Justice and Fairness
1 “Do not spread false rumors, and do not help a guilty person by giving false testimony. 2 Do not follow the majority when they do wrong or when they give testimony that perverts justice. 3 Do not show partiality to a poor person at his trial.
4 “If you happen to see your enemy's cow or donkey running loose, take it back to him. 5 If his donkey has fallen under its load, help him get the donkey to its feet again; don't just walk off.
6 “Do not deny justice to a poor person when he appears in court. 7 Do not make false accusations, and do not put an innocent person to death, for I will condemn anyone who does such an evil thing. 8 Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe makes people blind to what is right and ruins the cause of those who are innocent.
9 “Do not mistreat a foreigner; you know how it feels to be a foreigner, because you were foreigners in Egypt.
The Seventh Year and the Seventh Day
10 “For six years plant your land and gather in what it produces. 11 But in the seventh year let it rest, and do not harvest anything that grows on it. The poor may eat what grows there, and the wild animals can have what is left. Do the same with your vineyards and your olive trees.
12 “Work six days a week, but do no work on the seventh day, so that your slaves and the foreigners who work for you and even your animals can rest.
13 “Listen to everything that I, the Lord, have said to you. Do not pray to other gods; do not even mention their names.
The Three Great Festivals
(Exodus 34.18-26Deuteronomy 16.1-17)
14 “Celebrate three festivals a year to honor me. 15 In the month of Abib, the month in which you left Egypt, celebrate the Festival of Unleavened Bread in the way that I commanded you. Do not eat any bread made with yeast during the seven days of this festival. Never come to worship me without bringing an offering.
16 “Celebrate the Harvest Festival when you begin to harvest your crops.
“Celebrate the Festival of Shelters in the autumn, when you gather the fruit from your vineyards and orchards. 17 Every year at these three festivals all your men must come to worship me, the Lord your God.
18 “Do not offer bread made with yeast when you sacrifice an animal to me. The fat of animals sacrificed to me during these festivals is not to be left until the following morning.
19 “Each year bring to the house of the Lord your God the first grain that you harvest.
“Do not cook a young sheep or goat in its mother's milk.
Promises and Instructions
20 “I will send an angel ahead of you to protect you as you travel and to bring you to the place which I have prepared. 21 Pay attention to him and obey him. Do not rebel against him, for I have sent him, and he will not pardon such rebellion. 22 But if you obey him and do everything I command, I will fight against all your enemies. 23 My angel will go ahead of you and take you into the land of the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, and I will destroy them. 24 Do not bow down to their gods or worship them, and do not adopt their religious practices. Destroy their gods and break down their sacred stone pillars. 25 If you worship me, the Lord your God, I will bless you with food and water and take away all your sicknesses. 26 In your land no woman will have a miscarriage or be without children. I will give you long lives.
27 “I will make the people who oppose you afraid of me; I will bring confusion among the people against whom you fight, and I will make all your enemies turn and run from you. 28 I will throw your enemies into panic; I will drive out the Hivites, the Canaanites, and the Hittites as you advance. 29 I will not drive them out within a year's time; if I did, the land would become deserted, and the wild animals would be too many for you. 30 Instead, I will drive them out little by little, until there are enough of you to take possession of the land. 31 I will make the borders of your land extend from the Gulf of Aqaba to the Mediterranean Sea and from the desert to the Euphrates River. I will give you power over the inhabitants of the land, and you will drive them out as you advance. 32 Do not make any agreement with them or with their gods. 33 Do not let those people live in your country; if you do, they will make you sin against me. If you worship their gods, it will be a fatal trap for you.”
Ta'diri ndi Taŋgye be
1 “Nyalari ta kowe si ro ko, ago miru drì ko lidri kozi be, a'done tazevoedre'ba kowe si ro. 2 Miso ko lidri amba vo ondro nya'do te tazevoedre'ba ro vure ya nyedre ta ko kowe si, o'de si lidri amba vo taŋgye enjine. 3 Ago nyegyele mano ati'ba ro ko ondro ate vurena ope owo.
4 “Ondro ka'do mita ti kode doŋgyi kyila'baazi miro rote ugu abavoya nyologo ànya kovole ndäri. 5 Ondro ka'do mindre doŋgyi kyila'baazi miro rote u'duvoya ŋgaläŋgyi anyaro zele, nye'be anya ko sina, mipa kyila'baazi miro doŋgyi eŋgana si kuru.
6 “Nyalaga taŋgye ko mano ati'ba ro ri ondro anya kikyite vure ya owo. 7 Mina mi lazo ni ŋgakicu kowe si yasi; mifu 'dise taenjiako ago taŋgye'baro ko, tana mänina ko taenji'ba uzine taenjiako'ba. 8 Miru ta miogye ro ko tana miogye ka lidri se kabe voondre o'ba a'done miako, ago kani tase taŋgye ànya se orivoya taŋgye'bai ro ro tozana.
9 “Nyeza 'dise atra ro ko; tana mini a'do atraro tana ṛote, tana nyà'do kpate atra ro Ezipeto ya.
