Death of the Animals
1 The Lord said to Moses, “Go to the king and tell him that the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, says, ‘Let my people go, so that they may worship me. 2 If you again refuse to let them go, 3 I will punish you by sending a terrible disease on all your animals—your horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, sheep, and goats. 4 I will make a distinction between the animals of the Israelites and those of the Egyptians, and no animal that belongs to the Israelites will die. 5 I, the Lord, have set tomorrow as the time when I will do this.’”
6 The next day the Lord did as he had said, and all the animals of the Egyptians died, but not one of the animals of the Israelites died. 7 The king asked what had happened and was told that none of the animals of the Israelites had died. But he was stubborn and would not let the people go.
8 Then the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Take a few handfuls of ashes from a furnace; Moses is to throw them into the air in front of the king. 9 They will spread out like fine dust over all the land of Egypt, and everywhere they will produce boils that become open sores on the people and the animals.” 10 So they got some ashes and stood before the king; Moses threw them into the air, and they produced boils that became open sores on the people and the animals. 11 The magicians were not able to appear before Moses, because they were covered with boils, like all the other Egyptians. 12 But the Lord made the king stubborn and, just as the Lord had said, the king would not listen to Moses and Aaron.
13 The Lord then said to Moses, “Early tomorrow morning meet with the king and tell him that the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, says, ‘Let my people go, so that they may worship me. 14 This time I will punish not only your officials and your people, but I will punish you as well, so that you may know that there is no one like me in all the world. 15 If I had raised my hand to strike you and your people with disease, you would have been completely destroyed. 16 But to show you my power I have let you live so that my fame might spread over the whole world. 17 Yet you are still arrogant and refuse to let my people go. 18 This time tomorrow I will cause a heavy hailstorm, such as Egypt has never known in all its history. 19 Now give orders for your livestock and everything else you have in the open to be put under shelter. Hail will fall on the people and animals left outside unprotected, and they will all die.’” 20 Some of the king's officials were afraid because of what the Lord had said, and they brought their slaves and animals indoors for shelter. 21 Others, however, paid no attention to the Lord's warning and left their slaves and animals out in the open.
22 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Raise your hand toward the sky, and hail will fall over the whole land of Egypt—on the people, the animals, and all the plants in the fields.” 23 So Moses raised his stick toward the sky, and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and lightning struck the ground. The Lord sent 24 a heavy hailstorm, with lightning flashing back and forth. It was the worst storm that Egypt had ever known in all its history. 25 All over Egypt the hail struck down everything in the open, including all the people and all the animals. It beat down all the plants in the fields and broke all the trees. 26 The region of Goshen, where the Israelites lived, was the only place where there was no hail.
27 The king sent for Moses and Aaron and said, “This time I have sinned; the Lord is in the right, and my people and I are in the wrong. 28 Pray to the Lord! We have had enough of this thunder and hail! I promise to let you go; you don't have to stay here any longer.”
29 Moses said to him, “As soon as I go out of the city, I will lift up my hands in prayer to the Lord. The thunder will stop, and there will be no more hail, so that you may know that the earth belongs to the Lord. 30 But I know that you and your officials do not yet fear the Lord God.”
31 The flax and the barley were ruined, because the barley was ripe, and the flax was budding. 32 But none of the wheat was ruined, because it ripens later.
33 Moses left the king, went out of the city, and lifted up his hands in prayer to the Lord. The thunder, the hail, and the rain all stopped. 34 When the king saw what had happened, he sinned again. He and his officials remained as stubborn as ever 35 and, just as the Lord had foretold through Moses, the king would not let the Israelites go.
Odra Koronyai 'ba ro ro
1 'Dooko OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Nyoyi 'bädri'ba re ago nyata ndäri mikye OPI Lu Ebere'bai ro atani nonye ekye: ‘Mi'ba lidri maro koyi tana ànya kämätuyi ma robe. 2 Ondro ka'do miga tezo ànya o'bane oyine ago miru ànya te 'du, 3 mezana mi 'da adravo pari koziro ezo si koronyai 'ba ro cini miro farasii, doŋgyii, gamelei, tii, timele ndi indrii be dri. 4 Oko ma'bana ŋgalewe ndi koronyai 'ba ro Yisaraele'bai ro ndi Ezipeto'bai robe ya, tana koronyai 'ba ro se cini ka'dobe lidri Yisaraele ro ro odrane i'do. 5 Oko ma OPI manji tu ondo 'do te ago mayena tase ono ndi 'bädri ya.’ ”
6 Ago kyenoŋbosi oko OPI ye tase ono te oso nda katabe ronye, ago koronyai 'ba ro cini Ezipeto'bai ro todrate, oko koronyai 'ba ro Yisaraele'bai ro alona aza dra kote. 7 Ago 'bädri'ba zo lidri azaka te ondrene, oko koronyai 'ba ro Yisaraele'bai ro alodina aza dra kote. Caoko ya 'bädri'ba ro a'dote 'du uŋgyiuŋgyiro, ago nda 'ba lidri kote oyine.
