Hushai Misleads Absalom
1 Not long after that, Ahithophel said to Absalom, “Let me choose twelve thousand men, and tonight I will set out after David. 2 I will attack him while he is tired and discouraged. He will be frightened, and all his men will run away. I will kill only the king 3 and then bring back all his men to you, like a bride returning to her husband. You want to kill only one man; the rest of the people will be safe.” 4 This seemed like good advice to Absalom and all the Israelite leaders.
5 Absalom said, “Now call Hushai, and let us hear what he has to say.” 6 When Hushai arrived, Absalom said to him, “This is the advice that Ahithophel has given us; shall we follow it? If not, you tell us what to do.”
7 Hushai answered, “The advice Ahithophel gave you this time is no good. 8 You know that your father David and his men are hard fighters and that they are as fierce as a mother bear robbed of her cubs. Your father is an experienced soldier and does not stay with his men at night. 9 Right now he is probably hiding in a cave or some other place. As soon as David attacks your men, whoever hears about it will say that your men have been defeated. 10 Then even the bravest men, as fearless as lions, will be afraid because everyone in Israel knows that your father is a great soldier and that his men are hard fighters. 11 My advice is that you bring all the Israelites together from one end of the country to the other, as many as the grains of sand on the seashore, and that you lead them personally in battle. 12 We will find David wherever he is, and attack him before he knows what's happening. Neither he nor any of his men will survive. 13 If he retreats into a city, our people will all bring ropes and just pull the city into the valley below. Not a single stone will be left there on top of the hill.”
14 Absalom and all the Israelites said, “Hushai's advice is better than Ahithophel's.” The Lord had decided that Ahithophel's good advice would not be followed, so that disaster would come on Absalom.
David Is Warned and Escapes
15 Then Hushai told the priests Zadok and Abiathar what advice he had given to Absalom and the Israelite leaders and what advice Ahithophel had given. 16 Hushai added, “Quick, now! Send a message to David not to spend the night at the river crossings in the wilderness, but to cross the Jordan at once, so that he and his men won't all be caught and killed.”
17 Abiathar's son Jonathan and Zadok's son Ahimaaz were waiting at the spring of Enrogel, on the outskirts of Jerusalem, because they did not dare be seen entering the city. A servant woman would regularly go and tell them what was happening, and then they would go and tell King David. 18 But one day a boy happened to see them, and he told Absalom; so they hurried off to hide in the house of a certain man in Bahurim. He had a well near his house, and they got down in it. 19 The man's wife took a covering, spread it over the opening of the well and scattered grain over it, so that no one would notice anything. 20 Absalom's officials came to the house and asked the woman, “Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan?”
“They crossed the river,” she answered.
The men looked for them but could not find them, and so they returned to Jerusalem. 21 After they left, Ahimaaz and Jonathan came up out of the well and went and reported to King David. They told him what Ahithophel had planned against him and said, “Hurry up and cross the river.” 22 So David and his men started crossing the Jordan, and by daybreak they had all gone across.
23 When Ahithophel saw that his advice had not been followed, he saddled his donkey and went back to his hometown. After putting his affairs in order, he hanged himself. He was buried in the family grave.
24 David had reached the town of Mahanaim by the time Absalom and the Israelites had crossed the Jordan. ( 25 Absalom had put Amasa in command of the army in the place of Joab. Amasa was the son of Jether the Ishmaelite; his mother was Abigail, the daughter of Nahash and the sister of Joab's mother Zeruiah.) 26 Absalom and his men camped in the land of Gilead.
27 When David arrived at Mahanaim, he was met by Shobi son of Nahash, from the city of Rabbah in Ammon, and by Machir son of Ammiel, from Lodebar, and by Barzillai, from Rogelim in Gilead. 28-29 They brought bowls, clay pots, and bedding, and also food for David and his men: wheat, barley, meal, roasted grain, beans, peas, honey, cheese, cream, and some sheep. They knew that David and his men would get hungry, thirsty, and tired in the wilderness.
