Idolatry in Jerusalem
1 On the fifth day of the sixth month of the sixth year of our exile, the leaders of the exiles from Judah were sitting in my house with me. Suddenly the power of the Sovereign Lord came on me. 2 I looked up and saw a vision of a fiery human form. From the waist down his body looked like fire, and from the waist up he was shining like polished bronze. 3 He reached out what seemed to be a hand and grabbed me by the hair. Then in this vision God's spirit lifted me high in the air and took me to Jerusalem. He took me to the inner entrance of the north gate of the Temple, where there was an idol that was an outrage to God.
4 There I saw the dazzling light that shows the presence of Israel's God, just as I had seen it when I was by the Chebar River. 5 God said to me, “Mortal man, look toward the north.” I looked, and there near the altar by the entrance of the gateway I saw the idol that was an outrage to God.
6 God said to me, “Mortal man, do you see what is happening? Look at the disgusting things the people of Israel are doing here, driving me farther and farther away from my holy place. You will see even more disgraceful things than this.”
7 He took me to the entrance of the outer courtyard and showed me a hole in the wall. 8 He said, “Mortal man, break through the wall here.” I broke through it and found a door. 9 He told me, “Go in and look at the evil, disgusting things they are doing there.” 10 So I went in and looked. The walls were covered with drawings of snakes and other unclean animals, and of the other things which the Israelites were worshiping. 11 Seventy Israelite leaders were there, including Jaazaniah son of Shaphan. Each one was holding an incense burner, and smoke was rising from the incense. 12 God asked me, “Mortal man, do you see what the Israelite leaders are doing in secret? They are all worshiping in a room full of images. Their excuse is: ‘The Lord doesn't see us! He has abandoned the country.’”
13 Then the Lord said to me, “You are going to see them do even more disgusting things than that.” 14 So he took me to the north gate of the Temple and showed me women weeping over the death of the god Tammuz.
15 He asked, “Mortal man, do you see that? You will see even more disgusting things.” 16 So he took me to the inner courtyard of the Temple. There near the entrance of the sanctuary, between the altar and the porch, were about twenty-five men. They had turned their backs to the sanctuary and were bowing low toward the east, worshiping the rising sun.
17 The Lord said to me, “Mortal man, do you see that? These people of Judah are not satisfied with merely doing all the disgusting things you have seen here and with spreading violence throughout the country. No, they must come and do them right here in the Temple and make me even more angry. Look how they insult me in the most offensive way possible! 18 They will feel all the force of my anger. I will not spare them or show them any mercy. They will shout prayers to me as loud as they can, but I will not listen to them.”
Lui Awi Mätu Yerusalema ya
1 U'du linji imba njidrialo ndroa njidrialo a'do amaro vomidiro ya si oko, màrite dri'bai lidri Yuda ro ro se vomidiro ya lau kai yibe zo ya märiga. Dori mbara OPI Mbarapara ro ikyi rite mädri. 2 Ndi mandrevote kuru oko, mandre ŋga aza te asi ro beti lidri ro ronye. Etoni iba embevo na ya ego gwo vururo landrete oso asi ronye, ago etoni ibe embevo ndaro ya oyi gwo kururo landrete oso atala se ätrite wäṛiro 'do ronye. 3 Nda ozo beti aza drì ronye ana te ago ru mate drikyiri yasi. 'Dooko rulofo ono ya tori Lu ro eŋga mate lekuru oli ya ago ugu mate le Yerusalema ya. Nda loci mate le ocivo yasi si dereŋwa Yekalu ro mä'dudrisi ya, vose lu edeedero se ya Lu ro orivoya osoro lomvoigye orivoya kigye ana ya.
4 Kigye lau mandre lägu ŋgaeyi Lu Yisaraele ro rote, kpa oso mandrebe 'dooko ma Golo Kebara kala ana ronye. 5 Lu atate märi ekye: “Ŋgwa lidri ro, mindrevo mä'du driro.” 'Dooko mandrevote mä'du dri, ago mandre lu edeedero se ya Lu ro orivoya osoro lomvoigye ana te lototi vo tori oloro se ecivo dereŋwa roya ana ya.
6 'Dooko Lu atate märi ekye: “Ŋgwa lidri ro, inye'do mindre tase lidri ono kabe ugu oyena ono ndi ya? Mindre tase konjiekye lidri Yisaraele ro kayibe oyena noŋwa ono, toto ma usiza lozo tesi ni vo alokado maro yasi. Mindrena ŋga kozipara azaka ndrani ono ri kpa 'da.”
7 Nda ugu mate käläsi goko roya ago mandre 'bu aza te tiṛi ya. 8 Ndi nda atate märi ekye: “Ŋgwa lidri ro, miga tiṛi ono äträ noŋwa.” Ago ondro maga tiṛi ana te oko musu käläsi aza te. 9 Nda atate märi ekye: “Mici lau mindre tase koziro, konjiekye ànya kayibe loyena lau ana robe.” 10 Ta'dota macite ago mandre uwurä beti ŋga cini se ka udi udi ro ndi koronyai se undiro iyi robe te gbikyi tiṛi lomvosi, ndi beti ŋga cini azaka se Yisaraele'bai kayibe mätuna iyi robe. 11 Dri'bai 'butenjidrieri (70) Yisaraele'bai ro orivoya edrevoya lau, tro Jazanaya ŋgwa Sapana ro yibe. Vo ànyaro ba alo alo ruyi ŋga ŋgaŋgutruro ozaro te, ago kätu ka ofo ni ŋga ŋgutruro yasi. 12 Lu eji mate ekye: “Ŋgwa lidri ro, inye'do mindre tase dri'bai Yisaraele'bai ro kayibe oyena ndrwiro 'do te woya? Vo ànya cini ro kayi mätu zo ya se twi beti ŋga edeedero robe ono ya. Tana ànya ekye: ‘OPI ndre ama ko! Tana nda e'be 'bädri ono te.’ ”
13 'Dooko OPI ata kpate märi ekye: “Nya oye ànya ondrene ŋga kozipara azaka ndrani ono ri oyevoya. 14 Ta'doro nda ugu mate ecivo dereŋwa Yekalu ro mä'dudrisi ya ago mandre 'ditoko azaka te kayi liyi lu Tamuza ta.”
15 Nda ejitate ekye: “Mi gi ŋgwa lidri ro ono, inye'do mindre ta 'do teya? Mindrena takozi parandra azaka kpa 'da ndra ni iyi ri.” 16 'Dooko nda ugu mate goko yasi si Yekalu roya. Lau lototi käläsi Yekalu OPI roya, lakole vo tori oloro ro ndiṛi be ya, mandre lidri oso 'buteritu fonji ronye orivoya lau. Ànya siyikundute Yekalu OPI ro ri ago kayi ändi vuru 'buzele driro, kayi kitu se kabe itu ni nasi ana mätuna.
17 'Dooko OPI atate märi ekye: “Ŋgwa lidri ro, mindrete woya? Inye'do taawi yi lidri Yuda ro ri takozi kozipara nonye ono oyene noŋwa ya? Ànya 'bayi wari te a'done twi siomba be ago ekoyi ya maro te oŋgane kyilaro ndra a'done kyilaro ndra driya. Mindre ànya kayibe ma lo'da liti se kozipara ono yasi ono tedri! 18 Ta'doro ànya tämbinayi mbara kyila maro ro 'da. Märi ànya e'bene kode a'done yauni be ànyari i'do alona. Ànya totrenayi ca mätu oyebe märi totre amba si, märi ta ànyaro erine i'do lau.”