David Learns of Saul's Death
1 After Saul's death David came back from his victory over the Amalekites and stayed in Ziklag for two days. 2 The next day a young man arrived from Saul's camp. To show his grief, he had torn his clothes and put dirt on his head. He went to David and bowed to the ground in respect. 3 David asked him, “Where have you come from?”
“I have escaped from the Israelite camp,” he answered.
4 “Tell me what happened,” David said.
“Our army ran away from the battle,” he replied, “and many of our men were killed. Saul and his son Jonathan were also killed.”
5 “How do you know that Saul and Jonathan are dead?” David asked him.
6 He answered, “I happened to be on Mount Gilboa, and I saw that Saul was leaning on his spear and that the chariots and cavalry of the enemy were closing in on him. 7 Then he turned around, saw me, and called to me. I answered, ‘Yes, sir!’ 8 He asked who I was, and I told him that I was an Amalekite. 9 Then he said, ‘Come here and kill me! I have been badly wounded, and I'm about to die.’ 10 So I went up to him and killed him, because I knew that he would die anyway as soon as he fell. Then I took the crown from his head and the bracelet from his arm, and I have brought them to you, sir.”
11 David tore his clothes in sorrow, and all his men did the same. 12 They grieved and mourned and fasted until evening for Saul and Jonathan and for Israel, the people of the Lord, because so many had been killed in battle.
13 David asked the young man who had brought him the news, “Where are you from?”
He answered, “I'm an Amalekite, but I live in your country.”
14 David asked him, “How is it that you dared kill the Lord's chosen king?” 15 Then David called one of his men and said, “Kill him!” The man struck the Amalekite and mortally wounded him, 16 and David said to the Amalekite, “You brought this on yourself. You condemned yourself when you confessed that you killed the one whom the Lord chose to be king.”
David's Lament for Saul and Jonathan
17 David sang this lament for Saul and his son Jonathan, 18 and ordered it to be taught to the people of Judah. (It is recorded in The Book of Jashar.)

19 “On the hills of Israel our leaders are dead!
The bravest of our soldiers have fallen!
20 Do not announce it in Gath
or in the streets of Ashkelon.
Do not make the women of Philistia glad;
do not let the daughters of pagans rejoice.

21 “May no rain or dew fall on Gilboa's hills;
may its fields be always barren!
For the shields of the brave lie there in disgrace;
the shield of Saul is no longer polished with oil.
22 Jonathan's bow was deadly,
the sword of Saul was merciless,
striking down the mighty, killing the enemy.

23 “Saul and Jonathan, so wonderful and dear;
together in life, together in death;
swifter than eagles, stronger than lions.

24 “Women of Israel, mourn for Saul!
He clothed you in rich scarlet dresses
and adorned you with jewels and gold.

25 “The brave soldiers have fallen,
they were killed in battle.
Jonathan lies dead in the hills.

26 “I grieve for you, my brother Jonathan;
how dear you were to me!
How wonderful was your love for me,
better even than the love of women.