Usai Wiri Abisolomo te
1 Aitofele atate Abisolomo ri ekye: “Mi'ba ma lidri kutu 'butealo foritu (12,000) onjine, maso ro be Dawidi vo ŋgäkyi ono si. 2 Ondro nda ka'dote rritiro ago kokote oko matana vo ndaro ndi, ago ma'bana nda 'da a'done turituri ro ago lidri se cini orivoya nda be umuna 'da. Mäfuna toto 'bädri'ba ayani, 3 ago mologona lidri cini ndaro 'da kovole miri oso toko agyebe ka ikyi 'bäru ago anyaro re ronye. Mifu toto mano alodi ayani, ago anjoko lidri cini ro kori robe tokpe.” 4 Ago ata se ono tana si Abisolomo te ndi dri'bai cini Yisaraele robe.
5 'Dooko Abisolomo atate ekye: “Äzi Usai Akite'ba kpa, ago mì'de mèri tase nda kabe atana kpa.” 6 Ondro Usai kikyite Abisolomo re oko, Abisolomo iti tase cini Aitofele katabe ana te ndäri ago eji nda te ekye: “Inye'do màye tase nda katabe riya? Ondro ko inye, nyata tase nyusu miro be.”
7 'Dooko Usai atate Abisolomo ri ekye: “Ta gi Aitofele katabe oyene tu ono si ono ko kado.” 8 Usai ugu atate nonye, ekye: “Minite täpi miro ndi lidri ndaro be lidri mbaraekye yi, ànya orivoya kyilaro oso mänyisile vocowa ro se äru ŋgwa na be ronye. Azana, täpi miro orivoya tauni kyila robe; nda unina ko u'dune vuru kyila'bai ndaro be. 9 Mindre, ca yauono a'dona nda orivoya yi da'doda'do ro kugyi ya, kode vo azaka ya. Ondro ka'do rukä lidri ro äfute kyila käti ya 'dise kabe tana erina atana ṛo ekye: ‘'Ditufu orivoya lidri se sobe Abisolomo vo lako.’ 10 'Dooko ca mano turiako, se yana osoro ya ibi ro ronye, yana a'dona 'da twi turi be; tana Yisaraele'bai cini nite täpi miro orivoya mano mbaraekye yi, ago kyila'bai se orivoya nda be kayi orivoya lidri turiako yi. 11 Oko tausu maro anjioko miri kala Yisaraele'bai cini ro kwotone mire, ni Dana yasi le Beraseba ya, lowa ka'dote otiako oso siŋgwa gyi'desi ro ronye oko, 'dooko modo miro nyoyi robe ànya be kyila ya. 12 'Dooko ämäri oyine Dawidi dri vo aza se usuna nda ndi kigye ya, ago maladana ndi nda dri oso nduruṛi kabe loti gyini dri ronye; 'diaza e'bene lidriidri ro i'do alona, nda ndi 'dise cini kosobe ndavo be. 13 Ondro nda kumute 'bakici aza ya, 'dooko Yisaraele'bai cini ri ikyine roṛi be 'bakici na 'do ya, ago mesena 'bakici na 'do gwo vodelero ya, madale ca kuniŋwa aza anyaro e'bene lau i'do.”
14 Ago Abisolomo ndi lidri cini Yisaraele robe atayite ekye: “Ta Usai Akite'ba ro orivoya kadopara ni ta Aitofele ro ri.” Tana OPI 'ba tana ni ta ata kado Aitofele ro oganezo, tana OPI kezi rueza robe Abisolomo dri.
