The Splendor of the New Temple
1 On the twenty-first day of the seventh month of that same year, the Lord spoke again through the prophet Haggai. 2 He told Haggai to speak to Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah, to Joshua, the High Priest, and to the people, and to say to them, 3 “Is there anyone among you who can still remember how splendid the Temple used to be? How does it look to you now? It must seem like nothing at all. 4 But now don't be discouraged, any of you. Do the work, for I am with you. 5 When you came out of Egypt, I promised that I would always be with you. I am still with you, so do not be afraid.
6 “Before long I will shake heaven and earth, land and sea. 7 I will overthrow all the nations, and their treasures will be brought here, and the Temple will be filled with wealth. 8 All the silver and gold of the world is mine. 9 The new Temple will be more splendid than the old one, and there I will give my people prosperity and peace.” The Lord Almighty has spoken.
The Prophet Consults the Priests
10 On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month of the second year that Darius was emperor, the Lord Almighty spoke again to the prophet Haggai. 11 He said, “Ask the priests for a ruling on this question: 12 Suppose someone takes a piece of consecrated meat from a sacrifice and carries it in a fold of his robe. If he then lets his robe touch any bread, cooked food, wine, olive oil, or any kind of food at all, will it make that food consecrated also?”
When the question was asked, the priests answered, “No.”
13 Then Haggai asked, “Suppose someone is defiled because he has touched a dead body. If he then touches any of these foods, will that make them defiled too?”
The priests answered, “Yes.”
14 Then Haggai said, “The Lord says that the same thing applies to the people of this nation and to everything they produce; and so everything they offer on the altar is defiled.”
The Lord Promises His Blessing
15 The Lord says, “Can't you see what has happened to you? Before you started to rebuild the Temple, 16 you would go to a pile of grain expecting to find twenty bushels, but there would be only ten. You would go to draw fifty gallons of wine from a vat, but find only twenty. 17 I sent scorching winds and hail to ruin everything you tried to grow, but still you did not repent. 18 Today is the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, the day that the foundation of the Temple has been completed. See what is going to happen from now on. 19 Although there is no grain left, and the grapevines, fig trees, pomegranates, and olive trees have not yet produced, yet from now on I will bless you.”
The Lord's Promise to Zerubbabel
20 On that same day, the twenty-fourth of the month, the Lord gave Haggai a second message 21 for Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah: “I am about to shake heaven and earth 22 and overthrow kingdoms and end their power. I will overturn chariots and their drivers; the horses will die, and their riders will kill one another. 23 On that day I will take you, Zerubbabel my servant, and I will appoint you to rule in my name. You are the one I have chosen.” The Lord Almighty has spoken.
Liŋgyi Yekalu To'di ro
1 U'du 'buteritu foalo imba njidrieri ndroa gi alo ana rosi oko, Opi ata kpate to'di nebi Agai si. 2 Nda atate Agai ri taopene Zerubabela, wari'ba Yuda ro, Yosua Kohani Fopara ndi lidri se ke'bebe kai ri, ekye: 3 Inye'do 'diaza e'be gindi ami lako iga se unina gindi liŋgyi Yekalu se käti ana ka'dobe sina ana tana oyine ya? Yauono mìndrebe a'do gwo eŋwanyeya? Inye'do landre ko mi amiro ya ŋga awi ro ya? 4 Oko yauono nyà'do agoago be Zerubabela, Yosua ndi lidri cini wari ya be, vo amiro cini, mìye losi tana ma OPI Mbaraekye orivoya ami yibe. 5 Tuse nyèfobe ni Ezipeto yasi, ma'batate makye ondoalo ma'dona ndi tro ami yibe, ka'do inye nya'do ko turi ro.
