The Prince and the Festivals
1 The Sovereign Lord says, “The east gateway to the inner courtyard must be kept closed during the six working days, but it is to be opened on the Sabbath and at the New Moon Festival. 2 The ruling prince will go from the outer courtyard into the entrance room of the gateway and stand beside the posts of the gate while the priests burn his sacrifices whole and offer his fellowship offerings. There at the gate he must worship and then go back out. The gate must not be shut until evening. 3 Each Sabbath and each New Moon Festival all the people are also to bow down and worship the Lord in front of the gate. 4 On the Sabbath the prince is to bring to the Lord, as sacrifices to be burned whole, six lambs and one ram, all without any defects. 5 With each ram he is to bring an offering of half a bushel of grain, and with each lamb he is to bring whatever he wants to give. For each half-bushel of grain offering he is to bring three quarts of olive oil. 6 At the New Moon Festival he will offer a young bull, six lambs, and a ram, all without any defects. 7 With each bull and each ram the offering is to be half a bushel of grain, and with each lamb the offering is to be whatever the prince wants to give. Three quarts of olive oil are to be offered with each half-bushel of grain. 8 The prince must leave the entrance room of the gateway and go out by the same way he went in.
9 “When the people come to worship the Lord at any festival, those who enter by the north gate are to leave by the south gate after they have worshiped, and those who enter by the south gate are to leave by the north gate. No one may go out by the same way he entered, but must leave by the opposite gate. 10 The prince is to come in when the people come, and leave when they leave. 11 On the feast days and at the festivals the grain offering will be half a bushel with each bull or ram, and whatever the worshiper wants to give with each lamb. Three quarts of olive oil are to be offered with each half-bushel of grain.
12 “When the ruling prince wants to make a voluntary offering to the Lord, either an offering to be burned whole or a fellowship offering, the east gate to the inner courtyard will be opened for him. He is to make the offering in the same way he does on the Sabbath, and the gate is to be closed after he goes back out.”
The Daily Offering
13 The Lord says, “Every morning a one-year-old lamb without any defects is to be burned whole as an offering to the Lord. This offering must be made every day. 14 Also an offering of five pounds of flour is to be made every morning, along with one quart of olive oil for mixing with the flour. The rules for this offering to the Lord are to be in force forever. 15 The lamb, the flour, and the olive oil are to be offered to the Lord every morning forever.”
The Prince and the Land
16 The Sovereign Lord commands: “If the ruling prince gives any of the land he owns to one of his sons as a present, it will belong to that son as a part of his family property. 17 But if the ruling prince gives any of his land to anyone who is in his service, it will become the prince's property again when the Year of Restoration comes. It belongs to him, and only he and his sons can own it permanently. 18 The ruling prince must not take any of the people's property away from them. Any land he gives to his sons must be from the land that is assigned to him, so that he will not oppress any of my people by taking their land.”
The Temple Kitchens
19 Then the man took me to the entrance of the rooms facing north near the gate on the south side of the inner courtyard. These are holy rooms for the priests. He pointed out a place on the west side of the rooms 20 and said, “This is the place where the priests are to boil the meat offered as sacrifices for sin or as repayment offerings, and to bake the offerings of flour, so that nothing holy is carried to the outer courtyard, where it might harm the people.”
21-22 Then he led me to the outer courtyard and showed me that in each of its four corners there was a smaller courtyard, 68 feet long and 48 feet wide. 23 Each one had a stone wall around it, with fireplaces built against the wall. 24 The man told me, “These are the kitchens where the Temple servants are to boil the sacrifices the people offer.”
'Dimiri'ba ndi Karamai be
1 OPI Mbarapara ka ata ekye: “Beṛo dereŋwa se 'buzelesi kabe oci goko yasi si ya 'do ri orine 'du ndi u'du njidrialo losi oyero iyi ya, oko upine uŋbo Sabata si ago tu Karama Imba To'di rosi. 2 'Dimiri'ba ri ocine goko tesisi yasi le zoya 'desi ya lävuvo yasi ago ukyi edrene jocei dereŋwa ana ro lomvo ondro kohanii kàyite ŋgapäṛi ozaro ndi ŋgapäṛi rumora robe ozana owo. Beṛo 'dimiri'ba ri mätu oyene jocei dereŋwa ana ro lomvo lau 'dooko ogo ofone tesi kpa to'di. Ko dereŋwa ana osene madale tandrolero. 3 Lidri wari ro ri mätune OPI ri dereŋwa ana kala Sabata cini si ago Karama cini Imba To'di rosi.
4 “Ŋgapäṛi ozaro se 'dimiri'ba ri ozone OPI ri Sabata si anjioko a'done timelegogoi njidrialo ndi timeleraŋga alodi be, vona cini se teinye mämbiako iyi ayani. 5 Ndäri ŋgapäṛi inya ro koma alodi ezine ta timeleraŋga rota, ago ndäri ŋgapäṛi inya ro se nda kuni ndi ozone 'do ozone tro timelegogoi cini be. Ndäri goloni ido ice ido ro ro ezine ta ŋgapäṛi inya ro rota. 6 Karama Imba To'di rosi ndäri 'daŋgo ombato'diro alodi, timelegogoi njidrialo, ndi timeleraŋga alodi be, se teinye mämbiako iyi ezine. 7 Ndäri koma alodi ŋgapäṛi inya ro ozone 'daŋgo be ago koma alodi ozone timeleraŋga be. Ta timelegogoi rota 'dimiri'ba unina ndi ozone oso se nda kuni ndi ozone 'do ronye. Gyoloni alodi ido ice ido ro ro ozone ta koma alodi ŋgapäṛi inya ro rota. 8 'Dimiri'ba ri ocine lävuvo yasi ago ofone tesi liti se nda kocibe kigyesi ana yasi.
