The Seven Helpers
1 Some time later, as the number of disciples kept growing, there was a quarrel between the Greek-speaking Jews and the native Jews. The Greek-speaking Jews claimed that their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution of funds. 2 So the twelve apostles called the whole group of believers together and said, “It is not right for us to neglect the preaching of God's word in order to handle finances. 3 So then, friends, choose seven men among you who are known to be full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, and we will put them in charge of this matter. 4 We ourselves, then, will give our full time to prayer and the work of preaching.”
5 The whole group was pleased with the apostles' proposal, so they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, and Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolaus, a Gentile from Antioch who had earlier been converted to Judaism. 6 The group presented them to the apostles, who prayed and placed their hands on them.
7 And so the word of God continued to spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem grew larger and larger, and a great number of priests accepted the faith.
The Arrest of Stephen
8 Stephen, a man richly blessed by God and full of power, performed great miracles and wonders among the people. 9 But he was opposed by some men who were members of the synagogue of the Freedmen (as it was called), which had Jews from Cyrene and Alexandria. They and other Jews from the provinces of Cilicia and Asia started arguing with Stephen. 10 But the Spirit gave Stephen such wisdom that when he spoke, they could not refute him. 11 So they bribed some men to say, “We heard him speaking against Moses and against God!” 12 In this way they stirred up the people, the elders, and the teachers of the Law. They seized Stephen and took him before the Council. 13 Then they brought in some men to tell lies about him. “This man,” they said, “is always talking against our sacred Temple and the Law of Moses. 14 We heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will tear down the Temple and change all the customs which have come down to us from Moses!” 15 All those sitting in the Council fixed their eyes on Stephen and saw that his face looked like the face of an angel.
Onji 'Diopa'bai Njidrieri ro
1 Tu fere vosi ondro oti taeri'bai ro kugu liti oko, kalaope a'dote lakole Yudai se kabe Giriki ata roya ndi Yudai se vokuzupi iyi be. Yudai se kabe Giriki ata atayite ekye ävuzii ànyaro ati tana kote ŋgaonya lanji se abe lanjina ondoalo ya. 2 Ta'doro lazo'bai 'butealo foritu ziyi gboko taoma'bai rote voaloya ago atayite ekye: “Ko kado ämäri ata Lu ro opena e'bene ta ŋgaonya lanji rota. 3 Ka'do inye, ädrupii, minji lidri njidrieri ni ami lakosi se uniuniro twi Tori Alokado be ago tavouni be, ago ma'bana ànya 'da a'done dri'ba losi ono ro. 4 'Dooko andivo amaro, mozona saa amaro ambana 'da mätu ndi losi taope robe ugu oyene ayani.”
5 Gboko cini a'dote yai'dwesi ta lazo'bai katabe ono rota, ago ànya njiyi Setepano te, mano taoma amba be ago Tori Alokado be, ago Filipo, Porokoru, Nikanora, Timono, Parumona, ndi Nikolau se orivoya Atra yi ni Anetiokia ya se tozayite Yudai ro ṛo kyeno. 6 Gboko ezi ànya te lazo'bai re, se mätuyite ago 'bayi drí ànyaro te ànya drisi.
7 Ago ata Lu ro larirute 'duro. Oti taeri'bai ro Yerusalema ya ugu litite amba, du, ago lowa amba kohanii ro mayi ta te.
Uru Setepano ro
8 Setepano, orivoya mano se Lu äṛute ago orivoya twi mbara be, ye talaro ro amba te ndi rubä be lidri lako. 9 Oko lidri azaka a'dote kyilaro nda be se ni gboko zoitaeriro Lidri Dritai ro ro yasi (oso äzibe ronye), se orivoya Yudai ni Kurene ndi Alegezandria yasi be. Ànya ndi Yudai azaka ni wari Silisia ro ndi Asia ro yasi be etoyi kaladiṛi te Setepano be. 10 Oko Tori ozo tavouni te Setepano ri tana ondro nda katate oko, ànya niyi kote kaladiṛine nda be. 11 Ago ànya gyeyi mi lidri azaka rote ta atane ekye: “Mèrite nda ka ugu ta ata Musa lomvo ndi Lu be!” 12 Ta ono ta ànya eŋgayi ya lidri rote, 'di'desii be ndi miemba'bai Ota robe. Ànya ruyi Setepano te ago uguyi nda te taäyi'bai kandra. 13 'Dooko ànya eziyi lidri azaka te ta itine kowero nda lomvo; ànya atayite ekye: Mano gi ono, ondoalo ka ugu ta ata Yekalu alokado ndi Ota Musa robe lomvo. 14 Meri nda ka ata ekye: “Yesu gi Nazareta ro ono perena Yekalu 'da riya ago lutwena la'bi cini se ocopebe ämäri ni Musa resi 'da!” 15 'Dise cini koribe vo taäyi roya kai edreyi mi ànyaro te Setepano dri, ago ndreyi mi ndaro labate oso mi malaika ro ronye.