Taezaro Kure si
8 Ago OPI atate Musa ndi Arona be ri ekye: “Mìyi torofo drí twitwi ni asiedevo yasi, ago mi'ba Musa kutu vo'buyakuru yaro mile 'bädri'ba ro yasi. 9 A'dona 'da durufu ro wari cini Ezipeto ro yasi, ago a'dona 'da kure ro ago reṛona 'da laza ro lidri ndi koronyai 'ba robe lomvosi wari cini Ezipeto ro yasi.” 10 Ndi ànya yi torofo teni asiedevo yasi, ago edreyite 'bädri'ba kandra ago Musa tute vo'buyakuru yaro, ndi a'dote kure ro ago reṛote laza ro lidri ndi koronyai 'ba robe lomvosi. 11 Ago tetedri'bai niyi kote edrene Musa mile tana ni kure se lomvo ànyaro yasi ri, tana kure a'do kpate tetedri'bai lomvosi, ago kpa Ezipeto'bai lomvosi. 12 Caoko OPI 'ba ya 'bädri'ba rote uŋgyiuŋgyiro, ago nda eri ta Musa ndi Arona be ro kote, ndi oso se OPI katabe ànyari ronye.
Taezaro 'Busiya si
13 'Dooko OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Ondo 'do miŋga ṛo kyenoŋboci ago nyedre 'bädri'ba kandra ago nyata ndäri mikye OPI Lu Ebere'bai ro atani nonye ekye: ‘Mi'ba lidri maro koyi tana ànya kämätuyi ma robe. 14 Tu ono si ono mezona taezaro 'da midri, dri'bai losi ro miro ndi lidri miro be dri, tana mini robe anjioko 'diaza i'do oso ma ronye 'bädri cini ya. 15 Aba ondro ka'do meŋga drí maro gwo mi o'biza ndi lidri miro be adravo si, aba äfuna ami ṛo kpeye. 16 Oko me'be mi dri gwo orine ta ono ta, tana mbara maro ka'dazana miri, ago tana liku maro ayo tana robe 'bädri cini yasi. 17 Caoko mi drigba driuŋgyi be, ago milezo lidri maro o'bane oyine. 18 Mindre, ondo oso saa nonye ma'bana 'bu mbara siya be 'da u'dine se kätina a'do kote oso inye alona ambâ Ezipeto roya. 19 Ka'do inye yau ono mizo lazo ri, ologo tii miro ago ŋgase cini mibe sina lowo ya robe kägyi se drina omo omoro zele. Tana 'busiya be u'dina 'da, lidri se orivoya tesi dri ndi koronyai 'ba ro se orivoya lowo ya ago ologo be ko 'bäru kai dri, ago ànya cini todrana 'da.’ ” 20 'Dooko rukä dri'bai losi ro 'bädri'ba ro a'dote turi ro ni ata se OPI katabe ana ri, ago ànya eziyi iyeäṛii ànyaro ndi koronyai 'ba ro ànyaro be te zoi ànyaro yasi. 21 Caoko azaka se koma ta ko ata OPI roya e'beyi iyeäṛii ànyaro ndi koronyai 'ba ro ànyaro be te lowo ya.
22 'Dooko OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Nyeŋga drí miro vokuru yaro, tana 'busiya ka'do robe wari cini Ezipeto ro yasi, lidri ndi koronyai 'ba robe dri ndi ŋgase cini kabe omba ämvu yasi iyi be dri.” 23 'Dooko Musa ozo dofo iro te vokuru yaro, ago OPI ezo uhwe 'bu rote 'busiya be ago 'busi si vote vuru 'bädri dri. Ago OPI layi 'busiya te 'bädri Ezipeto ro dri. 24 'Busiya a'dote ago leko 'busi ro rite lekone 'duro andria andria kitoriya 'busiya roya. Ono orivoya ni 'busiya kozipara ndra se kätina a'do kote inye alona 'bädri Ezipeto roya owo. 25 Wari cini Ezipeto ro yasi 'busiya toga ŋgase cini tesi te vuru, lidri ndi koronyai 'ba ro be. Toga ŋgase cini kabe omba ämvu ya te ago toga icei cini te. 26 Toto wari Gosena ro se lidri Yisaraele ro koribe kigye ana 'busiya ni i'do kigye.
27 'Dooko 'bädri'ba zo lazo te Musa ndi Arona be vo ago atate ànyari ekye: “Maye takozi te tu ono si ono, ta OPI ro orivoya kado oko ma ndi lidri maro be ta amaro orivoya koziro. 28 Miye mätu OPI ri, tana yauono uhwe 'bu ro ndi 'busiya be ojo ama te. Ma'bana ami ndi oyine, ämiri orine te i'do tona.”
29 Musa atate 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “Ondro mafo teni 'bakici yasi oko meŋgana drí maro 'da mätu oyebe OPI ri. Uhwe 'bu ro odrina 'da ago 'busiya a'dona 'da i'do tona, tana mini robe anjioko 'bädri ni OPI ro. 30 Oko mänite mi ndi dri'bai losi ro miro be nyuturi OPI Lu drigba ko.”
31 Otoga pala ndi kaaza be te kyiti, tana kaaza njete ago pala 'dote. 32 Oko otoga kyifo kote, tana ka oka kovolesi.
33 'Dooko Musa e'be 'bädri'ba te, ago fote tesi ni 'bakici yasi, ago eŋga drí ndaro te kuru mätu oyebe OPI ri. Ago uhwe 'bu ro 'busiya ndi u'di 'bu robe edrete. 34 Oko ondro 'bädri'ba kondrete u'di 'bu ro, 'busiya ndi uhwe na be kyete oko, nda ye takozi kpate to'dina, ago 'ba ya ndaro te uŋgyiuŋgyiro, nda ndi dri'bai losi ro ndaro be. 35 Ago a'do ndi oso se OPI katabe Musa si ronye, 'bädri'ba le kote lidri Yisaraele ro o'bane oyine.