27 “The brave soldiers have fallen,
their weapons abandoned and useless.”
Dawidi ka Odra Saulo ro Tana eri
1 Odra Saulo ro vosi, Ondro Dawidi kegote ni kyila ndaro Amaleka'bai opero ṛe yasi oko, nda rite u'du ritu Zikelaga ya. 2 Ago u'du nina si oko, mano aza ikyite ni gawa Saulo ro yasi, boŋgo lewalewa robe ago durufu be drî ndaro ya. Ago ondro nda kikyite Dawidi re oko, nda 'dete gyini dri taoro si. 3 Dawidi eji nda te ekye: “Nyikyi ni eŋwaroya?”
Ago nda atate ndäri ekye: “Mapavote ni gawa Yisaraele ro yasi.”
4 Ago Dawidi atate ndäri ekye: “Ta e'diro a'do niya? Nyiti tana märi.”
Ago nda zatadrite ekye: “Kyila'bai amaro mute ni kyila yasi, ago amba kyila'bai ro todrate kyila ya. Saulo ndi ŋgwa ndaro Jonatana be dra kpate.”
5 'Dooko Dawidi atate mano ombato'di se kiti ta be ndäri ana ri ekye: “Mini eŋwanye ekye Saulo ndi ŋgwa ndaro Jonatana be drate ya?”
6 Ago mano ombato'di se kiti ta be ndäri ana atate ndäri ekye: “Ta 'do ka a'do oko kandrakado ro ma ṛo orivoya 'Bereŋwa Gileboa dri; ago mandre Saulo te ru ätivoya äzu ndaro dri; ago arabia kyila ro ndi farasi'bai be ru'du'duvoya nda dri. 7 Ago ondro nda kondrevote nda kundu oko, nda ndre ma te, ago zi ma te. Ago mazatadrite makye: Ma begi ono 'desi. 8 Ndi nda ejimate ekye: ‘Mi a'di owo ya?’ Ago matate makye: ‘Ma orivoya Amaleka'ba yi.’ 9 Ago nda atate märi ekye: ‘Nyikyi noŋwa ago mifu anjoko maro; tana ä'di mate koziro ago ma oyete odrane.’ 10 Ndi moyite ndare, ago mäfu nda te, tana mänite endaro edre gi nda kedrebe ana nda ko'dete ndäri adrine voigyesi te i'do. 'Dooko märu tagyia se drî ndaro ya ana te ndi kati se kufu ndaro ya be, ago mezi ànya teni miri no 'desi maro.”
11 'Dooko Dawidi ru boŋgo ndaro te, ago towa ànya te, ago mànoago se cini nda be ye kpate inye. 12 Ànya 'beyi kuku te ago liyiyite, ago akpayite madale tandrolero ta Saulo ndi Jonatana ŋgwa ndaro robe ro ta ago ta kyila'bai OPI ro ndi katidri Yisaraele robe ta, tana utufu ànya te kyila ya. 13 Ago Dawidi atate mano ombato'di se kiti ta be ndäri ana ri ekye: “Mi ni eŋwasiya?”
Ago nda zatadrite ekye: “Ma orivoya ŋgwa 'diatra ro ro, Amaleka'ba yi.”
14 Ndi Dawidi atate ndäri ekye: Tana e'di mi'de ko a'done turituri ro drì miro eŋgavoya 'di äṛuäṛu OPI ro ufuvoya niya? 15 'Dooko Dawidi zi alo aza màno ombato'di se kedrebe lau ana ro te ago atate rigye ekye: Nyoyi, ago mifu nda. Ago nda 'di Amaleka'ba ana te ago drate. 16 Ago Dawidi atate Amaleka'ba ana ri ekye: “Kari miro kori ndi midri; tana kala modo miro ro edretazevo gini milomvo mikye: ‘Mäfu 'di äṛuäṛu OPI roni.’ ”
Liyi Dawidi ro Saulo ndi Jonatana be ta
17 Ago Dawidi nya ciri ono te Saulo ndi Jonatana ŋgwa ndaro be ta, 18 ago nda ozo ota te Ciri ono embane lidri Yuda ro ri. Egyi tana te Buku Jasara roya.

19 “Äye Yisaraele, äfu dri'bai miro te lutui miro dri,
màno mbaraekye kyila ro 'dete ändri!
20 Nyiti tana ko Gata ya,
nyalari tana ko litiŋwai Asekelona ro yasi;
ukyi ndiriŋwa Felesete'bai ro oyeyi riyä 'da;
ukyi ndiriŋwa 'di oloako ŋbiṛiro ro ugu kyele 'da.

21 “Ami 'bereŋwai Gileboa ro, nduruṛi koso ko ago 'bu ku'di ko ämidri,
ämvu amiro ka'do ondoalo awi!
Tana ŋga rugaga ro màno mbaraekye kyila ro ro lo'dete lau,
ŋga rugaga ro Saulo ro imbiṛi lomvo na kote tona ido si.

22 “Kusu Jonatana ro ego kote awi teinye kyila'baazi ufu ako amba,
ago bando Saulo ro ri kote awi lidri mbaraekye toga ako.

23 “Saulo ago Jonatana, 'dise uluwu tawi ago äṛu tawi ono!
Ànya leweru kote ori ya ago odra ya;
ànya muyi ndrani ägyiribi drisi, ànya mbarayi ndrani ibi drisi.

24 “Ami ndiriŋwa Yisaraele ro nyiliyi Saulo ta,
se so boŋgo okaro lagyeamba be ni ami lomvo,
se enja boŋgo amiro te ŋga ruegaro ni logo läguläguro yasi si ono.

25 “Màno mbaraekye 'dete ändri,
Ànya 'dete ändri kyila ya!
Jonatana 'dete ändri avo ro lutui Gileboa ro dri.

26 “Ma tusuro ta miro ta, Jonatana ädrupi maro;
Mi orivoya tapara yi märi;
ŋgalu miro märi fondi para,
lävu ŋgalu 'ditoko ro.

27 “Màno mbaraekye kyila ro 'dete ändri,
ago lakazà kyila ro ànyaro te losiako.”