The Lord's Will and Human Defiance
1 It was the tenth day of the fifth month of the seventh year of our exile. Some of the leaders of the Israelite community came to consult me about the Lord's will, and they sat down in front of me. 2 Then the Lord spoke to me. 3 “Mortal man,” he said, “speak to these leaders and tell them that the Sovereign Lord is saying: You have come to ask my will, have you? As surely as I am the living God, I will not let you ask me anything. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken.
4 “Are you ready to pass sentence on them, mortal man? Then do so. Remind them of the disgusting things their ancestors did. 5 Tell them what I am saying. When I chose Israel, I made them a promise. I revealed myself to them in Egypt and told them: I am the Lord your God. 6 It was then that I promised to take them out of Egypt and lead them to a land I had chosen for them, a rich and fertile land, the finest land of all. 7 I told them to throw away the disgusting idols they loved and not to make themselves unclean with the false gods of Egypt, because I am the Lord their God. 8 But they defied me and refused to listen. They did not throw away their disgusting idols or give up the Egyptian gods. I was ready to let them feel the full force of my anger there in Egypt. 9 But I did not, since that would have brought dishonor to my name, for in the presence of the people among whom they were living I had announced to Israel that I was going to lead them out of Egypt.
10 “And so I led them out of Egypt into the desert. 11 I gave them my commands and taught them my laws, which bring life to anyone who obeys them. 12 I made the keeping of the Sabbath a sign of the agreement between us, to remind them that I, the Lord, make them holy. 13 But even in the desert they defied me. They broke my laws and rejected my commands, which bring life to anyone who obeys them. They completely profaned the Sabbath. I was ready to let them feel the force of my anger there in the desert and to destroy them. 14 But I did not, since that would have brought dishonor to my name among the nations which had seen me lead Israel out of Egypt. 15 So I made a vow in the desert that I would not take them to the land I had given them, a rich and fertile land, the finest land of all. 16 I made the vow because they had rejected my commands, broken my laws, and profaned the Sabbath—they preferred to worship their idols.
17 “But then I took pity on them. I decided not to kill them there in the desert. 18 Instead, I warned the young people among them: Do not keep the laws your ancestors made; do not follow their customs or defile yourselves with their idols. 19 I am the Lord your God. Obey my laws and my commands. 20 Make the Sabbath a holy day, so that it will be a sign of the covenant we made, and will remind you that I am the Lord your God.
21 “But that generation also defied me. They broke my laws and did not keep my commands, which bring life to anyone who obeys them. They profaned the Sabbath. I was ready to let them feel the force of my anger there in the desert and to kill them all. 22 But I did not, since that would have brought dishonor to my name among the nations which had seen me bring Israel out of Egypt. 23 So I made another vow in the desert. I vowed that I would scatter them all over the world. 24 I did this because they had rejected my commands, broken my laws, profaned the Sabbath, and worshiped the same idols their ancestors had served.
25 “Then I gave them laws that are not good and commands that do not bring life. 26 I let them defile themselves with their own offerings, and I let them sacrifice their first-born sons. This was to punish them and show them that I am the Lord.
27 “Now then, mortal man, tell the Israelites what I, the Sovereign Lord, am saying to them. This is another way their ancestors insulted me by their unfaithfulness. 28 I brought them to the land I had promised to give them. When they saw the high hills and green trees, they offered sacrifices at all of them. They made me angry by the sacrifices they burned and by the wine they brought as offerings. 29 I asked them: What are these high places where you go? So they have been called ‘High Places’ ever since. 30 Now tell the Israelites what I am saying: Why must you commit the same sins your ancestors did and go running after their idols? 31 Even today you offer the same gifts and defile yourselves with the same idols by sacrificing your children to them in the fire. And then you Israelites still come to ask what my will is! As surely as I, the Sovereign Lord, am the living God, I will not let you ask me anything. 32 You have made up your minds that you want to be like the other nations, like the people who live in other countries and worship trees and rocks. But that will never be.
God Punishes and Forgives
33 “As surely as I, the Sovereign Lord, am the living God, I warn you that in my anger I will rule over you with a strong hand, with all my power. 34 I will show you my power and my anger when I gather you together and bring you back from all the countries where you have been scattered. 35 I will bring you into the ‘Desert of the Nations,’ and there I will condemn you to your face. 36 I will now condemn you just as I condemned your ancestors in the Sinai Desert,” says the Sovereign Lord.