9 “Ondro lidri kikyite OPI mätune tu karama aza rosi oko, ànya se kayibe oci mätune dereŋwa mä'dudrisi yasi iyi ri ofone dereŋwa ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi yasi ago ànya se kayibe oci dereŋwa ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi yasi ri ofone dereŋwa mä'dudrisi yasi. 'Diaza ri ogo ofone liti se nda kecibe kigyesi 'do yasi i'do, oko beṛo ndäri ofone dereŋwa se ŋgye mile ndaro ya 'do yasi. 10 'Dimiri'ba ri ocine ondro lidri kate oci owo, ago efone ondro lidri kate efo owo. 11 Tu ŋgaonya rosi ago tu karamai rosi ŋgapäṛi inya ro ozone Koma alodi ta 'daŋgo ombato'di rota ago koma alodi ta timeleraŋga rota. Ta timelegogoi rota, 'dialo unina ndi ozone oso se nda kuni ndi ozone 'do ronye. Gyoloni alodi ido ice ido ro ro ozone ta koma alodi ŋgapäṛi inya ro rota.
12 “Ondro 'dimiri'ba 'do kolete ŋgapäṛi dritai ro aza ozone OPI ri, kode ŋgapäṛi ozaro yi kode ŋgapäṛi rumora royi, dereŋwa se zamibe 'buzelesi 'do upine uŋbo ndäri. Ndäri ŋgapäṛi ndaro ozone kpa oso nda kabe oyena Sabata si ronye, ago ondro nda kofote oko a'dena gwo ogone dereŋwa ana osene.”
Ŋgapäṛi Ozo Ondoalo
13 OPI ka ata ekye: “Ondoalo timelegogo se ndroa na alodi teinye mämbiako 'do ozone ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro OPI ri. Beṛo ŋgapäṛi ono ozone kyenoŋbo cini si. 14 Ago kpa alo telesi njidrialo koma ŋgapäṛi inya ro ro ozone kyenoŋbo cini si, tro alo telesi nina gyoloni ido ice ido ro ro dro'bene kyira si ngapäṛi inya ro ro OPI ri. Ota ŋgapäṛi ozaro rriro ni wo. 15 Timelegogo, ŋgapäṛi inya ro, ndi ido ice ido ro robe ozone kyenoŋbo cini si rriro ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro OPI ri.”
'Dimiri'ba ndi Wari be
16 OPI Mbarapara ka ata ekye: “Ondro ka'do 'dimiri'ba aza kate gyini aza ozo ni wari modo ndaro ro yasi alo aza ŋgwàagoro ndaro ri ŋgapäṛi ro, anjioko te a'done ŋgwa na 'do ri alo aza drimbi katidri ndaro ro. 17 Oko ondro ka'do 'dimiri'ba na 'do kozo gyini aza te ni wari modo ndaro ro yasi alo aza ruindu'bai ndaro ri, ogo a'dona ndi 'dimiri'ba na 'do ri kpa to'dina ondro Ndroa Ŋgalogo ro kosate owo. Toto ŋgwàagoro ndaro a'dona ni drimbi be lakaza ndaro yasi. 18 Beṛo ko 'dimiri'ba 'do ri drimbi lidri ro urune ni ànya rigyesi mbarasi. Gyini se nda kabe ozona ŋgwàagoro ndaro ri 'do beṛo a'done ni wari se ozobe ndäri 'do yasi, ukyi epere lidri maro 'da ni wari ànyaro yasi.”
Vo Ŋgaonya La'di ro Yekalu ro
19 'Dooko mano ana ugu mate zoyai se kozamibe mä'dudriro loto dereŋwa se ŋgäṛiŋwadri goko yasi si ro lomvo ana ya. Kai orivoya zoyai alokado yi kohanii ri. Nda ka'da vo aza te ogone lama telesi ädu zoyai kai ro aŋgoyasi ana ya 20 ago atate märi ekye: “Ono orivoya vose kohanii ri ŋgapäṛi se ta taenji rota ago ŋgapäṛi ta takozi rota la'diza kigye 'do owo, ago kyira se ozobe ŋgapäṛi ro 'do o'beza ambata ro kigye, ukyi äŋgyi ŋgase alokado 'do 'da goko tesisi ya, se 'dooko oyena lidri ndi koziro.”
21 'Dooko nda ugu mate goko tesisi ya ago ka'da cuku te märi, ago anjioko cuku alo ya goko giṛiŋwà orivoya ba alo alo. 22 Goko giṛiŋwà kwoi ocana orivoya kadrakadra na 'buteritu ago käkpuna orivoya kadrakadra na 'butealo fonji ago vona cini su 'do ba ojoojoro. 23 Goko su iyi orivoya ba tiṛi kuni robe ŋgulu lomvoigyesi, vo asi edero be abete tiṛi lomvo. 24 Mano ana ititate märi ekye: Kwoi orivoya vo ŋgaonya la'di ro yi ruindu'bai Yekalu ro ri ŋgapäṛi se lidri kozobe olone tori ro 'do la'diza kigye.