi ŋgalogye'ba be, yuŋguozo'ba ndi yuŋguuru'ba be, ŋgaamba'ba ndi ŋgaako'ba be. 3 Eperena 'bädri ndi riya tandro ro ago enjina ŋga cini na ndi, OPI atani inye ago ayena ndi inye.
4 Gyini kate owi ago ŋgana kate lunyi; 'bädri kate a'do mbaraako ago ruenji, gyini ndi vokuru be kate toka. 5 Lidri enji 'bädri te tana ànya pereyi ota te ago fuyi tase arabe te tao'baro se Lu ko'babe orine äduako ono enjina si. 6 Ta'dota latri a'dote 'bädri ya. Lidri 'bädri ya ka rueza ta taenji se ànya koloyeyibe rota. Lidri e'bete toto fereŋwa lidriidriro. 7 Doŋgo kono ro pitote, ago vino kate okye. 'Dicini se ka'dobe riyä ro te tusuro, 8 ago kporo lekyembe rote tii ago kporo riyä oyero kyete kporo läri ro te i'do. 9 Loŋgo riyä ro aza te i'do vino umvuvoya; tana wa a'dona ro koziro ànya se kabe umvuna ri. 10 Ŋgacini se 'Bakici se ana ya te tandroro, ago lidri sedri andivo ànyaro rote zoi ànyaro yasi a'doza londroro. 11 Lidri kate totre litiŋwai drisi tana vino aza te i'do. Riyä kyete tiṛi; ana riyä te zwi ni wari ana yasi. 12 'Bakici te tandroro, ago dereŋwà na pererute riya vuru. 13 Ono ni tase ka oyebe a'done tu'dei se vo 'bädri cini ro yasi ri owo. A'dona 'da oso abe doŋgo ice ido ro ro o'bina ronye ago oso otopi doŋgo ädu kono rote ronye.
14 Lidri oŋgona loŋgo 'da riyä si, ago ànya itinayi ta a'do 'desi OPI ro ro 'da ni aŋgoya si. 15 Ta'dota ànya se koriyibe 'buzelesi iyi räṛunayi OPI 'da. Lidri se koriyibe gyi'desi kalasi iyi räṛunayi OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro 'da. 16 Mèrina loŋgo azaka 'da ni sidri ädu 'bädri ro yasi se abe Lu Alokado räṛu sina ono.
Caoko ma te mio'ba aza ako! Mate ezi okyeokye! Ma te kandrakozi ya Driozo'bai kayi gi 'du ugu driozo, ago taoye kozi ànyaro ugu a'dogwo pari ndra koziro. 17 Turi, 'bu ndi abari be orivoya ka ami kwote ami lidri cini 'bädri ya ono. 18 'Dise kabe umu ni turi ri o'dena ṛo 'bu ya, ago 'dise kabe umu ni 'bu ri, o'dena ṛo abari ya. 'Bu siombaekye u'dina 'da ni vokuru yasi, ago kotopa 'bädri ro kandaruna 'da. 19 Gyini togana 'da aŋbeŋbe ago tupiruna 'da iṛeiṛe ago gyini kandaruna 'da ägbigbi. 20 Gyini a'dona 'da parapararo oso mano se kumvu wa be 'do ronye ago a'dona 'da meŋgyelero oso zo se oli gbiriṛibe kubi be 'do ronye. Takozi teri 'bädri te vuru; ago o'dena 'da ago unina ko oŋgane kpa to'dina alona.
21 Tu kabe esa ana si OPI ezana mbara se cini vokuru ya 'da ago ezana miri'bai 'bädri ya 'da. 22 OPI oṛina kala lowa 'bädri'bai ro ro 'da oso kamba'bai se 'bu ya 'do ronye. Nda osena drî ànyaro 'da kamba ya, ago tu amba vosi oko ezana ànya 'da. 23 Imba a'dona 'da fuyifuyiro, ago kitu eyina vo ko tona, tana OPI Mbaraekye mirina vo 'da ni Yerusalema yasi 'Bereŋwa Zaiona dri, ago dri'bai lidri ro ondrenayi 'desi ndaro 'da.