37 “I will take firm control of you and make you obey my covenant. 38 I will take away from among you those who are rebellious and sinful. I will take them out of the lands where they are living now, but I will not let them return to the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord.”
39 The Sovereign Lord says, “And now, all you Israelites, suit yourselves! Go on and serve your idols! But I warn you that after this you will have to obey me and stop dishonoring my holy name by offering gifts to your idols. 40 There in the land, on my holy mountain, the high mountain of Israel, all you people of Israel will worship me. I will be pleased with you and will expect you to bring me your sacrifices, your best offerings, and your holy gifts. 41 After I bring you out of the countries where you have been scattered and gather you together, I will accept the sacrifices that you burn, and the nations will see that I am holy. 42 When I bring you back to Israel, the land that I promised I would give to your ancestors, then you will know that I am the Lord. 43 Then you will remember all the disgraceful things you did and how you defiled yourselves. You will be disgusted with yourselves because of all the evil things you did. 44 When I act to protect my honor, you Israelites will know that I am the Lord, because I do not deal with you as your wicked, evil actions deserve.” The Sovereign Lord has spoken.
Fire in the South
45 The Lord spoke to me. 46 “Mortal man,” he said, “look toward the south. Speak against the south and prophesy against the forest of the south. 47 Tell the southern forest to hear what the Sovereign Lord is saying: Look! I am starting a fire, and it will burn up every tree in you, whether green or dry. Nothing will be able to put it out. It will spread from south to north, and everyone will feel the heat of the flames. 48 They will all see that I, the Lord, set it on fire and that no one can put it out.”
49 But I protested, “Sovereign Lord, don't make me do it! Everyone is already complaining that I always speak in riddles.”
Ole Lu ro ago Taoroako Lidri ro
1 U'du 'butealo imba linji ndroa njidrieri ori amaro vomidiro ya rosi oko, rukä dri'bai gboko Yisaraele ro ro ikyiyite ma ejine ta ole Lu ro rota, ago ànya riyite vuru mile maro ya. 2 'Dooko OPI atate märi ekye: 3 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, nyata dri'bai gi iyi ri ago nyiti ta ànyari mikye OPI Mbarapara kani ata ekye: Nyìkyi ono ta ole maro ro ejine ya? Endaro oso ma be Lu lidriidriro yi ono ronye, ämiri ta aza ejine ni mäsi i'do. Ma, OPI Mbarapara matani.
4 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, inye'do mi orivoya nja vure ànyaro opene ya? Dia miye teri. Ŋgase cini koziro täpii ànyaro koyeyibe iyi mi'ba tana unine ànyari. 5 Nyiti tase mabe atana ono ànyari. Tuse manji Yisaraele be si, ma'ba tao'ba te ànyari. Maka'da andivo maro te ànyari Ezipeto ya ago mititate ànyari makye: Ma ni OPI Lu amiro owo. 6 TU ana si ma'ba tao'ba te ànya lofone ni Ezipeto yasi ago ànya ezine wari se manjibe ànyari ana ya, wari se orivoya ŋgadriamba be ago kadoro ana, wari se orivoya kadopara ndrani vona cini ri. 7 Mititate ànyari lui edeedero koziro se ànya kulu tawi iyi ovone cowa ago ko andivo ànyaro o'bane undiro lui awi Ezipeto rosi, tana ma ni OPI Lu ànyaro. 8 Caoko ànya ogboyite mabe ago gayitezo ta erine. Ànya voyi lui edeedero koziro se ànya kulu tawi iyi kote cowa ago e'beyi lui Ezipeto'bai ro kote. Ndi ma'ba ta te ànya o'bane mbara kyila maro ro tämbine Ezipeto ya lau. 9 Caoko maye kote oso inye, ukyi ezi taoroako 'da ävuru maro ri, tana mayotate mile lidri se Yisaraele koriyibe lakoigye ana ro yasi makye ma oye ànya lofone ni Ezipeto yasi.
