The Last Words of Jacob
1 Jacob called for his sons and said, “Gather around, and I will tell you what will happen to you in the future:

2 “Come together and listen, sons of Jacob.
Listen to your father Israel.

3 “Reuben, my first-born, you are my strength
And the first child of my manhood,
The proudest and strongest of all my sons.
4 You are like a raging flood,
But you will not be the most important,
For you slept with my concubine
And dishonored your father's bed.

5 “Simeon and Levi are brothers.
They use their weapons to commit violence.
6 I will not join in their secret talks,
Nor will I take part in their meetings,
For they killed people in anger
And they crippled bulls for sport.
7 A curse be on their anger, because it is so fierce,
And on their fury, because it is so cruel.
I will scatter them throughout the land of Israel.
I will disperse them among its people.

8 “Judah, your brothers will praise you.
You hold your enemies by the neck.
Your brothers will bow down before you.
9 Judah is like a lion,
Killing his victim and returning to his den,
Stretching out and lying down.
No one dares disturb him.
10 Judah will hold the royal scepter,
And his descendants will always rule.
Nations will bring him tribute
And bow in obedience before him.
11 He ties his young donkey to a grapevine,
To the very best of the vines.
He washes his clothes in blood-red wine.
12 His eyes are bloodshot from drinking wine,
His teeth white from drinking milk.

13 “Zebulun will live beside the sea.
His shore will be a haven for ships.
His territory will reach as far as Sidon.

14 “Issachar is no better than a donkey
That lies stretched out between its saddlebags.
15 But he sees that the resting place is good
And that the land is delightful.
So he bends his back to carry the load
And is forced to work as a slave.

16 “Dan will be a ruler for his people.
They will be like the other tribes of Israel.
17 Dan will be a snake at the side of the road,
A poisonous snake beside the path,
That strikes at the horse's heel,
So that the rider is thrown off backward.

18 “I wait for your deliverance, Lord.

19 “Gad will be attacked by a band of robbers,
But he will turn and pursue them.

20 “Asher's land will produce rich food.
He will provide food fit for a king.

21 “Naphtali is a deer that runs free,
Who bears lovely fawns.

22 “Joseph is like a wild donkey by a spring,
A wild colt on a hillside.
23 His enemies attack him fiercely
And pursue him with their bows and arrows.
24 But his bow remains steady,
And his arms are made strong
By the power of the Mighty God of Jacob,
By the Shepherd, the Protector of Israel.
25 It is your father's God who helps you,
The Almighty God who blesses you
With blessings of rain from above
And of deep waters from beneath the ground,
Blessings of many cattle and children,
26 Blessings of grain and flowers,
Blessings of ancient mountains,
Delightful things from everlasting hills.
May these blessings rest on the head of Joseph,
On the brow of the one set apart from his brothers.

27 “Benjamin is like a vicious wolf.
Morning and evening he kills and devours.”

28 These are the twelve tribes of Israel, and this is what their father said as he spoke a suitable word of farewell to each son.
The Death and Burial of Jacob
29 Then Jacob commanded his sons, “Now that I am going to join my people in death, bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite, 30 at Machpelah east of Mamre in the land of Canaan. Abraham bought this cave and field from Ephron for a burial ground. 31 That is where they buried Abraham and his wife Sarah; that is where they buried Isaac and his wife Rebecca; and that is where I buried Leah. 32 The field and the cave in it were bought from the Hittites. Bury me there.” 33 When Jacob had finished giving instructions to his sons, he lay back down and died.
Kalaoso Ädu Yakoba ro
1 Yakoba zi ŋgwàagoro ndaro te ago atate ekye: “Nyòtokala voaloya, tana tase ka oyebe a'done ämiri mileya miti tana robe ämiri.
2 Nyòtokala, ago nyèri ta ami ŋgwàagoro Yakoba ro.
Nyèri ta Yisaraele täpi amiro ro.

3 “Rubena, mi ni ŋgwa kayo maro, mi ni orivoya mbara maro
ago ŋgwa käti agoanji maro ro,
mi ni orivoya ndra driuŋgyi ya ago mbara be ndrani
ŋgwàagoro cini maro drisi.
4 Mi orivoya oso kpola oga gyi ro ro ronye,
oko miri a'done para ndra te i'do,
tana nyu'dute toko ogyeako maro be,
ago miro u'duvo täpi miro ro kote.

5 “Simeona ndi Lewe be orivoya ädrupii.
Ànya kayi kyila oye bando ànyaro si.
6 Ma modo ri osane ta ata ndrwi ànyaro ya te i'do,
ca märi ocine taäyi ànyaro ya i'do,
tana ànya tufuyi lidri te kyila si
ago ànya toŋgoyi pa 'daŋgoi rote oji oye si.
7 Latri ka'do kyila ànyaro dri, tana te orivoya pari koziro,
Latri ka'do drikyitri ànyaro dri, tana 'do orivoya endaro ta siomba royi.
Meperena ànya 'da wari cini Yisaraele ro yasi.
Ago melewena ànya 'da ba iṛeiṛe lidri anyaro lakosi.