Usai Emba mi Dawidi rote
15 'Dooko Usai iti tase cini Aitofele katabe Abisolomo ndi dri'bai Yisaraele robe ri ana tana te kohanii Zadoka ndi Abiatara be ri, ago iti ta se nda modo katabe kpate. 16 Ago Usai ata te ekye: “Mizo lazo ndrindri Dawidi ri ago nyiti ta ndäri mikye: ‘Ŋgäkyi ono si miri ko goloŋwà vocowa roya, oko miza drî Golo Yaradene ro tasi nasi ndriro; ukyi äfu 'bädri'ba 'da ndi kyila'bai se cini nda be ono be.’ ”
17 Jonatana ndi Aimaza be riyite ta kwotene Enerogela ya, vose ruindu'ba ŋguti ro kabe oyi ta itine ànyari kigye ya, tana ànya koyi robe tase ka'dobe tana itine 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ri; tana beṛo ko ànyari andivo ànyaro o'bane ondrene ecivoya 'bakici ya. 18 Oko tu alo aza si agoŋwa aza ndre ànya te, ago iti tana te Abisolomo ri; ago ànya riti oyite ndrindri ruda'done zo mano aza roya Baurima ya, se nda orivoya koro be goko ndaro ya; ago ànya ciyite kigye. 19 Toko mano ana ro ru ŋga ŋgadri takoro te ago tako kala koro rote, ago lara inya te driigye; ago äni ta aza kote tana ro. 20 Ondro ruindu'bai Abisolomo ro kikyite zo ya toko ana re oko ejiyi tate ekye: “Aimaza ndi Jonatana be gaŋwaro ya?”
Ago toko ana atate ànyari ekye: “Ànya zayite golo tasi.”
Ago ondro kuṛiyi ànya te ago niyi kote ànya usune oko, ànya egoyite kovole Yerusalema ya.
21 Oyi ànyaro vosi oko, Aimaza ndi Jonatana be efoyite ni koro yasi, ago oyiyite ago itiyi tate 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ri. Ago ànya itiyi tase Aitofele äyibe nda lomvo ana tana te ndäri; ago ànya atayite ndäri ekye: “Miŋga, miza drî golo ro ndrindri.” 22 'Dooko Dawidi ŋgate, ndi lidri se cini nda be ana be, ago zayidrî Golo Yaradene rote, 'buzevo osivoya 'diaza alo e'be kote ozaako Golo Yaradene tasi nasi.
23 Ondro Aitofele kondrete tase nda katabe aso kote voigye oko, nda tute doŋgyi ndaro dri, ago oyite kovole 'bakici modo ndaro roya. Ago nda päṛikala te katidri ndaro ri, ndi yi andivo ndaro te, ago nda drate, ndi ase nda te 'budri täpi ndaro roya.
24 'Dooko Dawidi ikyite 'ba'desi Mahanaima ya. Ago Abisolomo ndi lidri cini Yisaraele ro se nda be ana be zayidri Golo Yaradene rote. 25 Ago Abisolomo 'ba Amasa te otaozo'ba 'desi ro kyila'bai dri vo Yoaba roya. Amasa orivoya ŋgwa mano aza ävuruna Itera ro, nda Isa maele'ba yi, endre ndaro ni Abigaila ŋguti Naasa ro, endreŋwa Zeruya, endre Yoaba ro ro. 26 Yisaraele'bai ndi Abisolomo be otoyi gawa te wari Gilada roya.
27 Ondro Dawidi kikyite Mahanaima ya oko, Sobei ŋgwaagoro Naasa ro ni 'bakici Raba se Amona ya yasi, Makira ŋgwa Amiele ro ni Lodebara yasi, ago Baruzilai ni Rogelima se Gilada ya ana yasi be, 28 eziyi kitapara, deŋbele, lakazà ludri ro, kyifo, kaaza, kyira, diri lusilusiro, kwoso ndi duduṛu be, 29 epe, muruṛu leyi ro, timele ndi idokosa ni äṛi voŋgaro ro yasi be te, onyane Dawidi ri ndi lidri se nda be be. Tana ànya atayite ekye: “Lidri orivoya täbiri ro ago gyilu be ago rritiro vocowa ya.”