Ndroa Njidrieri ndi U'du Njidrieri be
10 “Ndroa njidrialo ya miri gyini miro osone ago ŋgase kowabe kigyesi kalana kotone; 11 oko ndroa njidrieri si mi'ba gyini miro loline ago nyikyi'di ŋga aza ko kigye. 'Dimäyuro miro konya ŋga taŋga se kowabe kigye 'do ago ŋgase ànya kabe e'bena koronyai vocowa ro onyanayi 'da. Miri kpa ämvu kono ro miro oyene oso inye, ago kpa miri vo ice idoro miro ro oyene inye.
12 “Miye losi miro u'du njidrialo ya, oko u'du njidrieri si miri loline, tana ko'ba tii miro ndi doŋgyii be kololi robe, ago ko'ba iyeäṛii miro ndi 'di atraro be kololi robe kpa. 13 Nyeri tase cini ma OPI matabe miri ono. Nyämätu lui aza ko, mizi ävuru ànyaro ko cu kala miro ya.
Karama Nätu Lämu'duro
(Ofo 34:18-26Otadele 16:1-17)
14 “Miye karama märi perena nätu ndroa alo ya ma oroza. 15 Miye Karama Ambata Loŋgaako ro, oso mata ami be ronye, minya ambata loŋgaako u'duna njidrieri tuse aka'dabe imba Abiba roya si, imba se nyefote sina ni 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi. 'Diaza kikyi ko makandra drì awi ro.
16 “Mìye karama Jalia ro doŋgo drikäti losi amiro ro, ŋgase nyikyi'dibe ämvu amiro ya ro.
“Mìye Karama dhodho ro se ädu ndroa roya, ondro nyòkotokala ŋga cini se kowabe ämvu amiro ya rote owo. 17 Ndroa cini ya tu karama nätu kwoi rosi, beṛo mànoago cini amiro ri ikyine ma Opi Lu amiro mätune.
18 “Nyòzo ambata se a'bebe loŋga si ko ondro nyàte koronya'ba ro olona tori ro märi owo. Vo ombiombi koronyai se alobe märi tu karama kwoi rosi ro ko e'bene orine madale kyenoŋbo si.
19 “Ndroa cini si nyezi doŋgo drikäti gyini miro ro zo ma OPI Lu miro roya.
“Nyala'di indri ŋgwa kode timele ŋgwa ko leyi endre na rosi.
Tao'ba ndi Ŋgaemba Lu robe
20 “Mazona malaika 'da mi mile, mi lepene liti ya ago mi ugune vose medebe ya. 21 Nyeri ta ndaro ago miro nda. Nyogbo ko nda be, tana ndana e'bena mi ko ta ogbo rota; tana mazo nda ni. 22 Oko ondro ka'do miro nda te ago miye tase cini matabe te, 'dooko mayena kyila 'da kyila'baazii cini miro be. 23 Malaika maro oyina 'da mi mile, ago uguna mi 'da wari Amora'bai, Ete'bai, Pereza'bai, Kanana'bai, Iva'bai ndi Jebusa'bai be roya ago mutufuna ànya 'da. 24 Nyändi ko vuru lui ànyaro mätune, nyinduru kpa ko ànyari, ca kpa ko miri taoyene oso taoye ànyaro ronye. Oko miri lui ànyaro perene kpeye ago ämiri läŋgyiri se edebe ni kuni yasi lui ro iyi togana jinyijinyi. 25 Nyämätu ma OPI Lu amiro ago, 'dooko mäṛuna ami 'da ŋgaonya ndi gyi be si, ago manana adravo 'da pere ni ami lakosi. 26 Ŋgwa toko aza ro ri ladane kode toko aza ri a'done kondo ro 'bädri amiro ya te i'do. Ma'bana ami 'da orine madaro.
27 “Ma'bana kyila'baazii amiro 'da ma turine. Mezina rugburu 'da lidri se nyàbe kyila oye sina lako, ago ma'bana kyila'baazii cini amiro 'da kundu usine ago umune ni ämiri. 28 Ago mazona käṛiŋboro 'da kyila'baazii amiro lako, ago onjana Iva'bai, Kanana'bai ndi Ete'bai be 'da ni ami milesi. 29 Manjana ànya ko tesi ndroa alo ya, ukyi 'bädri a'do'da teinye awi ago koronyai vocowaro a'do'da nyalakpa ami lako. 30 Oko manjana ànya 'da tesi ferefere, madale nyìlitina gwo amba ago mìruna 'bädri gwo kpeye. 31 Ago masina kihswe amiro ndi ni Gyi'desi Okaro kalasi le Gyi'desi Mediteraneana ro kala, ago ni vocowa yasi le Golo Eferata ya. Mozona ori'bai se wari ana ya 'da drì amiro ya, ago mìnjana ànya 'da tesi ni ami mile. 32 Mì'ba tao'baro ko ànya yibe ago lui ànyaro be. 33 Mì'ba lidri kai ko orine 'bädri amiro ya; ukyi ànya o'ba ami 'da takozi oyene malomvo. Tana ondro ka'do nyä̀mätu lui ànyaro te, endaro a'dona ndi abari ro o'deza ämiri.”