The Destruction of Israel
1 How terrible it will be for you that have such an easy life in Zion and for you that feel safe in Samaria—you great leaders of this great nation Israel, you to whom the people go for help! 2 Go and look at the city of Calneh. Then go on to the great city of Hamath and on down to the Philistine city of Gath. Were they any better than the kingdoms of Judah and Israel? Was their territory larger than yours? 3 You refuse to admit that a day of disaster is coming, but what you do only brings that day closer. 4 How terrible it will be for you that stretch out on your luxurious couches, feasting on veal and lamb! 5 You like to compose songs, as David did, and play them on harps. 6 You drink wine by the bowlful and use the finest perfumes, but you do not mourn over the ruin of Israel. 7 So you will be the first to go into exile. Your feasts and banquets will come to an end.
8 The Sovereign Lord Almighty has given this solemn warning: “I hate the pride of the people of Israel; I despise their luxurious mansions. I will give their capital city and everything in it to the enemy.”
9 If there are ten men left in a family, they will die. 10 The dead man's relative, the one in charge of the funeral, will take the body out of the house. The relative will call to whoever is still left in the house, “Is anyone else there with you?”
The person will answer, “No!”
Then the relative will say, “Be quiet! We must be careful not even to mention the Lord's name.”
11 When the Lord gives the command, houses large and small will be smashed to pieces. 12 Do horses gallop on rocks? Does anyone plow the sea with oxen? Yet you have turned justice into poison, and right into wrong.
13 You brag about capturing the town of Lodebar. You boast, “We were strong enough to take Karnaim.”
14 The Lord God Almighty himself says, “People of Israel, I am going to send a foreign army to occupy your country. It will oppress you from Hamath Pass in the north to the Brook of the Arabah in the south.”
Pere Yisaraele ro
1 Ami te kandrakozi ya, ami se nyàbe ori rritiako lorina Zaiona ya ago ami se nyàbe ori londroro Samaria ya kwoi, ami lidri 'desi tu'de Yisaraele ro ro ono, ami se lidri Yisaraele ro kabe ukyi amire ŋgaopa ta ono! 2 Nyòyi ago mìndrevo 'bakici Kaleme ro dri. Ago ni nasi nyòyi 'bakici 'desi Amata roya ago nyòyi te le Gata 'bakici Felesete'bai roya. Inye'do ànya orivoya kadopara ndrani miri 'bädri'bai Yuda ndi Yisaraele be ro ri ya? Kode inye'do wari ànyaro orivoya 'desi ndrani wari amiro drisi ya? 3 Migazo tuse koziro kabe ikyi ono ro, oko tase nyàbe oyena ono si nyà tuse koziro ono iswena lototi. 4 Ami te kandrakozi be ami se nyàbe u'du kitapara liwasi ro dri, ago nyàbe ami pere u'duvo drisi iyi. Nyà karama oye timele ombato'diro ndi raŋga tii yibe si ono! 5 Nyà loŋgo hwihwi kudi si, oso Dawidi koyebe ronye, ago anya o'bina kudi si. 6 Nyà vino umvu dooi si ago nyà ido tägyibe lopi ami lomvosi, oko nyà'do kote tusuro ta pere Yisaraele rota. 7 Ka'do inye nyà'dona ni lidri se käti oyine midiro owo. Karamai amiro ndi u'du vurusi amiro be okyena 'da.
8 OPI Lu Mbaraekye 'ba ta te äṛusi ànyari ekye: “Ya maro orivoya osoro ta driuŋgyi lidri Yisaraele ro ro ta; ago ya maro orivoya osoro zo 'desii ànyaro lomvo. Mozona 'bakici 'desi ànyaro ndi ŋgase cini kigye be 'da kyila'baazi ànyaro ri.”
9 Ondro ka'do lidri 'butealo ke'bete orivoya katidri alo ya, ànya todranayi 'da. 10 Ago 'didiri 'dina 'do ro se kabe nda ose 'do uŋgyina avo ndaro 'da tesi ni zo yasi. 'Didiri na 'do ejina 'dise ke'bebe drigba zoya ya 'do 'da ekye: “Inye'do 'diaza dri gindi 'du mibe iga ya?” Manona 'do ozana tadri 'da ekye: “Hwa, te i'do!” 'Dooko 'didiri se ana atana 'da ekye: “Nya'do titiro! Beṛo ko ämäri ävuru OPI ro uzine.”
11 Ondro OPI kozo ota te oko, eperena zoi 'desiro 'da ronyoronyo ndi zoi giṛiŋwà ro be. 12 Inye'do farasii lämuyi gindi luutui drisi ya? Inye'do lidri so gyi'desi ndi ämvu ro 'daŋgoi si ya? Caoko nyòtoza ta'diri te äṛiro, ago nyòtoza taŋgye te koziro.
13 Nyà riyä oye ta uru 'ba'desi Lodebara rota. Nyà ata mìkye: “Märu Karenaima te ämäri mbara amaro si.”
14 OPI Lu Mbaraekye ekye: “Ami lidri Yisaraele ro, ma oye tu'dei aza eŋgane kyila oyene ami be. Ànya ezanayi ami 'da ṛoni Lävu vo Amata ya yasi le goloŋwa Araba ro ya.”