The Case against Paul
1 Five days later the High Priest Ananias went to Caesarea with some elders and a lawyer named Tertullus. They appeared before Governor Felix and made their charges against Paul. 2 Then Paul was called in, and Tertullus began to make his accusation, as follows:
“Your Excellency! Your wise leadership has brought us a long period of peace, and many necessary reforms are being made for the good of our country. 3 We welcome this everywhere and at all times, and we are deeply grateful to you. 4 I do not want to take up too much of your time, however, so I beg you to be kind and listen to our brief account. 5 We found this man to be a dangerous nuisance; he starts riots among Jews all over the world and is a leader of the party of the Nazarenes. 6 He also tried to defile the Temple, and we arrested him. 8 If you question this man, you yourself will be able to learn from him all the things that we are accusing him of.” 9 The Jews joined in the accusation and said that all this was true.
Paul's Defense before Felix
10 The governor then motioned to Paul to speak, and Paul said,
“I know that you have been a judge over this nation for many years, and so I am happy to defend myself before you. 11 As you can find out for yourself, it was no more than twelve days ago that I went to Jerusalem to worship. 12 The Jews did not find me arguing with anyone in the Temple, nor did they find me stirring up the people, either in the synagogues or anywhere else in the city. 13 Nor can they give you proof of the accusations they now bring against me. 14 I do admit this to you: I worship the God of our ancestors by following that Way which they say is false. But I also believe in everything written in the Law of Moses and the books of the prophets. 15 I have the same hope in God that these themselves have, namely, that all people, both the good and the bad, will rise from death. 16 And so I do my best always to have a clear conscience before God and people.
17 “After being away from Jerusalem for several years, I went there to take some money to my own people and to offer sacrifices. 18 It was while I was doing this that they found me in the Temple after I had completed the ceremony of purification. There was no crowd with me and no disorder. 19 But some Jews from the province of Asia were there; they themselves ought to come before you and make their accusations if they have anything against me. 20 Or let these who are here tell what crime they found me guilty of when I stood before the Council— 21 except for the one thing I called out when I stood before them: ‘I am being tried by you today for believing that the dead will rise to life.’”
22 Then Felix, who was well informed about the Way, brought the hearing to a close. “When the commander Lysias arrives,” he told them, “I will decide your case.” 23 He ordered the officer in charge of Paul to keep him under guard, but to give him some freedom and allow his friends to provide for his needs.
Paul before Felix and Drusilla
24 After some days Felix came with his wife Drusilla, who was Jewish. He sent for Paul and listened to him as he talked about faith in Christ Jesus. 25 But as Paul went on discussing about goodness, self-control, and the coming Day of Judgment, Felix was afraid and said, “You may leave now. I will call you again when I get the chance.” 26 At the same time he was hoping that Paul would give him some money; and for this reason he would call for him often and talk with him.
27 After two years had passed, Porcius Festus succeeded Felix as governor. Felix wanted to gain favor with the Jews so he left Paul in prison.
Yudai Kicuyi Paulo te
1 U'du nji vosi oko Anania Kohani Fopara oyite Kaisaria ya rukä 'di'desii robe ago ota uni'ba aza se äzite Teretulu ana be. Ànya edreyite Wari'ba Felikisi kandra ago itiyitate Paulo lomvo. 2 'Dooko äzi Paulo te zo ya, ago Teretulu eto nda kicute, nonye ekye: “Mi 'desi se kado para! Tavouni miro a'doro dri'ba ro ono 'ba marite liatokpero tuna te amba, ago ŋga kado amba ayete ta kado 'bädri amaro rota. 3 Màle taliatokpe ono ri a'done ago tu cini si, ago maye aro'boya amba miri.
4 “Male ko saa miro enjine amba, caoko, ma mi eji yauni si ago ta amaro erine aree. 5 Musu mano ono te 'di koziro rriti ozoozoro, nda 'ba Yudai te amone kyilaro 'bädri cini yasi, ago nda kpani dri'ba gboko Nazareta'bai ro. 6 Nda ojo kpate Yekalu enjine, ago märu nda te. 8 Ondro nyeji mano ono te, mi andivo minina ŋgase cini mìkicu nda be tana ro tana 'da ni nda resi.” 9 Yudai letadri ŋga kicu ono rote ago atayite ekye, ta cini ono orivoya taŋgye yi.