10 “Ta'doro molofo ànya teni Ezipeto yasi le vocowa ya. 11 Mara ta maro te ànyari ago memba ota maro te ànyari, a'dozana adri be 'dise kabe orona 'do ri. 12 Ma'ba tu Sabata rote a'done taka'daro tadriole ro ro lakole amaro ya, tana ànya kuni robe anjioko ma, OPI, mani anya o'ba a'done alokado. 13 Caoko ànya ogboyi kpate mabe vocowa ya. Ànya fuyi ota maro te ago gayitezo tase marabe, a'dozana adri be 'dise kabe orona iyi ri ana ro. Ànya enjiyi Sabata te pari undiro. Ndi ma'ba ta te ànya o'bane mbara kyila maro ro tämbine ago ànya tufune vocowa se ana ya. 14 Caoko maye kote oso inye, ukyi ezi taoroako 'da ävuru maro ri tu'dei se kondreyi mabe Yisaraele'bai lofovoya ni Ezipeto yasi iyi lako. 15 Ta'dota ma'ba tao'ba te vocowa se ana ya makye märi ànya ezine wari se mozobe ànyari ana ya te i'do, wari se ŋgadriamba be ago kadoro ana, se orivoya kadopara ndrani vona cini ri ana. 16 Ma'debe tao'ba ono o'bane inye tana ànya gayitezo tase marabe ana ro, ànya fuyi ota maro te, ago enjiyi Sabata maro te undiro, ànya kayite lui edeedero ànyaro mätuna ayani.
17 “Caoko ya maro nite ànya lomvo. Mago musutate ko ànya tufune vocowa ya lau. 18 Matate ŋgaga ànyaro se ànya lako kayi ri makye: Nyä̀ti ota se zutui amiro ko'bayibe iyi ko; ca mìro tase ànya korayibe iyi ko ago nyènji andivo amiro ko undiro lui edeedero ànyaro si. 19 Tana ma ni OPI Lu amiro owo. Mìro ota cini maro ndi tase marabe iyi be kadoro. 20 Mì'ba Sabata a'done tu alokado ro, tana ka'do robe taka'daro tao'baro se ma'babe ami yibe ono ro, ago mìni robe anjioko ma ni OPI Lu amiro owo.
21 “Caoko kovole'bai se kai ogboyi kpate mabe. Ànya fuyi ota maro te ago ätiyi tase cini marabe a'dozana adri be 'dise kabe ànya oro iyi ri ana kote. Ànya enjiyi Sabata maro te. Ndi ma'ba ta te ànya o'bane mbara kyila maro ro tämbine ago ànya tufune vocowa se ana ya lau. 22 Caoko maye kote oso inye, ukyi ezi taoroako 'da ävuru maro ri tu'dei se kondreyi mabe Yisaraele'bai lofovoya ni Ezipeto yasi iyi lako. 23 Ta'dota ma'ba tao'ba aza kpate ànyari vocowa ya. Mäṛurute makye meperena ànya 'da vo 'bädri cini ro yasi ago wari cini yasi. 24 Ma'debe oyene inye tana ànya yeyi tase marabe kote, gayi ota cini maro tezo, enjiyi Sabata maro te, ago mätuyi lui edeedero se zutui ànyaro ro kpate.
25 “'Dooko mozo ota se ko kadoro ana te ànyari ndi taora se kezi adri ko ana be. 26 Ma'ba ànya te andivo ànyaro enjine undiro toriolo modo ànyaro rosi, ago ma'ba ànya te ŋgwàagoro kayo ro ànyaro olone tori ro tana ànya ka'do robe turi ro. Maye ta ono te nonye tana ànya kuniyi robe anjioko ma ni OPI owo.
27 “Ka'do inye, ŋgwa lidri ro, nyiti tase ma, OPI Mbarapara mabe atana ono Yisaraele'bai ri mikye; ono ni liti se aza täpii ànyaro kolo'dayi mabe kigyesi ta'diriako oye si märi owo. 28 Ondro mezi ànya te wari se ma'ba tana be ozone ànyari ono ya, ondro ànya kondreyi lutui ogwaekyero ndi ice cini kundruro be te oko, ànya loyi tori te vo cini iyi yasi ago 'bayi ma te kyilaro toriolo ànyaro iyi si. Ànya zayi ŋga ŋgutru ro te ago eziyi vino te ŋgapäṛi ro. 29 Meji ànya te makye: Voi toŋgoro se nyàbe oyi kigye kwoi e'diyi ya? Ta'dota eto voi uzite Voi Toŋgoro ca le tu ono si ono. 30 Ka'do inye nyitita tase ma, OPI Mbarapara, mabe atana ono Yisaraele'bai ri mikye: Nyà oye takozi se täpii amiro koloyeyibe iyi modona loyene ayani ago lämune lui edeedero ànyaro vo ya? 31 Ŋgapäṛi gi nyàbe ozona ago ŋgaga amiro gi nyàbe ozana asi si tori ro 'do, nyà andivo amiro o'bana undiro tro lui edeedero amiro iyi yibe, ca le tu ono si. Nyùsube malena tadri ndi ämiri ma ejine ya ami lidri Yisaraele ro? Endaro oso ma, OPI Mbarapara, be Lu lidriidriro yi ono ronye, ämiri ma ejine i'do. 32 Tase nyùsube drî amiro ya se mìkye mile a'done oso tu'dei azaka ronye, ago oso lidri wari azaka ya ronye, ice ndi kuni be mätune, oko ta'do unina ko a'done inye cu alona.