6 OPI Mbaraekye ka ata ekye: “Tuna zo kote se makandana vo'buyakuru ndi 'bädri be, gyini ndi gyi'desi be 'da kpa to'di. 7 Makandana miri tu'dei cini ro 'da, ago ezina lakazà ànyaro 'da noŋwa, ago ma'bana Yekalu 'da a'done twi ŋgadriamba be. 8 Mo'di ni maro ago logo läguläguro cini ni maro. 9 Liŋgyi Yekalu to'di ro a'dona 'da ndrani se käti ana ri, ago mozona ŋgaamba ndi taliatokpe be 'da lidri maro ri lau.” OPI Mbaraekye atani nonye.
Nebi ka Kohanii Eji
10 U'du 'buteritu fosu imba njidriesu ndroa ṛiri se Dariyasi be 'bädri'ba ro rosi, OPI Mbaraekye atate kpa to'di nebi Agai ri. 11 Nda atate ekye: “Nyeji kohanii kozayi tadri taeji ono ro robe. 12 Ondro ka'do 'diaza kuru iza kyepeŋwa se adite to 'do gwo ni vo tori oloro ya kibiṛi gwo si boŋgo runduṛuro ndaro ya, 'dooko ondro nda ko'ba boŋgo runduṛuro ndaro kodo ambata, ŋgaonya la'dila'di, vino, ido ice ido ro ro kode ŋgaonya azaka gwo, inye'do o'bana ŋgaonya se iyi kpa ndi odiodiro to ya?”
Kohanii zayitadri taeji ono rote ekye: “I'do.”
13 'Dooko Agai ejitate ekye: “Ondro ka'do 'diaza orivoya undiro tana nda do avo te. Ondro ka'do nda kodo ŋgaonya iyi azana gwo, inye'do o'bana ànya kpa undiro ya?”
Kohanii zayitadrite ekye: “Owo a'dona ndi undiro.”
14 'Dooko Agai atate ekye: “OPI ekye ta gi ono modona kpa oso inye lidri tu'de ono ro ri ago ŋgase cini ànya kayibe oyena ri; ta'dota ŋgase cini ànya kayibe ozona vo tori oloro dri orivoya undiro.”
OPI ka Tao'ba Äṛu Ndaro ro O'bana
15 OPI ekye: “Nyùsu tase kaugu a'dobe ämiri madale tu ono si ono. Teinye dri ämiri ogo obe Yekalu ro etoako, 16 a'do eŋwanyeya? Nyòyibe inya se asobe 'do ojone, mì'ba mi be mìkye ka oye a'done lu'dina kama ritu, oko lu'dina go a'do ro toto kama alo. Nyòyibe vo vino ozwaro ya aba osone 'boṛo na kama alo, oko nyùsu ro toto 'butesu. 17 Mazo oli ŋgaewi rote ndi 'busi be ŋga cini se nyòjobe kyi'dine iyi enjine, caoko nyètadri kote. 18 Ondro ono ni u'du 'buteritu fosu imba njidriasu ro, ṛoni tuse ande kotopa Yekalu ro obena be sina owo. Mìndre tase ka oyebe ugu a'done etoni yauono oyigwo mileyaro. 19 Kwari ke'be ca ko kyiro ya, ago doŋgo kono ro, ice kyi'du ro, gäṛä'bu ro ndi ice ice ido ro robe drigba kowa ca ko ono, caoko etoni tu yauono si oyigwo mileyaro mäṛuna ami 'da.”
Tao'ba OPI ro Zerubabela ri
20 U'du gi alo 'buteritu fosu imba ro ana si, OPI ozo lazo ṛiri te Agai ri 21 opene Zerubabela, wari'ba Yuda ro ri ekye: “Ma oyete vo'buyakuru ndi 'bädri be kandane. 22 Ago ma oye miri 'bädri'bai ro ndi mbara tu'dei robe perene; ago ma'bana arabia ànyaro ndi opi'banai yibe 'da o'dene; ago farasii todranayi 'da, ago ànya se kayibe lämu sina iyi tufunayi iyi 'da. 23 Tu gi ana si märuna mi Zerubabela, ruindu'ba maro ŋgwa Salatiela ro 'da, ago maka'dana mi 'da 'dimirine ävuru maro ya. Mi ni se manjibe owo.” OPI Mbaraekye atani.