Daniel's Vision of a Ram and a Goat
1 In the third year that Belshazzar was king, I saw a second vision. 2 In the vision I suddenly found myself in the walled city of Susa in the province of Elam. I was standing by the Ulai River, 3 and there beside the river I saw a ram that had two long horns, one of which was longer and newer than the other. 4 I watched the ram butting with his horns to the west, the north, and the south. No animal could stop him or escape his power. He did as he pleased and grew arrogant.
5 While I was wondering what this meant, a goat came rushing out of the west, moving so fast that his feet didn't touch the ground. He had one prominent horn between his eyes. 6 He came toward the ram, which I had seen standing beside the river, and rushed at him with all his force. 7 I watched him attack the ram. He was so angry that he smashed into him and broke the two horns. The ram had no strength to resist. He was thrown to the ground and trampled on, and there was no one who could save him.
8 The goat grew more and more arrogant, but at the height of his power his horn was broken. In its place four prominent horns came up, each pointing in a different direction. 9 Out of one of these four horns grew a little horn, whose power extended toward the south and the east and toward the Promised Land. 10 It grew strong enough to attack the army of heaven, the stars themselves, and it threw some of them to the ground and trampled on them. 11 It even defied the Prince of the heavenly army, stopped the daily sacrifices offered to him, and ruined the Temple. 12 People sinned there instead of offering the proper daily sacrifices, and true religion was thrown to the ground. The horn was successful in everything it did.
13 Then I heard one angel ask another, “How long will these things that were seen in the vision continue? How long will an awful sin replace the daily sacrifices? How long will the army of heaven and the Temple be trampled on?”
14 I heard the other angel answer, “It will continue for 2,300 evenings and mornings, during which sacrifices will not be offered. Then the Temple will be restored.”
The Angel Gabriel Explains the Vision
15 I was trying to understand what the vision meant, when suddenly someone was standing in front of me. 16 I heard a voice call out over the Ulai River, “Gabriel, explain to him the meaning of what he saw.” 17 Gabriel came and stood beside me, and I was so terrified that I fell to the ground.
He said to me, “Mortal man, understand the meaning. The vision has to do with the end of the world.” 18 While he was talking, I fell to the ground unconscious. But he took hold of me, raised me to my feet, 19 and said, “I am showing you what the result of God's anger will be. The vision refers to the time of the end.
20 “The ram you saw that had two horns represents the kingdoms of Media and Persia. 21 The goat represents the kingdom of Greece, and the prominent horn between his eyes is the first king. 22 The four horns that came up when the first horn was broken represent the four kingdoms into which that nation will be divided and which will not be as strong as the first kingdom.
23 “When the end of those kingdoms is near and they have become so wicked that they must be punished, there will be a stubborn, vicious, and deceitful king. 24 He will grow strong—but not by his own power. He will cause terrible destruction and be successful in everything he does. He will bring destruction on powerful men and on God's own people. 25 Because he is cunning, he will succeed in his deceitful ways. He will be proud of himself and destroy many people without warning. He will even defy the greatest King of all, but he will be destroyed without the use of any human power. 26 This vision about the evening and morning sacrifices which has been explained to you will come true. But keep it secret now, because it will be a long time before it does come true.”
27 I was depressed and ill for several days. Then I got up and went back to the work that the king had assigned to me, but I was puzzled by the vision and could not understand it.
Rulofo Timelegogo ndi Tego robe Daniele ri
1 Ndroa nina 'dimiri 'bädri'ba Belesazara ro rosi oko, ma Daniele mandre rulofo ṛiri te. 2 Rulofo ana ya musu andivo maro te 'bakici 'desi Susa se wari Elama roya ana ya. Ma orivoya edrevoya Golo Ulai ro kala, 3 ago mandre timelegogo te edrevoya golo kala. Anya orivoya koyi kacaro ritu be; oko azana ca ndra azi drisi ago efo to'diro. 4 Mandre timelegogo ka vo oga koyi anyaro si aŋgoyaro, mä'dudriro ago ŋgäṛiŋwadriro. Koronya aza ni ko edrene mileigye kode vo opane ni mbara na ri. Anya ye tate oso tana si anya be ronye ago a'dote driuŋgyi be.
5 Ondro madri ugu tavona usu oko, mandre tego aza te imuvoya ni aŋgoyasi, esivote mbara cini si teinye pa na ri gyini odo ako. Koyi 'desi alodi orivoya militi na ya. 6 Anya imute timelegogo se koyi ritu be, se mandrebe edrevoya golo kala ana driro, ago mute mbara cini si drigyero kyila be. 7 Mandre oko anya iswete kyila be timelegogo dri. Ga timelegogo te ago toŋgo koyi na te riti. Timelegogo a'dote teinye mbara ako ozi oyene. Anya ga timelegogo te äŋbu vuru ago abate driigyesi, ago 'diaza a'do te i'do timelegogo opane ni anya rigyesi.