Lu ka 'Di Ezaeza ago ka 'Di E'bee'be
33 “Endaro oso ma, OPI Mbarapara, mabe Lu lidriidriro yi ono ronye, anjioko drì mbaraekye maro si ago kyila maro si mimirina ami 'da. 34 Motona kala amiro 'da ago mezina ami 'da ni 'bädri cini se epere ami be kigyesi iyi yasi mbara maro si ago kyila maro si. 35 Mezina ami 'da Vocowa tu'dei roya, ago lau mapena vure amiro 'da miya miya. 36 Mapena vure amiro kpa oso mape vure täpii amiro ro be Vocowa Sinai roya ronye.” OPI Mbarapara atani inye.
37 “Miritana ami 'da mbarasi ago ma'bana ami 'da tao'baro maro orone. 38 Manana ànya se ogbo'bai ro ago se kayibe takozi oye märi 'do 'da ni ami lakosi. Molofona ànya 'da ni warii se yauono ànya kayibe ori kigyesi iyi yasi, oko anyari ocine wari Yisaraele roya te i'do. 'Dooko mìnina 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”
39 OPI Mbarapara atate ekye: “Ka'do inye, ami lidri Yisaraele ro, nyùgu ruindu teri lui edeedero amiro ri yau! Oko kovolesi oko nyèrina ta maro 'da ago nyè'bena taoroako amiro ävuru alokado maro ri ŋgapäṛi ozo si ago lui edeedero amiro si iyi 'da. 40 Nyä̀mätuna ma 'da wari ana ya, 'bereŋwa alokado maro, ago 'bereŋwa ogwaekye Yisaraele ro dri. Ami lidri cini Yisaraele ro. Ma'dona 'da yai'dwesi ami yibe ago malena tadri ŋgapäṛi amiro ro 'da, ŋgapäṛi kadopara amiro, ndi ŋgapäṛi alokado amiro be. 41 Malena tadri amiro 'da oso tägyi ŋgaŋgutruro ro ronye ondro molofo ami teni 'bädri se cini epere ami be kigyesi iyi yasi ago motokala amiro te voaloya owo, ago maka'dana a'do alokado maro 'da ami lako tu'dei milesi. 42 Ondro mologo ami te Yisaraele ya, wari se ma'ba tana be makye ma oye ozone zutui amiro ri ana ya, 'dooko mìnina 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo. 43 'Dooko lau tase cini undiro mìyebe ago nyènji andivo amiro be sina iyi tana otona 'da ämidri. Nyòkozina andivo amiro 'da ta takozi se cini mìyebe iyi rota. 44 Mìnina 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo, ondro maye ta te ta ma ororo ta ago ko taoye kozi amiro rota ca kpa ko ta taoye undiro ami lidri Yisaraele ro rota owo.” OPI Mbarapara atani inye.
Asi ŋgäṛiŋwadri
45 OPI atate märi ekye: 46 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, mindrevo ŋgäṛiŋwadriro. Nyata ta koziro ŋgäṛiŋwa lomvo ago nyäŋgu ta koziro vocowa ŋgäṛiŋwa ro lomvo. 47 Nyitita vocowa ŋgäṛiŋwa ro ri tase OPI Mbarapara kabe atana ono erine se ekye: Mindre! Mate asi oso miya, ago ujena ice se cini luru ro ago awi ro miya iyi 'da. Ŋga aza unina ko lekona izwene, ago lidri cini ni ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi le mä'dudri, tämbina eme lekona ro 'da. 48 Vo ànya cini ro ondrenayi 'da anjioko ma, OPI, maso asi ni kigye ago 'diaza unina ko izwene.”
49 Oko matate makye: “OPI Mbarapara, mi'ba ma ko oyene oso inye! Tana 'dicini ka ṛote driovine ekye ondoalo ma ata tapatopi si.”