Paulo ka yi Gaga Ata si Felikisi Kandra
10 'Dooko Wari'ba atate Paulo ri ta itine, ago Paulo atate ekye:
“Mänite mirite vureope'ba ro Tu'de ono dri ndroa na amba, ago ma orivoya yai'dwesi ta andivo maro ro itine mi kandra. 11 Andivo miro mini ṛote, u'duna ko ndrani 'butealo foritu drisi moyite Yerusalema ya mätune. 12 Yudai usuyi ma kote ugu kaladiṛivoya 'dialo aza be Yekalu ya, usuyi ma kpa ko ugu ya lidri ro eŋgavoya, ca zoitaeriro ya kode ca 'bakici ya. 13 Ànya ka'dayi taŋgye tase ànya kikicuyi mabe tana ro kpa ko miri. 14 Ma ta ono o'bane unine miri: Ma Lu zutui amaro ro mätuna ugu oso si Liti Opi ro se ànya ekye kowe yi ono vo. Oko mama kpate ŋgase cini egyibe Ota Musa roya ago bukui nebii roya ono ya. 15 Ma kpa mio'ba alo ono be Lu ya oso ànya se kwoi ka'do be sina ronye, anjioko lidri se äzibe kado ago kozi efona 'da ni avo yasi. 16 Ago ma andivo mojote ondoalo a'done tavousu ŋgye ya robe Lu kandra ndi lidri be.
17 “Ndroa amba a'do maro i'do Yerusalema ya vosi, moyite lau parata ugune lidri modo maro ri ago kpa tori olone. 18 Ondro ma ugu ta ono oye nonye oko, ànya usuyi ma te Yekalu ya la'bi 'diwäṛiro ondena märi vosi owo. Lowa i'do mabe ago tagburu i'do. 19 Oko rukä Yudai ro ni wari Asia ro yasi orivoya lau; andivo ànyaro beṛo ikyine mikandra ànya kikicuyi ma robe ondro ànya ka'doyite ta aza be malomvo owo. 20 Kode lidri gi noŋwa kwoi kitiyi taenji se ànya kusuyibe mayebe koziro tuse medrete Taäyi'bai kandra ana si, 21 e'be gialo ta alodi medrete tuse medrete ànya kandra ana si makye: ‘Nya vure maro opena ondro ono ta taoma se ekye avo efona 'da ono rota.’ ”
22 'Dooko Felikisi se ni ta Liti Opi ro ono ṛote, shwe tu te mileya. Atate ànyari ekye: “Ondro otaozo'ba kyila'bai ro Lusia kesate oko, marana tu vure ro 'da.” 23 Nda ta dri'ba kyila'bai ro se kabe vo Paulo ro ondre ana te nda gagane, ago dritai ozone ndäri ago ole ozone bereazii ndaro ri ŋga ozone ta lemeri ndaro rota.
Paulo, Felikisi ndi Durusila be Kandra
24 U'du fere vosi oko Felikisi ikyite toko ndaro Durusila be, se orivoya Yuda yi. Nda zo lazo te Paulo vo ago eri ta ndaro te ondro nda ka ugu ta iti ta taoma Kristo Yesu ya rota owo. 25 Oko ondro Paulo kugu ta iti te ta takado rota, ta andivo rita rota, ago ikyi Tu Vureopero rota oko, Felikisi a'dote turituri ro ago atate ekye: “Yauono nyoyi amiro ri, mago mäzina mi 'da ondro manji tuna te owo.” 26 Ago tausu ya nda orivoya mio'ba be ekye Paulo ozona parata 'da iri tana ta ono ro nda zi Paulo te ondoalo atane nda be.
27 Ndroa ritu kälävute oko Porekio Feseto gorite vo Felikisi roya wari'ba ro. Oko tana Felikisi le Yudai i'dwene ndi nda e'be Paulo te 'du kamba ya.