8 'Dooko tego ugu a'dote driuŋgyi be ndra, oko ni a'do mbara anyaro ndra ana ri koyi anyaro ana laŋgote, ago koyi 'desiro su ŋgate vona ya, ka'davote ba alo alo cuku su 'bädri ro driro. 9 Koyi giṛiŋwa aza ŋgate ni alo aza koyi su ana ro yasi, se mbate 'desi mbarana sate le ogone ŋgäṛiŋwadri, 'buzele ago 'bädri se liŋgyiekye ana ya. 10 A'dote mbara be kyila'bai vo'buyakuru ro gotane, ago evo rukä lowa 'bi'bi ro rote vuru gyini dri, ago abate ànya drisi. 11 Anya 'ba andivo anyaro te 'desipara oso otaozo'ba kyila'bai vo'buyakuru ro ronye, nda edre tori oloro se abe olona ondoalo ndäri 'do te, ago epere Yekalu te. 12 Ni takozi oyeri lidri e'be tori olo ondoalo 'do te; ago avo mätu ŋgye te vuru. Koyi ana ye losi cini iro te kado para.
13 Ago meri malaika alo te azi ejivoya ekye: “Ŋgase andrebe rulofo ya kwoi, ta tori oloro ondoalo, taenji se kezi rueza be ono, pere Yekalu ro ago abane kyila'bai vo'buyakuru ro drisi tuna mu'du eŋwanye ya?”
14 Meri malaika aza zatadrite ekye: “Madale u'duna osana lutu kutu alo kama alo 'butenji (1,150) 'dooko a'dena gwo ogo Yekalu o'bane kadoro vo iro ya.”
Malaika Gaberiele ka Tazevo Rulofo ro Edrena
15 Ondro ma Daniele, mandre rulofo ono te ago madri tavo uṛi takacina unine oko, dori mandre 'diaza te edrevoya mamile se labate oso lidri ronye. 16 Ago meri mano aza ka läziuzi Golo Ulai kala ekye: “Gaberiele, nyiti takaci rulofo se mano 'do kondrebe 'do ro ndäri.” 17 Ndi Gaberiele ikyite loto vose medrebe kigye ana ya, ago ma'dote turituri ro ndra ndi ma'dete vuru militi si.
Oko nda atate märi ekye: “Ŋgwa lidri ro ono, mini tase ono takacina. Rulofo ono ka ta ädu 'bädri ro tana ka'dana. 18 Ondro nda ka dri ugu ata märi oko, mu'dute ŋgbi gyini dri vuru teinye vousuako. Oko nda ru mate, eŋga ma te pa maro dri. 19 Nda atate märi ekye: Ma oye tase ka oyebe a'done tu kyila Lu ro rosi ka'dane miri. Rulofo se ono tana di tuse äduro ana.
20 “Timelegogo se mindrebe koyi ritu be ana, ni 'bädri'bai Madai ndi Peresia robe owo. 21 Ago tego ni 'bädri'ba Giriki ro owo; ago koyi se 'desiro mi lakole na ya 'do ni 'bädri'ba käti owo. 22 Ago koyi se su kogo koŋgabe vo koyi se käti kalaŋgobe ana roya 'do, anjioko miri 'bädri'bai su ro oŋgana 'da oko se unina ko a'done mbara ro oso miri 'bädri'ba ro se käti ana ronye.
23 “Ondro ädu miri 'bädri'bai kai ro kate okye ago ondro ànya ka'doyite taenji be amba oko, 'bädri'ba turiako aza ago ŋgaodo'ba ro oŋgana 'da. 24 Nda a'dona 'da mbararo ndra. Nda perena vo 'da kozipara, ago ŋgase nda kabe oyena osana ndi mina ya. Nda tufuna lidri mbaraekye ndi lidri Lu modo robe 'da. 25 Tauni ŋgaodo ndaro rosi, nda odona ŋga 'da ŋgaodo amba si, ago a'dona 'da driuŋgyi be. Nda tufuna lidri amba 'da teinye miomba ozo ako. Nda ogbona kpa 'da ca 'bädri'ba se para ndrani 'bädri'bai azi cini drisi 'do be, oko äfuna nda 'da oko ko mbara lidri rosi. 26 Rulofo tori olo tandrole ndi kyenoŋbo be ro se iti tana be miri ana orivoya endaro. Oko be miri ta rulofo ono ro o'bane a'done ta ndrwi ro, tana tuna se a'doza u'duna kadri oyi madaro.”
27 Ma Daniele ma'dote märäyiro ago adravoro u'duna amba. 'Dooko maŋgate magote losi se 'bädri'ba kozobe märi ana oyene, oko rulofo se ana tana 'ba mate a'done wiriwiriro, ago mäni takacina kote.