8 “Yuda, ädrupii miro räṛunayi mi 'da.
Miruna kyila'baazii miro 'da gboro yasi.
Ädrupii miro edinayi drî 'da vuru mikandra
9 Yuda orivoya oso ibi ronye,
osina iza ndaro ago egona gwo kugyi ndaro ya,
oso ibi ronye ozona yi gwo a'dwi ago u'duna gwo vuru.
Oso ibi ronye, ŋga aza unina ko nda gbegbene.
10 Yuda uruna dofo 'desi ro ni,
zelevoi ndaro mirina 'di ni ondoalo.
Tu'dei osanayi ŋga 'da ndäri,
ago ändinayi 'da taoro si nda kandra.
11 Nda oyina doŋgyi to'diŋwa ndaro ce kono ro lomvo,
ice kadopara kono ro lomvo.
Nda ojona boŋgo iro 'da vino okaro kari ronye si.
12 Mi ndaro a'dona okaro ni vino umvu ri,
ago si ndaro a'dona onjero ni leyi umvu ri.

13 “Zebuluna orina 'da gyi'desi kala.
Ago kototi ndaro a'dona edrevo toŋboi ro.
Vo ndaro kishwedri na a'dona le Sidona ya.

14 “Yisakara orivoya doŋgyi mbara be yi
ka u'du vuru lakole ŋgaläŋgyi ritu se nda kuŋgyi be roya.
15 Oko nda kondrebe vo loliro orivoya kadoro
ago wari na kpa kadoro.
Ta'dota nda edi kundu iro te ŋgaläŋgyi uŋgyizana
ago igbiri nda te losi oyene mbara si iyeäṛi ronye.

16 “Dana a'dona 'da miri'ba lidri ndaro ro,
oso 'bakalai alo aza Yisaraele ro ronye.
17 Dana a'dona 'da ini ro liti biṛi ya,
ini mawo ro liti biṛi ya,
se ka kotoŋbo farasii ro osina,
ndi 'dise kabe umu sina 'do e'dete kundusi.

18 “OPI, ma ŋgaoparo miro kote.

19 “Ŋgatopa'bai gotanayi Gada 'da,
oko nda ozana mi 'da ago onjana ànya 'da.

20 “Wari Asera ro lofona ŋgaonya kado 'da amba.
Nda ozona ŋgaonya kadopara ro 'da 'bädri'ba ri.

21 “Nafatali orivoya kaliŋga yi ka lämu dritai ro,
se ka ŋgwai liŋgyiekye uti ni.

22 “Yosepa orivoya oso doŋgyi vocowa ro gyi utiutiro kala ronye,
doŋgyi 'boroŋwa vocowa ro lutu pa ronye.
23 Kyila'baazii ndaro gotayi nda te ozi si,
ànya lanjayi nda te kusui ndi ätui ànyaro be si.
24 Oko kusu ndaro orina ndi 'du rukanda ako,
ago kufui ndaro a'dote 'du mbäräkä ro
mbara Lu Mbaraekye Yakoba ro rosi,
se ni lekye'ba ago gaga'ba Yisaraele ro ana.
25 Lu täpi miro ro kani mi opa,
Lu Mbarapara kani mi äṛu
äṛu 'bu rosi ni kurusi
ago gyi se kabe uti ni gyini zele si,
ago äṛu koronyai 'ba ro amba ndi ŋgàga be si.
26 Äṛu täpi miro ro orivoya mbaraekye
ndrani äṛu 'bereŋwà se äduako ro drisi,
orivoya ndrani ŋga kado lutui se kabe ori madaro ro drisi.
Äṛu kwoi kori Yosepa dri,
militi nda se elewete ni ädrupii ndaro resi ono ro dri.

27 “Benjamina iro oso ihwi täbiri be ronye.
Kyenoŋbo si ago tandrole si ka ugu iza osi ago ka onyana.”

28 Kwoi ni 'bakalai 'butealo foritu Yisaraele ro owo, ago ono ni ta ädu se täpi ànyaro katabe ànyari ba alo alo ànya äṛuvoya owo. Äṛu 'dialo te oso äṛu se si be 'dina 'do äṛune sina ronye.
Odra ndi Ose Yakoba robe
29 'Dooko Yakoba ta ŋgwàagoro ndaro te ago atate ànyari ekye: “Ma te oye odrane rudro'bene lidri märigä yibe, mise ma täpii maro re kugyi se ämvu Eferona Ete'ba roya ana ya, 30 ämvu Makepela roya, se orivoya ogone 'buzele Mamere roya, 'bädri Kanana roya. Abarayama gye kugyi ono ndi ämvu ono be ni Eferona se Ete'ba ro ana rigyesi, a'done vo avo osero ro. 31 Ana ni vose ànya koseyi Abarayama ndi toko ndaro Sara be kigye owo, ànya seyi Yisika ndi toko ndaro Rebeka be kpate lau, ago mase Lea kpate lau. 32 Ämvu ana ndi kugyi se kigye ana be agye ni Ete'bai rigyesi.” 33 Ondro Yakoba konde kalaoso te ŋgwàagoro ndaro ri oko, nda go u'dute kitapara dri; ndi drate.