The Rape of Dinah
1 One day Dinah, the daughter of Jacob and Leah, went to visit some of the Canaanite women. 2 When Shechem son of Hamor the Hivite, who was chief of that region, saw her, he took her and raped her. 3 But he found the young woman so attractive that he fell in love with her and tried to win her affection. 4 He told his father, “I want you to get Dinah for me as my wife.”
5 Jacob learned that his daughter had been disgraced, but because his sons were out in the fields with his livestock, he did nothing until they came back. 6 Shechem's father Hamor went out to talk with Jacob, 7 just as Jacob's sons were coming in from the fields. When they heard about it, they were shocked and furious that Shechem had done such a thing and had insulted the people of Israel by raping Jacob's daughter. 8 Hamor said to him, “My son Shechem has fallen in love with your daughter; please let him marry her. 9 Let us make an agreement that there will be intermarriage between our people and yours. 10 Then you may stay here in our country with us; you may live anywhere you wish, trade freely, and own property.”
11 Then Shechem said to Dinah's father and brothers, “Do me this favor, and I will give you whatever you want. 12 Tell me what presents you want, and set the payment for the bride as high as you wish; I will give you whatever you ask, if you will only let me marry her.”
13 Because Shechem had disgraced their sister Dinah, Jacob's sons answered Shechem and his father Hamor in a deceitful way. 14 They said to him, “We cannot let our sister marry a man who is not circumcised; that would be a disgrace for us. 15 We can agree only on the condition that you become like us by circumcising all your males. 16 Then we will agree to intermarriage. We will settle among you and become one people with you. 17 But if you will not accept our terms and be circumcised, we will take her and leave.”
18 These terms seemed fair to Hamor and his son Shechem, 19 and the young man lost no time in doing what was suggested, because he was in love with Jacob's daughter. He was the most important member of his family.
20 Hamor and his son Shechem went to the meeting place at the city gate and spoke to the people of the town: 21 “These men are friendly; let them live in the land with us and travel freely. The land is large enough for them also. Let us marry their daughters and give them ours in marriage. 22 But these men will agree to live among us and be one people with us only on the condition that we circumcise all our males, as they are circumcised. 23 Won't all their livestock and everything else they own be ours? So let us agree that they can live among us.” 24 All the citizens of the city agreed with what Hamor and Shechem proposed, and all the males were circumcised.
25 Three days later, when the men were still sore from their circumcision, two of Jacob's sons, Simeon and Levi, the brothers of Dinah, took their swords, went into the city without arousing suspicion, and killed all the men, 26 including Hamor and his son Shechem. Then they took Dinah from Shechem's house and left. 27 After the slaughter Jacob's other sons looted the town to take revenge for their sister's disgrace. 28 They took the flocks, the cattle, the donkeys, and everything else in the city and in the fields. 29 They took everything of value, captured all the women and children, and carried off everything in the houses.
30 Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, “You have gotten me into trouble; now the Canaanites, the Perizzites, and everybody else in the land will hate me. I do not have many men; if they all band together against me and attack me, our whole family will be destroyed.”
31 But they answered, “We cannot let our sister be treated like a common whore.”
Enji Dina ro
1 Dina ŋguti Lea ro, se anya kutibe Yakoba ri ana, oyite 'ditoko 'bädri Kanana ro ro ondrene. 2 Ondro Sekeme ŋgwa Amora, Iva'ba ro, se ni orivoya opi 'bädri ana ro ana kondre anya te oko, ru anya te ago topa anya te. 3 Ago tori ndaro 'dete 'du Dina ŋguti Yakoba ro dri ago nda lu anya tawi ago ojote anya i'dwene. 4 Sekeme atate täpi ndaro Amora ri ekye: “Migye ŋguti ono märi toko ro.”
5 Yakoba keri tana te ekye enji ŋguti ndaro Dina te oko, nda ye ŋga aza kote, tana ŋgwàagoro ndaro dri orivoya lowo ya ti ndaro be, madale ànya esana lutu. 6 Amora täpi Sekeme ro oyite Yakoba re atane nda be, 7 'dooko ŋgwàagoro Yakoba ro kayi kpate ezi esa ni lowo yasi. Ondro ànya keriyi tana te oko, tana kye ya ànyaro tawi ago a'doyite kyilaro amba, tana Sekeme ye takozi te lidri Yisaraele ro ri, u'du se nda ku'dube ŋgwa Yakoba robe ana si, se aba ta inye 'do ṛo ko a'done oso inye alona.
8 Amora atate ànyari ekye: “Ŋgwa maro Sekeme lu ŋguti amiro tawi. Molo'baru ämiri nyòzo anya toko ro ndäri. 9 Mì'ba màgye lagye ami yibe; nyòzo ndiriŋwa amiro ämäri ago mìgye ndiriŋwa amaro kpa ämiri. 10 'Dooko mìrina ndi ama yibe 'bädri ono ya, mìrina ndi vose mìlebe orine kigye ya, ago nyòlogyena ŋga ndi kigyesi.”
