Two Buildings Near the Temple
1 Then the man took me into the outer courtyard and led me to a building on the north side of the Temple, not far from the building at the west end of the Temple. 2 This building was 168 feet long and 84 feet wide. 3 On one side it faced the space 34 feet wide which was alongside the Temple, and on the other side it faced the pavement of the outer courtyard. It was built on three levels, each one set further back than the one below it. 4 Along the north side of this building was a passageway 16 feet wide and 168 feet long, with entrances on that side. 5 The rooms at the upper level of the building were narrower than those at the middle and lower levels because they were set further back. 6 The rooms at all three levels were on terraces and were not supported by columns like the other buildings in the courtyard. 7-8 At the lower level the outer wall of the building was solid for 84 feet, half its length; and there were rooms in the remaining 84 feet. At the top level there were rooms in the entire length of the building. 9-10 Below these rooms at the east end of the building, where the wall of the courtyard began, there was an entrance into the outer courtyard.
At the south side of the Temple there was an identical building not far from the building at the west end of the Temple. 11 In front of the rooms there was a passageway just like the one on the north side. It had the same measurements, the same design, and the same kind of entrances. 12 There was a door under the rooms on the south side of the building, at the east end where the wall began.
13 The man said to me, “Both these buildings are holy. In them the priests who enter the Lord's presence eat the holiest offerings. Because the rooms are holy, the priests will place the holiest offerings there: the offerings of grain and the sacrifices offered for sin or as repayment offerings. 14 When priests have been in the Temple and want to go to the outer courtyard, they must leave in these rooms the holy clothing they wore while serving the Lord. They must put on other clothes before going out to the area where the people gather.”
The Measurements of the Temple Area
15 When the man had finished measuring inside the Temple area, he took me out through the east gate and then measured the outside of the area. 16 He took the measuring rod and measured the east side, and it was 840 feet. 17-19 Then he measured the north side, the south side, and the west side; each side had the same length, 840 feet, 20 so that the wall enclosed a square 840 feet on each side. The wall served to separate what was holy from what was not.
Zo Ritu se Lototi Yekalu Lomvo
1 'Dooko mano ana ugu mate goko tesisi ya mä'du driro ago loci mate zoyai se miäwuäwu ro Yekalu be ndi zo se mä'dudrisi ana be. 2 Zo ono ocana orivoya kadrakadra na 'butenji ago käkpuna orivoya kadrakadra na 'buteritu fonji. 3 Lama telesi alona zamite vo awi se käkpuna orivoya kadrakadra na 'butealo Yekalu lomvosi ana driro, ago lama telesina aza zamite vose abebe biliro goko tesisi ro ana driro. Ocopa yana te nätu azi dri, kururo se kurusi iyi sina fote jaŋga kundu yasi ndrani se vurusi iyi ri. 4 Lama telesi zo ana ro mä'dudrisi yasi lävuvo aza orivoya käkpuna orivoya kadrakadra na nji ago ocana orivoya kadrakadra na 'butenji, käläsi be lama telesina ana yasi. 5 Zoya cini zo ana ro se kurusi iyi orivoya kyiraŋwa pari ni se kitori ago vurusi iyi risi tana sidri ànyaro fote jaŋga kundu yasi. 6 Zoya cini zo se ocopabe nätu azi dri ono ro egbete gbete ago ädri kote läŋgyiri si oso zo azaka se goko ya kai ronye. 7 Zo se vurusi ana tiṛi na se tesisi 'do orivoya ṛatararo uŋgyina orivoya kadrakadra na 'buteritu fonji, kpäkyi ocana ro ronye; ago zoyai orivoya tiṛi gi ke'bebe uŋgyina kadrakadra na 'buteritu fonji 'do yasi. 8 Zo se ocopabe kurusi ana ya zoyai orivoya le sidri ädu oca zo ana roya. 9 Zoya gi ritu ogone sidri ädu zo ana ro 'buzelesi yasi ana ro zele, ni vose eto tiṛi be kigyesi owo, ocivo orivoya nasi le goko tesisi ya.
10 Ogone lama telesi Yekalu ro ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi yasi zo aza orivoya ko lozo ni zo se sidri ädu Yekalu ro aŋgoyasi ya ana resi. 11 Mile zoyai ana roya lävuvo aza orivoya kpa oso se lama telesi mä'dudrisi ya ana ronye. Ojobe kpa ojoojoro, betina ojo rere, ago ocivonai ojo kpa rere. 12 Käläsi aza orivoya zoyai se lama telesi ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi ya ana zele, ogone sidri ädu 'buzelesi se eto tiṛi be kigyesi ana ya.
13 Mano ana atate märi ekye: “Zo se kwoi orivoya riti alokado. Kohanii se kayibe oci OPI kandra iyi kayi ŋgapäṛi se alokado parandra 'do onyana kigye lau. Tana zoyai iyi orivoya alokado, kohanii kayi ŋgapäṛi se alokado parandra iyi o'bana lau: ŋgapäṛi inya ro, ndi ŋgapäṛi se alobe ta takozi rota kode ŋgapäṛi ŋgavo logoro robe. 14 Ondro kohanii kociyite Yekalu ya ago koleyite oyine goko tesisi ya oko, beṛo ànyari boŋgo alokado se ànya kindurube be sina OPI ri iyi e'bene zoya iyi ya. Beṛo ànyari boŋgo to aza osone ayani teinye ofoako vose lidri kotokalabe kigye 'do ya.”
Ojo tesisi Yekalu ro
15 Ondro mano ana konde ojo vose ya yasi si Yekalu roya ana te oko, nda lofo mate tesi dereŋwa 'buzelesi yasi 'dooko ojo vose tesisi ana te. 16 Nda ru dofo ŋgaojoro te ago ojo lama telesi se 'buzelesi ana te, ago orivoya kadrakadra na kama ritu 'butenji (250). 17 'Dooko nda ojo lama telesi se mä'dudrisi, 18 ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi, ndi se aŋgoyasi be iyi te; lamadrina cini ba orivoya ojoojoro, 19 kadrakadra na orivoya ba kama ritu 'butenji (250), 20 ta'doro tiṛi na gämi vo awi azate, kadrakadra na kama ritu 'butenji lamadri cini yasi. Tiṛi na lewe vose alokado 'do te ni vose ko alokado 'do resi.