11 'Dooko Sekeme atate täpi ndi ädrupii cini Dina robe ri ekye: “Nyà'do yauni be märi ago ŋgase nyàbe tana atana märi mozona ndi. 12 Mìle ca lagye otine märi amba ndi ŋgapäṛi be, mozona ndi oso ata amiro ronye, toto mì'ba magye ŋguti ono märi toko ro.”
13 Oko ŋgwàagoro Yakoba ro zayitadri Sekeme ndi Amora täpi ndaro robe te ŋgaodo si, tana nda enji Dina endreŋwa ànyaro te. 14 Ànya atayite ànyari ekye: “Mä̀ni ko endreŋwa amaro ozone 'dise oloako ŋbiṛiro ri, tana 'do a'dona ndi driupiro ämäri. 15 Toto ondro ka'do nyà'dote oso ama ronye, anjioko 'diàgo cini amiro olona si ŋbiṛiro, 'dooko mà'dena gwo tadrina olene. 16 'Dooko mòzona ndiriŋwa amaro ndi ämiri, ago màgyena ndiriŋwa amiro kpa, màrina ndi ami yibe ago mà'dona gwo lidri alo ro. 17 Oko ondro nyèri ta amaro kote, ago mìlo ami kote ŋbiṛiro, 'dooko mä̀runa ŋguti amaro gwo, ndi mòyina te oyi.”
18 Ago ata ànyaro i'dwe Amora ndi ŋgwa ndaro Sekeme be te. 19 Ago mano to'di se ana leye kote ta 'do oyevoya, tana ŋguti Yakoba ro ta si nda tawi. Aro Sekeme te ndra katidri täpi ndaro roya.
20 Ago Amora ndi ŋgwa ndaro Sekeme be oyiyite vo taäyiro ya dereŋwa 'bakici ànyaro roya, ago atayite lidri 'bakici ànyaro ro ri ekye: 21 “Lidri kwoi orivoya Bereazii amaro, mì'de mà'ba ànya kori 'bädri ono ya, kabayi dritai ro ago kologyeyi ŋga kigyesi, 'bädri kpa ro orivoya bäräŋgälä ànyari, mì'de màgye ndiriŋwa ànyaro ämäri toko ro, ago mòzo ndiriŋwa amaro kpa ogyene ànyari. 22 Oko ono ni tase ko'bana ànya be tadri olene orine ama yibe ago a'done alo ama yibe owo, anjioko toto 'diàgo cini amaro olone ŋbiṛiro oso alo ànya be ronye. 23 Inye'do koronyai cini 'ba ro ànyaro ndi ŋga cini be unina kote a'done amaro ya? Ka'do inye mì'de màle ta ànyaro drîna, 'dooko ànya orinayi ndi ama yibe.” 24 Ago lidri cini 'bakici ana ro leyitadri Amora ndi ŋgwa ndaro Sekeme robe te, ago alo 'diàgo cini te ŋgiṛiro.
25 U'du nina si, ondro ànya cini dri laza be oko, ŋgwàagoro ritu Yakoba ro Simeona ndi Lewe be, ädrupii Dina ro ruyi bando ànyaro te, ago ikyiyite ätruku'duro 'bakici ya teinye vona temo ako, ago tufuyi 'diàgo cini te. 26 Ago ànya fuyi Amora te ndi ŋgwa ndaro Sekeme be bando si, ago ruyi Dina teni zo Sekeme ro yasi, ndi oyiyite. 27 Ŋgatufu ana vosi ŋgwàagoro azaka Yakoba ro oyiyi topayi ŋga 'bakici ana rote vo taro logoro ro ta tase enji endreŋwa ànyaro be ana tana ro. 28 Ànya ruyi äṛi timele ro, tii, doŋgyii, ŋgase cini 'bakici ya ndi se ämvu ya be kpate, 29 ànya ruyi ŋgase cini kadokado, ŋgàga ànyaro ndi 'ditoko ànyaro be ndi làkaza cini zo ya be te cini, ago a'dote ŋga ànyaro ro.
30 'Dooko Yakoba atate Simeona ndi Lewe be ri ekye: “Nyezi amiro rriti te mädri, yauono ya Kanana'bai, Perize'bai ndi lidri cini 'bädri ono ya robe osona ndi malomvo; lidri mabe ono otina toto fereŋwa, ondro ka'do ànya kotoyikala bete ago kikyiyi te kyila oyene ama yibe, tufunayi katidri cini amaro ndi kpeye.”
31 Oko ànya zayitadrite ekye: “Male ko endreŋwa amaro o'bane a'done oso ronyi'ba ronye.”